use crate::common::*; pub(crate) struct Env { args: Vec, dir: Box>, pub(crate) err: Box, pub(crate) out: Box, err_style: Style, out_style: Style, out_is_term: bool, } impl Env { pub(crate) fn main() -> Self { let dir = match env::current_dir() { Ok(dir) => dir, Err(error) => panic!("Failed to get current directory: {}", error), }; let no_color = env::var_os("NO_COLOR").is_some() || env::var_os("TERM").as_deref() == Some(OsStr::new("dumb")); let err_style = if no_color || !atty::is(atty::Stream::Stderr) { Style::inactive() } else { Style::active() }; let out_style = if no_color || !atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdout) { Style::inactive() } else { Style::active() }; let out_is_term = atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdout); Self::new( dir, io::stdout(), out_style, out_is_term, io::stderr(), err_style, env::args(), ) } pub(crate) fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { #[cfg(windows)] ansi_term::enable_ansi_support().ok(); #[cfg(not(test))] pretty_env_logger::init(); let opt = Opt::from_iter_safe(&self.args)?; match opt.use_color { UseColor::Always => self.err_style = Style::active(), UseColor::Auto => {} UseColor::Never => self.err_style = Style::inactive(), } } pub(crate) fn new( dir: D, out: O, out_style: Style, out_is_term: bool, err: E, err_style: Style, args: I, ) -> Self where D: AsRef + 'static, O: Write + 'static, E: Write + 'static, S: Into, I: IntoIterator, { Self { args: args.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(), dir: Box::new(dir), err: Box::new(err), out: Box::new(out), out_style, out_is_term, err_style, } } pub(crate) fn status(&mut self) -> Result<(), i32> { use structopt::clap::ErrorKind; if let Err(error) = { if let Error::Clap { source } = error { if source.use_stderr() { write!(&mut self.err, "{}", source).ok(); } else { write!(&mut self.out, "{}", source).ok(); } match source.kind { ErrorKind::VersionDisplayed | ErrorKind::HelpDisplayed => Ok(()), _ => Err(EXIT_FAILURE), } } else { writeln!( &mut self.err, "{}{}: {}{}", self.err_style.error().paint("error"), self.err_style.message().prefix(), error, self.err_style.message().suffix(), ) .ok(); if let Some(lint) = error.lint() { writeln!( &mut self.err, "{}: This check can be disabled with `--allow {}`.", self.err_style.message().paint("note"), ) .ok(); } Err(EXIT_FAILURE) } } else { Ok(()) } } pub(crate) fn dir(&self) -> &Path { self.dir.as_ref().as_ref() } pub(crate) fn resolve(&self, path: impl AsRef) -> PathBuf { self.dir().join(path).clean() } pub(crate) fn out_is_term(&self) -> bool { self.out_is_term } pub(crate) fn out_style(&self) -> Style { self.out_style } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn error_message_on_stdout() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", "--announce", "", "--announce-tier", "foo", ], tree: { foo: "", } }; env.status().ok(); let err = env.err(); if !err.starts_with("error: Failed to parse announce URL:") { panic!("Unexpected standard error output: {}", err); } assert_eq!(env.out(), ""); } }