use crate::common::*; #[derive(StructOpt)] #[structopt( help_message(consts::HELP_MESSAGE), version_message(consts::VERSION_MESSAGE), about("Create a `.torrent` file.") )] pub(crate) struct Create { #[structopt( long = "announce", value_name = "URL", required(true), help = "Use `URL` as the primary tracker announce URL. To supply multiple announce URLs, also \ use `--announce-tier`." )] announce: Url, #[structopt( long = "allow", value_name = "LINT", possible_values = Lint::VALUES, help = "Allow `LINT`. Lints check for conditions which, although permitted, are not usually \ desirable. For example, piece length can be any non-zero value, but probably \ shouldn't be below 16 KiB. The lint `small-piece-size` checks for this, and \ `--allow small-piece-size` can be used to disable this check.", )] allowed_lints: Vec, #[structopt( long = "announce-tier", value_name = "URL-LIST", help = "Use `URL-LIST` as a tracker announce tier. Each instance adds a new \ tier. To add multiple trackers to a given tier, separate their announce URLs \ with commas:\n\ \n\ `--announce-tier udp://,` \n\ Announce tiers are stored in the `announce-list` key of the top-level metainfo \ dictionary as a list of lists of strings, as defined by BEP 12: Multitracker \ Metadata Extension. \n\ Note: Many BitTorrent clients do not implement the behavior described in BEP \ 12. See the discussion here for more details: \" )] announce_tiers: Vec, #[structopt( long = "comment", value_name = "TEXT", help = "Include `TEXT` as the comment for generated `.torrent` file. Stored under `comment` \ key of top-level metainfo dictionary." )] comment: Option, #[structopt( long = "dht-node", value_name = "NODE", help = "Add DHT bootstrap node `NODE` to torrent. `NODE` should be in the form `HOST:PORT`, \ where `HOST` is a domain name, an IPv4 address, or an IPv6 address surrounded by \ brackets. May be given more than once to add multiple bootstrap nodes. Examples: `--dht-node` `--dht-node` `--dht-node [2001:db8:4275:7920:6269:7463:6f69:6e21]:8832`" )] dht_nodes: Vec, #[structopt( long = "follow-symlinks", help = "Follow symlinks in torrent input. By default, symlinks to files and directories are \ not included in torrent contents." )] follow_symlinks: bool, #[structopt( long = "force", help = "Overwrite the destination `.torrent` file, if it exists." )] force: bool, #[structopt( long = "glob", value_name = "GLOB", help = "Include or exclude files that match `GLOB`. Multiple glob may be provided, with the \ last one taking precedence. Precede a glob with `!` to exclude it." )] globs: Vec, #[structopt( long = "include-hidden", help = "Include hidden files that would otherwise be skipped, such as files that start with a \ `.`, and files hidden by file attributes on macOS and Windows." )] include_hidden: bool, #[structopt( long = "include-junk", help = "Include junk files that would otherwise be skipped." )] include_junk: bool, #[structopt( long = "input", value_name = "PATH", help = "Read torrent contents from `PATH`. If `PATH` is a file, torrent will be a single-file \ torrent, if `PATH` is a directory, torrent will be a multi-file torrent.", parse(from_os_str) )] input: PathBuf, #[structopt( long = "md5sum", help = "Include MD5 checksum of each file in the torrent. N.B. MD5 is cryptographically \ broken and only suitable for checking for accidental corruption." )] md5sum: bool, #[structopt( long = "name", value_name = "TEXT", help = "Set name of torrent to `TEXT`. Defaults to the filename of the argument to `--input`." )] name: Option, #[structopt( long = "no-created-by", help = "Do not populate `created by` key of generated torrent with imdl version information." )] no_created_by: bool, #[structopt( long = "no-creation-date", help = "Do not populate `creation date` key of generated torrent with current time." )] no_creation_date: bool, #[structopt( long = "open", help = "Open `.torrent` file after creation. Uses `xdg-open`, `gnome-open`, or `kde-open` on \ Linux; `open` on macOS; and `cmd /C start on Windows" )] open: bool, #[structopt( long = "output", value_name = "TARGET", help = "Save `.torrent` file to `TARGET`, or print to standard output if `TARGET` is `-`. \ Defaults to `$INPUT.torrent`.", parse(from_os_str) )] output: Option, #[structopt( long = "piece-length", value_name = "BYTES", help = "Set piece length to `BYTES`. Accepts SI units, e.g. kib, mib, and gib." )] piece_length: Option, #[structopt( long = "private", help = "Set the `private` flag. Torrent clients that understand the flag and participate in \ the swarm of a torrent with the flag set will only announce themselves to the \ announce URLs included in the torrent, and will not use other peer discovery \ mechanisms, such as the DHT or local peer discovery. See BEP 27: Private Torrents for \ more information." )] private: bool, #[structopt( long = "source", value_name = "TEXT", help = "Set torrent source to `TEXT`. Stored under `source` key of info dictionary. This is \ useful for keeping statistics from being mis-reported when participating in swarms \ with the same contents, but with different trackers. When source is set to a unique \ value for torrents with the same contents, torrent clients will treat them as \ distinct torrents, and not share peers between them, and will correctly report \ download and upload statistics to multiple trackers." )] source: Option, } impl Create { pub(crate) fn run(self, env: &mut Env) -> Result<(), Error> { let input = env.resolve(&self.input); let files = Walker::new(&input) .include_junk(self.include_junk) .include_hidden(self.include_hidden) .follow_symlinks(self.follow_symlinks) .globs(&self.globs)? .files()?; let piece_length = self .piece_length .unwrap_or_else(|| PieceLengthPicker::from_content_size(files.total_size())); let mut linter = Linter::new(); linter.allow(self.allowed_lints.iter().cloned()); if piece_length.count() == 0 { return Err(Error::PieceLengthZero); } if linter.is_denied(Lint::UnevenPieceLength) && !piece_length.count().is_power_of_two() { return Err(Error::PieceLengthUneven { bytes: piece_length, }); } if linter.is_denied(Lint::SmallPieceLength) && piece_length.count() < 16 * 1024 { return Err(Error::PieceLengthSmall); } let mut announce_list = Vec::new(); for tier in &self.announce_tiers { let tier = tier.split(',').map(str::to_string).collect::>(); tier .iter() .map(|announce| announce.parse()) .collect::, url::ParseError>>() .context(error::AnnounceUrlParse)?; announce_list.push(tier); } let filename = input.file_name().ok_or_else(|| Error::FilenameExtract { path: input.clone(), })?; let name = match & { Some(name) => name.clone(), None => filename .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| Error::FilenameDecode { filename: PathBuf::from(filename), })? .to_owned(), }; let output = self .output .as_ref() .map(|output| output.resolve(env)) .unwrap_or_else(|| { let mut torrent_name = name.to_owned(); torrent_name.push_str(".torrent"); Target::File(input.parent().unwrap().join(torrent_name)) }); let private = if self.private { Some(true) } else { None }; let creation_date = if self.no_creation_date { None } else { Some( SystemTime::now() .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH)? .as_secs(), ) }; let created_by = if self.no_created_by { None } else { Some(String::from(consts::CREATED_BY_DEFAULT)) }; let (mode, pieces) = Hasher::hash( &files, self.md5sum, piece_length.as_piece_length()?.into_usize(), )?; let info = Info { source: self.source, piece_length, mode, pieces, name, private, }; let metainfo = Metainfo { comment: self.comment, encoding: Some(consts::ENCODING_UTF8.to_string()), announce: self.announce.to_string(), announce_list: if announce_list.is_empty() { None } else { Some(announce_list) }, nodes: if self.dht_nodes.is_empty() { None } else { Some(self.dht_nodes) }, creation_date, created_by, info, }; let bytes = metainfo.serialize()?; match &output { Target::File(path) => { let mut open_options = fs::OpenOptions::new(); if self.force { open_options.write(true).create(true).truncate(true); } else { open_options.write(true).create_new(true); } open_options .open(path) .and_then(|mut file| file.write_all(&bytes)) .context(error::Filesystem { path })?; #[cfg(test)] TorrentSummary::from_metainfo(metainfo.clone())?.write(env)?; #[cfg(not(test))] TorrentSummary::from_metainfo(metainfo)?.write(env)?; if { Platform::open(&path)?; } } Target::Stdio => env.out.write_all(&bytes).context(error::Stdout)?, } #[cfg(test)] { let deserialized = bendy::serde::de::from_bytes::(&bytes).unwrap(); assert_eq!(deserialized, metainfo); let status = metainfo.verify(&input)?; if !status.good() { return Err(Error::Verify { status }); } } Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; #[test] fn require_input_argument() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [], tree: {} }; assert!(matches!(, Err(Error::Clap { .. }))); } #[test] fn require_input_present() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", ], tree: {}, }; assert!(matches!(, Err(Error::Filesystem { .. }))); } #[test] fn torrent_file_is_bencode_dict() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "https://bar", ], tree: { foo: "", } };; let torrent = env.resolve("foo.torrent"); let bytes = fs::read(torrent).unwrap(); let value = Value::from_bencode(&bytes).unwrap(); assert!(matches!(value, Value::Dict(_))); } #[test] fn privacy_defaults_to_false() { let mut env = test_env! { args: ["torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "https://bar"], tree: { foo: "", } };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(, None); } #[test] fn privacy_flag_sets_privacy() { let mut env = test_env! { args: ["torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "https://bar", "--private"], tree: { foo: "", } };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(, Some(true)); } #[test] fn tracker_flag_must_be_url() { let mut env = test_env! { args: ["torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "bar"], tree: { foo: "", } }; assert_matches!(, Err(Error::Clap { .. })); } #[test] fn announce_single() { let mut env = test_env! { args: ["torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar"], tree: { foo: "", } };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(metainfo.announce, "http://bar/"); assert!(metainfo.announce_list.is_none()); } #[test] fn announce_udp() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "udp://", ], tree: { foo: "", } };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!( metainfo.announce, "udp://" ); assert!(metainfo.announce_list.is_none()); } #[test] fn announce_wss_tracker() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "wss://", ], tree: { foo: "", }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(metainfo.announce, "wss://"); assert!(metainfo.announce_list.is_none()); } #[test] fn announce_single_tier() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--announce-tier", "http://bar,http://baz", ], tree: { foo: "", }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(metainfo.announce, "http://bar/"); assert_eq!( metainfo.announce_list, Some(vec![vec!["http://bar".into(), "http://baz".into()]]), ); } #[test] fn announce_multiple_tiers() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--announce-tier", "http://bar,http://baz", "--announce-tier", "http://abc,http://xyz", ], tree: { foo: "", }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(metainfo.announce, "http://bar/"); assert_eq!( metainfo.announce_list, Some(vec![ vec!["http://bar".into(), "http://baz".into()], vec!["http://abc".into(), "http://xyz".into()], ]) ); } #[test] fn comment_default() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", ], tree: { foo: "", }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(metainfo.comment, None); } #[test] fn comment_set() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--comment", "Hello, world!", ], tree: { foo: "", }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(metainfo.comment.unwrap(), "Hello, world!"); } #[test] fn piece_length_default() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", ], tree: { foo: "", }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(, Bytes::from(16 * 2u32.pow(10))); } #[test] fn piece_length_override() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--piece-length", "64KiB", ], tree: { foo: "", }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(, Bytes(64 * 1024)); } #[test] fn si_piece_size() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--piece-length", "0.5MiB", ], tree: { foo: "", }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(, Bytes(512 * 1024)); } #[test] fn name() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--piece-length", "16KiB", ], tree: { foo: "", }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(, "foo"); } #[test] fn name_subdir() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo/bar", "--announce", "http://bar", "--piece-length", "32KiB", ], tree: { foo: { bar: "", }, }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo/bar.torrent"); assert_eq!(, "bar"); } #[test] fn destination_override() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--output", "x.torrent", "--announce", "http://bar", ], tree: { foo: "", }, };; env.load_metainfo("x.torrent"); } #[test] fn created_by_default() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", ], tree: { foo: "", }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(metainfo.created_by.unwrap(), consts::CREATED_BY_DEFAULT); } #[test] fn created_by_unset() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--no-created-by", ], tree: { foo: "", }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(metainfo.created_by, None); } #[test] fn encoding() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", ], tree: { foo: "", }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(metainfo.encoding, Some("UTF-8".into())); } #[test] fn created_date_default() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", ], tree: { foo: "", }, }; let now = SystemTime::now() .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .unwrap() .as_secs();; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert!(metainfo.creation_date.unwrap() < now + 10); assert!(metainfo.creation_date.unwrap() > now - 10); } #[test] fn created_date_unset() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--no-creation-date", ], tree: { foo: "", }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(metainfo.creation_date, None); } #[test] fn single_small() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", ], tree: { foo: "bar", }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(, PieceList::from_pieces(&["bar"])); assert_eq!(, Mode::Single { length: Bytes(3), md5sum: None, } ) } #[test] fn single_one_byte_piece() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--piece-length", "1", "--allow", "small-piece-length", ], tree: { foo: "bar", }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(, PieceList::from_pieces(&["b", "a", "r"]) ); assert_eq!(, Mode::Single { length: Bytes(3), md5sum: None, } ) } #[test] fn single_empty() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", ], tree: { foo: "", }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(, 0); assert_eq!(, Mode::Single { length: Bytes(0), md5sum: None, } ) } #[test] fn multiple_no_files() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", ], tree: { foo: {}, }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(, 0); assert_eq!(, Mode::Multiple { files: Vec::new() }) } #[test] fn multiple_one_file_md5() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--md5sum", ], tree: { foo: { bar: "bar", }, }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(, PieceList::from_pieces(&["bar"])); match { Mode::Multiple { files } => { assert_eq!( files, &[FileInfo { length: Bytes(3), md5sum: Some(Md5Digest::from_hex("37b51d194a7513e45b56f6524f2d51f2")), path: FilePath::from_components(&["bar"]), },] ); } _ => panic!("Expected multi-file torrent"), } } #[test] fn multiple_one_file_md5_off() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", ], tree: { foo: { bar: "bar", }, }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(, PieceList::from_pieces(&["bar"])); match { Mode::Multiple { files } => { assert_eq!( files, &[FileInfo { length: Bytes(3), md5sum: None, path: FilePath::from_components(&["bar"]), },] ); } _ => panic!("Expected multi-file torrent"), } } #[test] fn multiple_three_files() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--md5sum" ], tree: { foo: { a: "abc", x: "xyz", h: "hij", }, }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!(, PieceList::from_pieces(&["abchijxyz"])); match { Mode::Multiple { files } => { assert_eq!( files, &[ FileInfo { length: Bytes(3), md5sum: Some(Md5Digest::from_hex("900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72")), path: FilePath::from_components(&["a"]), }, FileInfo { length: Bytes(3), md5sum: Some(Md5Digest::from_hex("857c4402ad934005eae4638a93812bf7")), path: FilePath::from_components(&["h"]), }, FileInfo { length: Bytes(3), md5sum: Some(Md5Digest::from_hex("d16fb36f0911f878998c136191af705e")), path: FilePath::from_components(&["x"]), }, ] ); } _ => panic!("Expected multi-file torrent"), } } #[test] fn open() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--open", ], tree: {}, }; let opened = env.resolve("opened.txt"); let torrent = env.resolve("foo.torrent"); let expected = if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { let script = env.resolve("open.bat"); fs::write(&script, format!("echo %3 > {}", opened.display())).unwrap(); format!("{} \r\n", torrent.display()) } else { let script = env.resolve(&Platform::opener().unwrap()[0]); fs::write( &script, format!("#!/usr/bin/env sh\necho $1 > {}", opened.display()), ) .unwrap(); Command::new("chmod") .arg("+x") .arg(&script) .status() .unwrap(); format!("{}\n", torrent.display()) }; const KEY: &str = "PATH"; let path = env::var_os(KEY).unwrap(); let mut split = env::split_paths(&path) .into_iter() .collect::>(); split.insert(0, env.dir().to_owned()); let new = env::join_paths(split).unwrap(); env::set_var(KEY, new); fs::write(env.resolve("foo"), "").unwrap();; let start = Instant::now(); while start.elapsed() < Duration::new(2, 0) { if let Ok(text) = fs::read_to_string(&opened) { assert_eq!(text, expected); return; } } panic!("Failed to read `opened.txt`."); } #[test] fn uneven_piece_length() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--piece-length", "17KiB", ], tree: { foo: {}, }, }; assert_matches!(, Err(Error::PieceLengthUneven { bytes }) if bytes.0 == 17 * 1024 ); } #[test] fn uneven_piece_length_allow() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--piece-length", "17KiB", "--allow", "uneven-piece-length", ], tree: { foo: {}, }, };; env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); } #[test] fn zero_piece_length() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--piece-length", "0", ], tree: { foo: {}, }, }; assert_matches!(, Err(Error::PieceLengthZero)); } #[test] fn small_piece_length() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--piece-length", "8KiB", ], tree: { foo: "", }, }; assert_matches!(, Err(Error::PieceLengthSmall)); } #[test] fn small_piece_length_allow() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--piece-length", "8KiB", "--allow", "small-piece-length", ], tree: { foo: {}, } };; env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); } #[test] fn output() { let mut env = TestEnvBuilder::new() .arg_slice(&[ "imdl", "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--no-creation-date", ]) .out_is_term() .build(); let dir = env.resolve("foo"); fs::create_dir(&dir).unwrap(); fs::write(dir.join("a"), "abc").unwrap(); fs::write(dir.join("x"), "xyz").unwrap(); fs::write(dir.join("h"), "hij").unwrap();; let have = env.out(); #[rustfmt::skip] let want = format!( " Name foo Created By {} Info Hash d3432a4b9d18baa413095a70f1e417021ceaca5b Torrent Size 237 bytes Content Size 9 bytes Private no Tracker http://bar/ Piece Size 16 KiB Piece Count 1 File Count 3 Files foo ├─a ├─h └─x ", consts::CREATED_BY_DEFAULT ); assert_eq!(have, want); } #[test] fn write_to_stdout() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--output", "-", ], tree: { foo: "", }, };; let bytes = env.out_bytes(); Metainfo::from_bytes(&bytes); } #[test] fn force_default() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar" ], tree: { foo: "", "foo.torrent": "foo", }, }; assert_matches!(, Error::Filesystem {source, path} if path == env.resolve("foo.torrent") && source.kind() == io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists ) } #[test] fn force_true() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--force", ], tree: { foo: "", "foo.torrent": "foo", }, };; env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); } #[test] fn exclude_junk() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", ], tree: { foo: { "Thumbs.db": "abc", "Desktop.ini": "abc", }, }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_matches!(, Mode::Multiple { files } if files.is_empty() ); assert_eq!(, PieceList::new()); } #[test] fn include_junk() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--include-junk", ], tree: { foo: { "Thumbs.db": "abc", "Desktop.ini": "abc", }, }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_matches!(, Mode::Multiple { files } if files.len() == 2 ); assert_eq!(, PieceList::from_pieces(&["abcabc"])); } #[test] fn skip_hidden() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", ], tree: { foo: { ".hidden": "abc", hidden: "abc", }, } }; if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { Command::new("attrib") .arg("+h") .arg(env.resolve("foo/hidden")) .status() .unwrap(); } else if cfg!(target_os = "macos") { Command::new("chflags") .arg("hidden") .arg(env.resolve("foo/hidden")) .status() .unwrap(); } else { fs::remove_file(env.resolve("foo/hidden")).unwrap(); }; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_matches!(, Mode::Multiple { files } if files.len() == 0 ); assert_eq!(, PieceList::new()); } #[test] fn include_hidden() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--include-hidden", ], tree: { foo: { ".hidden": "abc", hidden: "abc", }, } }; if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { Command::new("attrib") .arg("+h") .arg(env.resolve("foo/hidden")) .status() .unwrap(); } else if cfg!(target_os = "macos") { Command::new("chflags") .arg("hidden") .arg(env.resolve("foo/hidden")) .status() .unwrap(); }; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_matches!(, Mode::Multiple { files } if files.len() == 2 ); assert_eq!(, PieceList::from_pieces(&["abcabc"])); } fn populate_symlinks(env: &Env) { let dir = env.resolve("foo"); let file_src = env.resolve("bar"); let file_link = env.resolve("foo/bar"); let dir_src = env.resolve("dir-src"); let dir_contents = dir_src.join("baz"); let dir_link = env.resolve("foo/dir"); fs::create_dir(&dir_src).unwrap(); fs::write(dir_contents, "baz").unwrap(); fs::create_dir(&dir).unwrap(); fs::write(file_src, "bar").unwrap(); #[cfg(unix)] { Command::new("ln") .arg("-s") .arg("../bar") .arg(file_link) .status() .unwrap(); Command::new("ln") .arg("-s") .arg("../dir-src") .arg(dir_link) .status() .unwrap(); } } #[test] fn skip_symlinks() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--md5sum", ], tree: {}, }; populate_symlinks(&env);; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_matches!(, Mode::Multiple { files } if files.is_empty() ); assert_eq!(, PieceList::new()); } #[test] #[cfg(unix)] fn follow_symlinks() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--follow-symlinks", "--md5sum", ], tree: {}, }; populate_symlinks(&env);; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); let mut pieces = PieceList::new(); pieces.push(Sha1::from("barbaz").digest().into()); assert_eq!(, pieces); match { Mode::Multiple { files } => { assert_eq!( files, &[ FileInfo { length: Bytes(3), md5sum: Some(Md5Digest::from_hex("37b51d194a7513e45b56f6524f2d51f2")), path: FilePath::from_components(&["bar"]), }, FileInfo { length: Bytes(3), md5sum: Some(Md5Digest::from_hex("73feffa4b7f6bb68e44cf984c85f6e88")), path: FilePath::from_components(&["dir", "baz"]), }, ] ); } _ => panic!("Expected multi-file torrent"), } } #[test] #[cfg(unix)] fn symlink_root() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--md5sum", ], tree: {}, }; let file_src = env.resolve("bar"); let file_link = env.resolve("foo"); Command::new("ln") .arg("-s") .arg(&file_src) .arg(&file_link) .status() .unwrap(); assert_matches!(, Error::SymlinkRoot { root } if root == file_link); } #[test] fn skip_dot_dir_contents() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--md5sum", ], tree: { foo: { ".bar": { baz: "baz", }, }, } };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_matches!(, Mode::Multiple { files } if files.is_empty() ); assert_eq!(, PieceList::new()); } #[test] fn skip_hidden_attribute_dir_contents() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--md5sum" ], tree: { foo: { bar: {}, }, }, }; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] { env.write("foo/bar/baz", "baz"); let path = env.resolve("foo/bar"); Command::new("attrib") .arg("+h") .arg(&path) .status() .unwrap(); } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] { env.write("foo/bar/baz", "baz"); let path = env.resolve("foo/bar"); Command::new("chflags") .arg("hidden") .arg(&path) .status() .unwrap(); }; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_matches!(, Mode::Multiple { files } if files.is_empty() ); assert_eq!(, PieceList::new()); } #[test] fn glob_exclude() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--glob", "!a" ], tree: { foo: { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", }, } };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_matches!(, Mode::Multiple { files } if files.len() == 2 ); let mut pieces = PieceList::new(); pieces.push(Sha1::from("bc").digest().into()); assert_eq!(, pieces); } #[test] fn glob_exclude_nomatch() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--glob", "!x" ], tree: { foo: { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", }, } };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_matches!(, Mode::Multiple { files } if files.len() == 3 ); let mut pieces = PieceList::new(); pieces.push(Sha1::from("abc").digest().into()); assert_eq!(, pieces); } #[test] fn glob_include() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--glob", "[bc]", ], tree: { foo: { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", }, } };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_matches!(, Mode::Multiple { files } if files.len() == 2 ); let mut pieces = PieceList::new(); pieces.push(Sha1::from("bc").digest().into()); assert_eq!(, pieces); } #[test] fn glob_include_nomatch() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--glob", "x", ], tree: { foo: { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", }, } };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_matches!(, Mode::Multiple { files } if files.is_empty() ); assert_eq!(, PieceList::new()); } #[test] fn glob_precedence() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--glob", "!*", "--glob", "[ab]", "--glob", "!b", ], tree: { foo: { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", }, } };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_matches!(, Mode::Multiple { files } if files.len() == 1 ); assert_eq!(, PieceList::from_pieces(&["a"])); } #[test] fn nodes_default() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", ], tree: { foo: "", } };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert!(metainfo.nodes.is_none()); } #[test] fn nodes_invalid() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--dht-node", "blah", ], tree: { foo: "", }, }; assert_matches!(, Err(Error::Clap { .. })); } #[test] fn nodes_valid() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "http://bar", "--dht-node", "", "--dht-node", "", "--dht-node", "[2001:db8:4275:7920:6269:7463:6f69:6e21]:8832", ], tree: { foo: "", }, };; let metainfo = env.load_metainfo("foo.torrent"); assert_eq!( metainfo.nodes, Some(vec![ "".parse().unwrap(), "".parse().unwrap(), "[2001:db8:4275:7920:6269:7463:6f69:6e21]:8832" .parse() .unwrap(), ]), ); } }