Simone Basso aa27bbe33f
fix(measurex): use same keys of the OONI data format ()
This change should simplify the pipeline's job.

Reference issue:

I previously dismissed this possibility, but now it seems clear it
is simpler to have a very tabular data format internally and to
convert such a format to OONI's data format when serializing.

The OONI data format is what the pipeline expects, but processing
is easier with a more linear/tabular format.
2021-11-05 10:46:45 +01:00

11 KiB

Chapter I: using the system resolver

In this chapter we explain how to measure DNS resolutions performed using the system resolver. En passant, we will also introduce you to the Measurer, which we will use for the rest of the tutorial.

(This file is auto-generated. Do not edit it directly! To apply changes you need to modify ./internal/tutorial/measurex/chapter01/main.go.)

The system resolver

We define "system resolver" as the DNS resolver implemented by the C library. On Unix, the most popular interface to such a resolver is the getaddrinfo(3) C library function.

Most OONI experiments (also known as nettests) use the system resolver to map domain names to IP addresses. The advantage of the system resolver is that it's provided by the system. So, it should generally work. Also, it is the resolver that the user of the system will use every day, therefore its results should be representative (even though the rise of DNS over HTTPS embedded in browsers may make this statement less solid than it were ten years ago).

The disadvantage of the system resolver is that we do not know how it is configured. Say the user has configured a DNS over TLS resolver; then the measurements may miss censorship that we would otherwise see if using a custom DNS resolver.

Now that we have justified why the system resolver is important for OONI, let us perform some measurements with it.

We will first write a simple main.go file that shows how to use this functionality. Then, we will show some runs of this file, and we will comment the output that we see.


We declare the package and import useful packages. The most important package we're importing here is, of course, internal/measurex.

package main

import (


func main() {


We define command line flags useful to test this program. We use the flags package for that. We want the user to be able to configure both the domain name to resolve and the resolution timeout.

	domain := flag.String("domain", "", "domain to resolve")
	timeout := flag.Duration("timeout", 60*time.Second, "timeout to use")

We call flag.Parse to parse the CLI flags.


We create a context and we attach a timeout to it. (This is a pretty standard way of configuring a timeout in Go.)

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), *timeout)
	defer cancel()

Creating a Measurer

Now we create a Measurer.

	mx := measurex.NewMeasurerWithDefaultSettings()

The Measurer is a concrete type that contains many fields requiring initialization. For this reason, we provide a factory that creates one with default settings. The expected usage pattern is that you do not modify a Measurer's field after initialization. Modifying them while the Measurer is in use could, in fact, lead to races.

Let's now invoke the system resolver to resolve *domain!

Invoking the system resolver

We call the LookupHostSystem method of the Measurer. The arguments are the Context, that in this case carries the timeout we configured above, and the domain to resolve.

The call itself is named LookupHost because this is the name used by the Go function that performs a domain lookup.

Under the hood, mx.LookupHostSystem will eventually call (*net.Resolver).LookupHost. In turn, in the common case on Unix, this function will eventually call getaddrinfo(3).

	m := mx.LookupHostSystem(ctx, *domain)

The return value of (*net.Resolver).LookupHost is either a list of IP addresses or an error. Our LookupHostSystem method, instead, returns a *measurex.DNSMeasurement type.

This is probably a good moment to remind you of Go's built in help system. We could include a definition of the DNSMeasurement structure, but since this definition is just a comment in the main.go file, it might age badly.

Instead, if you run

go doc ./internal/measurex.DNSMeasurement

You get the current definition. As you can see, this type is basically just a wrapper around Measurement. Now, checking the docs of Measurement with

go doc ./internal/measurex.Measurement

we can see a container of events classified by event type. In our case, because we're doing a LookupHost, we should have at least one entry inside of the Measurement.LookupHost field.

This entry is of type DNSLookupEvent. Let us check together the definition of this type:

go doc ./internal/measurex.DNSLookupEvent

If you are familiar with the OONI data format specs, you should probably recognize that this structure is the Go representation of the df-002-dnst data format.

In fact, every event field inside of a Measurement should serialize nicely to JSON to one of the OONI data formats.

Printing the measurement

Because there is a close relationship between the events inside a Measurement and the JSON OONI data format, in the remainder of this program we're going to serialize the Measurement to JSON and print it to the standard output.

Rather than serializing the raw Measurement struct, we first convert it to the "archival" format. This is the data format specified at ooni/spec.

	data, err := json.Marshal(measurex.NewArchivalDNSMeasurement(m))
	runtimex.PanicOnError(err, "json.Marshal failed")
	fmt.Printf("%s\n", string(data))

As a final note, the PanicOnError is here because the message m can be marshalled to JSON. It still feels a bit better having an assertion for our assumptions than outrightly ignoring the error code. (We tend to use such a convention quite frequently in the OONI codebase.)


Running the example program

Let us run the program with default arguments first. You can do this operation by running:

go run -race ./internal/tutorial/measurex/chapter01 | jq

Where jq is being used to make the output more presentable.

If you do that you obtain some logging messages, which are out of the scope of this tutorial, and the following JSON:

  "domain": "",
  "queries": [
      "answers": [
          "answer_type": "A",
          "ipv4": ""
      "engine": "system",
      "failure": null,
      "hostname": "",
      "query_type": "A",
      "resolver_address": "",
      "t": 0.002996459,
      "started": 9.8e-05,
      "oddity": ""
      "answers": [
          "answer_type": "AAAA",
          "ivp6": "2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946"
      "engine": "system",
      "failure": null,
      "hostname": "",
      "query_type": "AAAA",
      "resolver_address": "",
      "t": 0.002996459,
      "started": 9.8e-05,
      "oddity": ""

This JSON implements the df-002-dnst OONI data format.

You see that we have two messages here. OONI splits a DNS resolution performed using the system resolver into two "fake" DNS resolutions for A and AAAA. (Under the hood, this is what the system resolver would most likely do.)

The most important fields are:

  • engine, indicating that we are using the "system" resolver;

  • hostname, meaning that we wanted to resolve the "" domain;

  • answers, which contains a list of answers;

  • t, which is the time when the LookupHost operation completed.

NXDOMAIN measurement

Let us now change the domain to resolve to be (a nonexisting domain), which we can do by running this command:

go run -race ./internal/tutorial/measurex/chapter01 -domain | jq

This is the output JSON:

  "domain": "",
  "queries": [
      "answers": null,
      "engine": "system",
      "failure": "dns_nxdomain_error",
      "hostname": "",
      "query_type": "A",
      "resolver_address": "",
      "t": 0.072963834,
      "started": 0.000125417,
      "oddity": "dns.lookup.nxdomain"
      "answers": null,
      "engine": "system",
      "failure": "dns_nxdomain_error",
      "hostname": "",
      "query_type": "AAAA",
      "resolver_address": "",
      "t": 0.072963834,
      "started": 0.000125417,
      "oddity": "dns.lookup.nxdomain"

So we see a failure that says there was indeed an NXDOMAIN error and we also see a field named oddity.

What is an oddity? We define oddity something unexpected thay may be explained by censorship as well as by a transient failure or other normal network conditions. (In this case, the result is perfectly normal since we're looking up a nonexistent domain.)

The difference between failure and oddity is that the failure indicates the error that occurred, while the oddity classifies the error in the context of the operation during which it occurred. (In this case the difference is subtle, but we'll have a better example later, when we'll see what happens on timeout.)

Failures are specified in df-007-errors. Inside the internal/netxlite/errorsx package, there is code that maps Go errors to failures. (The netxlite package is the fundamental network package we use, on top of which measurex is written.)

Measurement with timeout

Let us now try with an insanely low timeout:

go run -race ./internal/tutorial/measurex/chapter01 -timeout 250us | jq

To get this JSON:

  "domain": "",
  "queries": [
      "answers": null,
      "engine": "system",
      "failure": "generic_timeout_error",
      "hostname": "",
      "query_type": "A",
      "resolver_address": "",
      "t": 0.000489167,
      "started": 9.2583e-05,
      "oddity": "dns.lookup.timeout"
      "answers": null,
      "engine": "system",
      "failure": "generic_timeout_error",
      "hostname": "",
      "query_type": "AAAA",
      "resolver_address": "",
      "t": 0.000489167,
      "started": 9.2583e-05,
      "oddity": "dns.lookup.timeout"

You should now better see the difference between a failure and an oddity. The context timeout maps to a generic_timeout_error while the oddity clearly indicates the timeout happens during a DNS lookup. As we mentioned above, the failure is just an error while an oddity is an error put in context.


This is it. We have seen how to measure with the system resolver and we have also seen which easy-to-provoke errors we can get.