Fix preferences response
This commit is contained in:
@ -367,156 +367,154 @@ HTTP Status Code | Scenario
The response is a JSON object with several fields (key-value) pairs representing the application's settings. The contents may vary depending on which settings are present in qBittorrent.ini.
Possible fields:
Property | Type | Description
`locale` | string | Currently selected language (e.g. en_GB for English)
`create_subfolder_enabled` | bool | True if a subfolder should be created when adding a torrent
`start_paused_enabled` | bool | True if torrents should be added in a Paused state
`auto_delete_mode` | integer | TODO
`preallocate_all` | bool | True if disk space should be pre-allocated for all files
`incomplete_files_ext` | bool | True if ".!qB" should be appended to incomplete files
`auto_tmm_enabled` | bool | True if Automatic Torrent Management is enabled by default
`torrent_changed_tmm_enabled` | bool | True if torrent should be relocated when its Category changes
`save_path_changed_tmm_enabled` | bool | True if torrent should be relocated when the default save path changes
`category_changed_tmm_enabled` | bool | True if torrent should be relocated when its Category's save path changes
`save_path` | string | Default save path for torrents, separated by slashes
`temp_path_enabled` | bool | True if folder for incomplete torrents is enabled
`temp_path` | string | Path for incomplete torrents, separated by slashes
`scan_dirs` | object | Property: directory to watch for torrent files, value: where torrents loaded from this directory should be downloaded to (see list of possible values below). Slashes are used as path separators; multiple key/value pairs can be specified
`export_dir` | string | Path to directory to copy .torrent files to. Slashes are used as path separators
`export_dir_fin` | string | Path to directory to copy .torrent files of completed downloads to. Slashes are used as path separators
`mail_notification_enabled` | bool | True if e-mail notification should be enabled
`mail_notification_sender` | string | e-mail where notifications should originate from
`mail_notification_email` | string | e-mail to send notifications to
`mail_notification_smtp` | string | smtp server for e-mail notifications
`mail_notification_ssl_enabled` | bool | True if smtp server requires SSL connection
`mail_notification_auth_enabled` | bool | True if smtp server requires authentication
`mail_notification_username` | string | Username for smtp authentication
`mail_notification_password` | string | Password for smtp authentication
`autorun_enabled` | bool | True if external program should be run after torrent has finished downloading
`autorun_program` | string | Program path/name/arguments to run if `autorun_enabled` is enabled; path is separated by slashes; you can use `%f` and `%n` arguments, which will be expanded by qBittorent as path_to_torrent_file and torrent_name (from the GUI; not the .torrent file name) respectively
`queueing_enabled` | bool | True if torrent queuing is enabled
`max_active_downloads` | integer | Maximum number of active simultaneous downloads
`max_active_torrents` | integer | Maximum number of active simultaneous downloads and uploads
`max_active_uploads` | integer | Maximum number of active simultaneous uploads
`dont_count_slow_torrents` | bool | If true torrents w/o any activity (stalled ones) will not be counted towards `max_active_*` limits; see [dont_count_slow_torrents]( for more information
`slow_torrent_dl_rate_threshold` | integer | Download rate in KiB/s for a torrent to be considered "slow"
`slow_torrent_ul_rate_threshold` | integer | Upload rate in KiB/s for a torrent to be considered "slow"
`slow_torrent_inactive_timer` | integer | Seconds a torrent should be inactive before considered "slow"
`max_ratio_enabled` | bool | True if share ratio limit is enabled
`max_ratio` | float | Get the global share ratio limit
`max_ratio_act` | integer | Action performed when a torrent reaches the maximum share ratio. See list of possible values here below.
`listen_port` | integer | Port for incoming connections
`upnp` | bool | True if UPnP/NAT-PMP is enabled
`random_port` | bool | True if the port is randomly selected
`dl_limit` | integer | Global download speed limit in KiB/s; `-1` means no limit is applied
`up_limit` | integer | Global upload speed limit in KiB/s; `-1` means no limit is applied
`max_connec` | integer | Maximum global number of simultaneous connections
`max_connec_per_torrent` | integer | Maximum number of simultaneous connections per torrent
`max_uploads` | integer | Maximum number of upload slots
`max_uploads_per_torrent` | integer | Maximum number of upload slots per torrent
`stop_tracker_timeout` | integer | Timeout in seconds for a `stopped` announce request to trackers
`enable_piece_extent_affinity` | bool | True if the advanced libtorrent option `piece_extent_affinity` is enabled
`bittorrent_protocol` | integer | Bittorrent Protocol to use (see list of possible values below)
`limit_utp_rate` | bool | True if `[du]l_limit` should be applied to uTP connections; this option is only available in qBittorent built against libtorrent version 0.16.X and higher
`limit_tcp_overhead` | bool | True if `[du]l_limit` should be applied to estimated TCP overhead (service data: e.g. packet headers)
`limit_lan_peers` | bool | True if `[du]l_limit` should be applied to peers on the LAN
`alt_dl_limit` | integer | Alternative global download speed limit in KiB/s
`alt_up_limit` | integer | Alternative global upload speed limit in KiB/s
`scheduler_enabled` | bool | True if alternative limits should be applied according to schedule
`schedule_from_hour` | integer | Scheduler starting hour
`schedule_from_min` | integer | Scheduler starting minute
`schedule_to_hour` | integer | Scheduler ending hour
`schedule_to_min` | integer | Scheduler ending minute
`scheduler_days` | integer | Scheduler days. See possible values here below
`dht` | bool | True if DHT is enabled
`pex` | bool | True if PeX is enabled
`lsd` | bool | True if LSD is enabled
`encryption` | integer | See list of possible values here below
`anonymous_mode` | bool | If true anonymous mode will be enabled; read more [here](Anonymous-Mode); this option is only available in qBittorent built against libtorrent version 0.16.X and higher
`proxy_type` | integer | See list of possible values here below
`proxy_ip` | string | Proxy IP address or domain name
`proxy_port` | integer | Proxy port
`proxy_peer_connections` | bool | True if peer and web seed connections should be proxified; this option will have any effect only in qBittorent built against libtorrent version 0.16.X and higher
`proxy_auth_enabled` | bool | True proxy requires authentication; doesn't apply to SOCKS4 proxies
`proxy_username` | string | Username for proxy authentication
`proxy_password` | string | Password for proxy authentication
`proxy_torrents_only` | bool | True if proxy is only used for torrents
`ip_filter_enabled` | bool | True if external IP filter should be enabled
`ip_filter_path` | string | Path to IP filter file (.dat, .p2p, .p2b files are supported); path is separated by slashes
`ip_filter_trackers` | bool | True if IP filters are applied to trackers
`web_ui_domain_list` | string | Comma-separated list of domains to accept when performing Host header validation
`web_ui_address` | string | IP address to use for the WebUI
`web_ui_port` | integer | WebUI port
`web_ui_upnp` | bool | True if UPnP is used for the WebUI port
`web_ui_username` | string | WebUI username
`web_ui_password` | string | For API ≥ v2.3.0: Plaintext WebUI password, not readable, write-only. For API < v2.3.0: MD5 hash of WebUI password, hash is generated from the following string: `username:Web UI Access:plain_text_web_ui_password`
`web_ui_csrf_protection_enabled` | bool | True if WebUI CSRF protection is enabled
`web_ui_clickjacking_protection_enabled` | bool | True if WebUI clickjacking protection is enabled
`web_ui_secure_cookie_enabled` | bool | True if WebUI cookie `Secure` flag is enabled
`web_ui_max_auth_fail_count` | integer | Maximum number of authentication failures before WebUI access ban
`web_ui_ban_duration` | integer | WebUI access ban duration in seconds
`web_ui_session_timeout` | integer | Seconds until WebUI is automatically signed off
`web_ui_host_header_validation_enabled` | bool | True if WebUI host header validation is enabled
`bypass_local_auth` | bool | True if authentication challenge for loopback address ( should be disabled
`bypass_auth_subnet_whitelist_enabled` | bool | True if webui authentication should be bypassed for clients whose ip resides within (at least) one of the subnets on the whitelist
`bypass_auth_subnet_whitelist` | string | (White)list of ipv4/ipv6 subnets for which webui authentication should be bypassed; list entries are separated by commas
`alternative_webui_enabled` | bool | True if an alternative WebUI should be used
`alternative_webui_path` | string | File path to the alternative WebUI
`use_https` | bool | True if WebUI HTTPS access is enabled
`ssl_key` | string | For API < v2.0.1: SSL keyfile contents (this is a not a path)
`ssl_cert` | string | For API < v2.0.1: SSL certificate contents (this is a not a path)
`web_ui_https_key_path` | string | For API ≥ v2.0.1: Path to SSL keyfile
`web_ui_https_cert_path` | string | For API ≥ v2.0.1: Path to SSL certificate
`dyndns_enabled` | bool | True if server DNS should be updated dynamically
`dyndns_service` | integer | See list of possible values here below
`dyndns_username` | string | Username for DDNS service
`dyndns_password` | string | Password for DDNS service
`dyndns_domain` | string | Your DDNS domain name
`rss_refresh_interval` | integer | RSS refresh interval
`rss_max_articles_per_feed` | integer | Max stored articles per RSS feed
`rss_processing_enabled` | bool | Enable processing of RSS feeds
`rss_auto_downloading_enabled` | bool | Enable auto-downloading of torrents from the RSS feeds
`rss_download_repack_proper_episodes` | bool | For API ≥ v2.5.1: Enable downloading of repack/proper Episodes
`rss_smart_episode_filters` | string | For API ≥ v2.5.1: List of RSS Smart Episode Filters
`add_trackers_enabled` | bool | Enable automatic adding of trackers to new torrents
`add_trackers` | string | List of trackers to add to new torrent
`web_ui_use_custom_http_headers_enabled` | bool | For API ≥ v2.5.1: Enable custom http headers
`web_ui_custom_http_headers` | string | For API ≥ v2.5.1: List of custom http headers
`max_seeding_time_enabled` | bool | True enables max seeding time
`max_seeding_time` | integer | Number of minutes to seed a torrent
`announce_ip` | string | TODO
`announce_to_all_tiers` | bool | True always announce to all tiers
`announce_to_all_trackers` | bool | True always announce to all trackers in a tier
`async_io_threads` | integer | Number of asynchronous I/O threads
`banned_IPs` | string | List of banned IPs
`checking_memory_use` | integer | Outstanding memory when checking torrents in MiB
`current_interface_address` | string | IP Address to bind to. Empty String means All addresses
`current_network_interface` | string | Network Interface used
`disk_cache` | integer | Disk cache used in MiB
`disk_cache_ttl` | integer | Disk cache expiry interval in seconds
`embedded_tracker_port` | integer | Port used for embedded tracker
`enable_coalesce_read_write` | bool | True enables coalesce reads & writes
`enable_embedded_tracker` | bool | True enables embedded tracker
`enable_multi_connections_from_same_ip` | bool | True allows multiple connections from the same IP address
`enable_os_cache` | bool | True enables os cache
`enable_upload_suggestions` | bool | True enables sending of upload piece suggestions
`file_pool_size` | integer | File pool size
`outgoing_ports_max` | integer | Maximal outgoing port (0: Disabled)
`outgoing_ports_min` | integer | Minimal outgoing port (0: Disabled)
`recheck_completed_torrents` | bool | True rechecks torrents on completion
`resolve_peer_countries` | bool | True resolves peer countries
`save_resume_data_interval` | integer | Save resume data interval in min
`send_buffer_low_watermark` | integer | Send buffer low watermark in KiB
`send_buffer_watermark` | integer | Send buffer watermark in KiB
`send_buffer_watermark_factor` | integer | Send buffer watermark factor in percent
`socket_backlog_size` | integer | Socket backlog size
`upload_choking_algorithm` | integer | Upload choking algorithm used (see list of possible values below)
`upload_slots_behavior` | integer | Upload slots behavior used (see list of possible values below)
`upnp_lease_duration` | integer | UPnP lease duration (0: Permanent lease)
`utp_tcp_mixed_mode` | integer | μTP-TCP mixed mode algorithm (see list of possible values below)
`locale` _optional_ | string | Currently selected language (e.g. en_GB for English)
`create_subfolder_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if a subfolder should be created when adding a torrent
`start_paused_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if torrents should be added in a Paused state
`auto_delete_mode` _optional_ | integer | TODO
`preallocate_all` _optional_ | bool | True if disk space should be pre-allocated for all files
`incomplete_files_ext` _optional_ | bool | True if ".!qB" should be appended to incomplete files
`auto_tmm_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if Automatic Torrent Management is enabled by default
`torrent_changed_tmm_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if torrent should be relocated when its Category changes
`save_path_changed_tmm_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if torrent should be relocated when the default save path changes
`category_changed_tmm_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if torrent should be relocated when its Category's save path changes
`save_path` _optional_ | string | Default save path for torrents, separated by slashes
`temp_path_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if folder for incomplete torrents is enabled
`temp_path` _optional_ | string | Path for incomplete torrents, separated by slashes
`scan_dirs` _optional_ | object | scan_dirs object see table below. Property: directory to watch for torrent files, value: where torrents loaded from this directory should be downloaded to (see list of possible values below). Slashes are used as path separators; multiple key/value pairs can be specified
`export_dir` _optional_ | string | Path to directory to copy .torrent files to. Slashes are used as path separators
`export_dir_fin` _optional_ | string | Path to directory to copy .torrent files of completed downloads to. Slashes are used as path separators
`mail_notification_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if e-mail notification should be enabled
`mail_notification_sender` _optional_ | string | e-mail where notifications should originate from
`mail_notification_email` _optional_ | string | e-mail to send notifications to
`mail_notification_smtp` _optional_ | string | smtp server for e-mail notifications
`mail_notification_ssl_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if smtp server requires SSL connection
`mail_notification_auth_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if smtp server requires authentication
`mail_notification_username` _optional_ | string | Username for smtp authentication
`mail_notification_password` _optional_ | string | Password for smtp authentication
`autorun_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if external program should be run after torrent has finished downloading
`autorun_program` _optional_ | string | Program path/name/arguments to run if `autorun_enabled` is enabled; path is separated by slashes; you can use `%f` and `%n` arguments, which will be expanded by qBittorent as path_to_torrent_file and torrent_name (from the GUI; not the .torrent file name) respectively
`queueing_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if torrent queuing is enabled
`max_active_downloads` _optional_ | integer | Maximum number of active simultaneous downloads
`max_active_torrents` _optional_ | integer | Maximum number of active simultaneous downloads and uploads
`max_active_uploads` _optional_ | integer | Maximum number of active simultaneous uploads
`dont_count_slow_torrents` _optional_ | bool | If true torrents w/o any activity (stalled ones) will not be counted towards `max_active_*` limits; see [dont_count_slow_torrents]( for more information
`slow_torrent_dl_rate_threshold` _optional_ | integer | Download rate in KiB/s for a torrent to be considered "slow"
`slow_torrent_ul_rate_threshold` _optional_ | integer | Upload rate in KiB/s for a torrent to be considered "slow"
`slow_torrent_inactive_timer` _optional_ | integer | Seconds a torrent should be inactive before considered "slow"
`max_ratio_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if share ratio limit is enabled
`max_ratio` _optional_ | float | Get the global share ratio limit
`max_ratio_act` _optional_ | integer | Action performed when a torrent reaches the maximum share ratio. See list of possible values here below.
`listen_port` _optional_ | integer | Port for incoming connections
`upnp` _optional_ | bool | True if UPnP/NAT-PMP is enabled
`random_port` _optional_ | bool | True if the port is randomly selected
`dl_limit` _optional_ | integer | Global download speed limit in KiB/s; `-1` means no limit is applied
`up_limit` _optional_ | integer | Global upload speed limit in KiB/s; `-1` means no limit is applied
`max_connec` _optional_ | integer | Maximum global number of simultaneous connections
`max_connec_per_torrent` _optional_ | integer | Maximum number of simultaneous connections per torrent
`max_uploads` _optional_ | integer | Maximum number of upload slots
`max_uploads_per_torrent` _optional_ | integer | Maximum number of upload slots per torrent
`stop_tracker_timeout` _optional_ | integer | Timeout in seconds for a `stopped` announce request to trackers
`enable_piece_extent_affinity` _optional_ | bool | True if the advanced libtorrent option `piece_extent_affinity` is enabled
`bittorrent_protocol` _optional_ | integer | Bittorrent Protocol to use (see list of possible values below)
`limit_utp_rate` _optional_ | bool | True if `[du]l_limit` should be applied to uTP connections; this option is only available in qBittorent built against libtorrent version 0.16.X and higher
`limit_tcp_overhead` _optional_ | bool | True if `[du]l_limit` should be applied to estimated TCP overhead (service data: e.g. packet headers)
`limit_lan_peers` _optional_ | bool | True if `[du]l_limit` should be applied to peers on the LAN
`alt_dl_limit` _optional_ | integer | Alternative global download speed limit in KiB/s
`alt_up_limit` _optional_ | integer | Alternative global upload speed limit in KiB/s
`scheduler_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if alternative limits should be applied according to schedule
`schedule_from_hour` _optional_ | integer | Scheduler starting hour
`schedule_from_min` _optional_ | integer | Scheduler starting minute
`schedule_to_hour` _optional_ | integer | Scheduler ending hour
`schedule_to_min` _optional_ | integer | Scheduler ending minute
`scheduler_days` _optional_ | integer | Scheduler days. See possible values here below
`dht` _optional_ | bool | True if DHT is enabled
`pex` _optional_ | bool | True if PeX is enabled
`lsd` _optional_ | bool | True if LSD is enabled
`encryption` _optional_ | integer | See list of possible values here below
`anonymous_mode` _optional_ | bool | If true anonymous mode will be enabled; read more [here](Anonymous-Mode); this option is only available in qBittorent built against libtorrent version 0.16.X and higher
`proxy_type` _optional_ | integer | See list of possible values here below
`proxy_ip` _optional_ | string | Proxy IP address or domain name
`proxy_port` _optional_ | integer | Proxy port
`proxy_peer_connections` _optional_ | bool | True if peer and web seed connections should be proxified; this option will have any effect only in qBittorent built against libtorrent version 0.16.X and higher
`proxy_auth_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True proxy requires authentication; doesn't apply to SOCKS4 proxies
`proxy_username` _optional_ | string | Username for proxy authentication
`proxy_password` _optional_ | string | Password for proxy authentication
`proxy_torrents_only` _optional_ | bool | True if proxy is only used for torrents
`ip_filter_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if external IP filter should be enabled
`ip_filter_path` _optional_ | string | Path to IP filter file (.dat, .p2p, .p2b files are supported); path is separated by slashes
`ip_filter_trackers` _optional_ | bool | True if IP filters are applied to trackers
`web_ui_domain_list` _optional_ | string | Comma-separated list of domains to accept when performing Host header validation
`web_ui_address` _optional_ | string | IP address to use for the WebUI
`web_ui_port` _optional_ | integer | WebUI port
`web_ui_upnp` _optional_ | bool | True if UPnP is used for the WebUI port
`web_ui_username` _optional_ | string | WebUI username
`web_ui_password` _optional_ | string | For API ≥ v2.3.0: Plaintext WebUI password, not readable, write-only. For API < v2.3.0: MD5 hash of WebUI password, hash is generated from the following string: `username:Web UI Access:plain_text_web_ui_password`
`web_ui_csrf_protection_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if WebUI CSRF protection is enabled
`web_ui_clickjacking_protection_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if WebUI clickjacking protection is enabled
`web_ui_secure_cookie_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if WebUI cookie `Secure` flag is enabled
`web_ui_max_auth_fail_count` _optional_ | integer | Maximum number of authentication failures before WebUI access ban
`web_ui_ban_duration` _optional_ | integer | WebUI access ban duration in seconds
`web_ui_session_timeout` _optional_ | integer | Seconds until WebUI is automatically signed off
`web_ui_host_header_validation_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if WebUI host header validation is enabled
`bypass_local_auth` _optional_ | bool | True if authentication challenge for loopback address ( should be disabled
`bypass_auth_subnet_whitelist_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if webui authentication should be bypassed for clients whose ip resides within (at least) one of the subnets on the whitelist
`bypass_auth_subnet_whitelist` _optional_ | string | (White)list of ipv4/ipv6 subnets for which webui authentication should be bypassed; list entries are separated by commas
`alternative_webui_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if an alternative WebUI should be used
`alternative_webui_path` _optional_ | string | File path to the alternative WebUI
`use_https` _optional_ | bool | True if WebUI HTTPS access is enabled
`ssl_key` _optional_ | string | For API < v2.0.1: SSL keyfile contents (this is a not a path)
`ssl_cert` _optional_ | string | For API < v2.0.1: SSL certificate contents (this is a not a path)
`web_ui_https_key_path` _optional_ | string | For API ≥ v2.0.1: Path to SSL keyfile
`web_ui_https_cert_path` _optional_ | string | For API ≥ v2.0.1: Path to SSL certificate
`dyndns_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True if server DNS should be updated dynamically
`dyndns_service` _optional_ | integer | See list of possible values here below
`dyndns_username` _optional_ | string | Username for DDNS service
`dyndns_password` _optional_ | string | Password for DDNS service
`dyndns_domain` _optional_ | string | Your DDNS domain name
`rss_refresh_interval` _optional_ | integer | RSS refresh interval
`rss_max_articles_per_feed` _optional_ | integer | Max stored articles per RSS feed
`rss_processing_enabled` _optional_ | bool | Enable processing of RSS feeds
`rss_auto_downloading_enabled` _optional_ | bool | Enable auto-downloading of torrents from the RSS feeds
`rss_download_repack_proper_episodes` _optional_ | bool | For API ≥ v2.5.1: Enable downloading of repack/proper Episodes
`rss_smart_episode_filters` _optional_ | string | For API ≥ v2.5.1: List of RSS Smart Episode Filters
`add_trackers_enabled` _optional_ | bool | Enable automatic adding of trackers to new torrents
`add_trackers` _optional_ | string | List of trackers to add to new torrent
`web_ui_use_custom_http_headers_enabled` _optional_ | bool | For API ≥ v2.5.1: Enable custom http headers
`web_ui_custom_http_headers` _optional_ | string | For API ≥ v2.5.1: List of custom http headers
`max_seeding_time_enabled` _optional_ | bool | True enables max seeding time
`max_seeding_time` _optional_ | integer | Number of minutes to seed a torrent
`announce_ip` _optional_ | string | TODO
`announce_to_all_tiers` _optional_ | bool | True always announce to all tiers
`announce_to_all_trackers` _optional_ | bool | True always announce to all trackers in a tier
`async_io_threads` _optional_ | integer | Number of asynchronous I/O threads
`banned_IPs` _optional_ | string | List of banned IPs
`checking_memory_use` _optional_ | integer | Outstanding memory when checking torrents in MiB
`current_interface_address` _optional_ | string | IP Address to bind to. Empty String means All addresses
`current_network_interface` _optional_ | string | Network Interface used
`disk_cache` _optional_ | integer | Disk cache used in MiB
`disk_cache_ttl` _optional_ | integer | Disk cache expiry interval in seconds
`embedded_tracker_port` _optional_ | integer | Port used for embedded tracker
`enable_coalesce_read_write` _optional_ | bool | True enables coalesce reads & writes
`enable_embedded_tracker` _optional_ | bool | True enables embedded tracker
`enable_multi_connections_from_same_ip` _optional_ | bool | True allows multiple connections from the same IP address
`enable_os_cache` _optional_ | bool | True enables os cache
`enable_upload_suggestions` _optional_ | bool | True enables sending of upload piece suggestions
`file_pool_size` _optional_ | integer | File pool size
`outgoing_ports_max` _optional_ | integer | Maximal outgoing port (0: Disabled)
`outgoing_ports_min` _optional_ | integer | Minimal outgoing port (0: Disabled)
`recheck_completed_torrents` _optional_ | bool | True rechecks torrents on completion
`resolve_peer_countries` _optional_ | bool | True resolves peer countries
`save_resume_data_interval` _optional_ | integer | Save resume data interval in min
`send_buffer_low_watermark` _optional_ | integer | Send buffer low watermark in KiB
`send_buffer_watermark` _optional_ | integer | Send buffer watermark in KiB
`send_buffer_watermark_factor` _optional_ | integer | Send buffer watermark factor in percent
`socket_backlog_size` _optional_ | integer | Socket backlog size
`upload_choking_algorithm` _optional_ | integer | Upload choking algorithm used (see list of possible values below)
`upload_slots_behavior` _optional_ | integer | Upload slots behavior used (see list of possible values below)
`upnp_lease_duration` _optional_ | integer | UPnP lease duration (0: Permanent lease)
`utp_tcp_mixed_mode` _optional_ | integer | μTP-TCP mixed mode algorithm (see list of possible values below)
Possible values of `scan_dirs`:
@ -1005,14 +1003,14 @@ The response is a JSON object with the following possible fields
Property | Type | Description
`rid` | integer | Response ID
`full_update`_optional_ | bool | Whether the response contains all the data or partial data
`torrents`_optional_ | object | Property: torrent hash, value: same as [torrent list](#get-torrent-list), map from string to torrents object
`torrents_removed`_optional_ | array | List of hashes of torrents removed since last request
`categories`_optional_ | object | Info for categories added since last request, map from string to categories object
`categories_removed`_optional_ | array | List of categories removed since last request
`tags`_optional_ | array | List of tags added since last request
`tags_removed`_optional_ | array | List of tags removed since last request
`server_state`_optional_ | object | `server_state` object see table below
`full_update` _optional_ | bool | Whether the response contains all the data or partial data
`torrents` _optional_ | object | Property: torrent hash, value: same as [torrent list](#get-torrent-list), map from string to torrents object
`torrents_removed` _optional_ | array | List of hashes of torrents removed since last request
`categories` _optional_ | object | Info for categories added since last request, map from string to categories object
`categories_removed` _optional_ | array | List of categories removed since last request
`tags` _optional_ | array | List of tags added since last request
`tags_removed` _optional_ | array | List of tags removed since last request
`server_state` _optional_ | object | `server_state` object see table below
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user