default: watch version := `sed -En 's/version[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*"([^"]+)"/v\1/p' Cargo.toml | head -1` bt := '0' export RUST_BACKTRACE := bt log := 'warn' export RUST_LOG := log # watch filesystem for changes and rerun tests watch +ARGS='': cargo watch --clear --exec 'test {{ARGS}}' # show stats about torrents at `PATH` stats PATH: cargo build --release time ./target/release/imdl --unstable torrent stats --input {{PATH}} push: check ! git branch | grep '* master' git push github # clean up feature branch BRANCH done BRANCH=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`: check git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code git push github {{BRANCH}}:master git checkout master git rebase {{BRANCH}} git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code {{BRANCH}} -- git branch -d {{BRANCH}} test: cargo test --all clippy: cargo clippy --all fmt: cargo +nightly fmt --all lint: ./bin/lint preview-readme: grip -b # build and serve the book book: mdbook serve book --open --dest-dir ../www/book # add git log messages to changelog changes: git log --pretty=format:%s >> dev-deps: brew install grip cargo install mdbook cargo install cargo-watch npm install --global asciicast2gif brew install imagemagick brew install gifsicle # update readme table of contents update-toc: cargo run --package update-readme toc generate-completions: ./bin/generate-completions man: cargo build help2man \ --name 'BitTorrent metainfo utility' \ --manual 'IMDL MANUAL' \ --no-info \ target/debug/imdl \ > man/imdl.1 sd '📦 ' "\n" man/imdl.1 check-man: man git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code check-minimal-versions: ./bin/check-minimal-versions check: test clippy lint check-minimal-versions changelog-update git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code cargo +nightly fmt --all -- --check cargo run --package update-readme toc git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code draft: push hub pull-request -o --draft pr: push hub pull-request -o merge: check #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euxo pipefail while ! hub ci-status --verbose; do sleep 5 done just done publish-check: check check-man cargo outdated --exit-code 1 grep {{version}} publish: publish-check #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euxo pipefail while ! hub ci-status --verbose; do sleep 5 done git tag -a {{version}} -m 'Release {{version}}' git push github {{version}} cargo publish just done changelog-update: cargo run --package changelog update changelog-types: cargo run --package changelog types changelog-issue-template: cargo run --package changelog issue-template # record, upload, and render demo animation demo: demo-record demo-upload demo-render demo-record: #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euxo pipefail cargo build --release --all rm -f tmp/9front.torrent asciinema rec \ --title "Intermodal {{version}} Demo" \ --command ./target/release/demo \ --overwrite \ tmp/demo.json demo-upload: asciinema upload tmp/demo.json demo-render: asciicast2gif tmp/demo.json www/demo.gif # open site index www: open www/index.html # retrieve large collection of torrents from the Internet Archive get-torrents: aria2c \ -d dat \ -x 10 \ '' # download repository get-beps: git clone tmp/