3.3 KiB
Command line flags
-h, --help
Display help and exit
Supported: ✅
probe-cli equivalent: -h, --help
-n, --no-collector
Disable writing to collector
Supported: ❌
Priority: high
-N, --no-njson
Disable writing to disk
Supported: ❌
Priority: low
-g, --no-geoip
Disable geoip lookup on start.
Supported: ❌
Priority: low
-s, --list
List the currently installed ooniprobe nettests
Supported: ❌
Priority: low
-w, --web-ui
Start the web UI
Supported: ❌
Priority: wontfix, we have no web UI in probe-cli
-z, --initialize
Initialize ooniprobe to begin running it
Supported: ✅
probe-cli equivalent: ooniprobe onboard
-o, --reportfile PATH_TO_FILE
Specify the report file name to write to.
Supported: ❌
Priority: medium
-i, --testdeck PATH_TO_DECK
Specify as input a test deck: a yaml file containing the tests to run and their arguments.
Supported: ❌
Priority: wontfix, we have no deck support
-c, --collector COLLECTOR_ADDRESS
Specify the address of the collector for test results. In most cases a user will prefer to specify a bouncer over this.
Supported: partially
probe-cli equivalent: edit ooniprobe.conf to specify the collector address in the options
-b, --bouncer BOUNCER_ADDRESS
Specify the bouncer used to obtain the address of the collector and test helpers.
Supported: partially
probe-cli equivalent: edit ooniprobe.conf to specify the bouncer address in the options
-l, --logfile PATH_TO_LOGFILE
Write to this logs to this filename.
Supported: ❌
Priority: medium
-O, --pcapfile PATH_TO_PCAPFILE
Write a PCAP of the ooniprobe session to this filename.
Supported: ❌
Priority: wontfix, we don't have packet capture support in probe-cli
-f, --configfile PATH_TO_CONFIG
Specify a path to the ooniprobe configuration file.
Supported: ✅
probe-cli equivalent: --config
-d, --datadir
Specify a path to the ooniprobe data directory.
Supported: ✅
probe-cli equivalent: set the OONI_HOME
environment variable
-a, --annotations key:value[,key2:value2]
Annotate the report with a key:value[, key:value] format.
Supported: ❌
Priority: high
-P, --preferred-backend onion|https|cloudfront
Set the preferred backend to use when submitting results and/or communicating with test helpers. Can be either onion, https or cloudfront
Supported: ❌
Priority: wontfix, we don't support any other backend beyond https, yet we will
and we would prefer to have the logic of reporting be managed by the probe
itself and not expose this setting.
Run a test deck Supported: ✅ probe-cli equivalent: we now call a test deck a test group and we have them coded into the logic of the client
Run an individual nettest Supported: ❌ Priority: medium
Upload a measurement like
oonireport upload
Supported: ❌ Priority: medium -
Test an individual URL with web_connectivity Supported: ❌ Priority: high
Run tests automatically like
Supported: ❌ Priority: high -
Write custom tests like OONI test templates Supported: ❌ Priority: medium
Packet captures Supported: ❌ Priority: low
Upload measurements using onion services Supported: ❌ Priority: low
Log level support to aid debugging Supported: ❌ Priority: medium
Measurement quota to limit the disk usage Supported: ❌ Priority: high
Failover strategies for uploading measurements (use https then onion then cloudfront) Supported: ❌ Priority: high