default: watch # watch filesystem for changes and rerun tests watch: cargo watch --exec test # show stats about torrents at `PATH` stats PATH: cargo build --release time ./target/release/imdl --unstable torrent stats --input {{PATH}} # clean up feature branch BRANCH done BRANCH: git checkout master git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code git pull --rebase github master git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code {{BRANCH}} git branch -D {{BRANCH}} test: cargo test lint: cargo clippy preview-readme: grip -b dev-deps: brew install grip generate-bep-table: cargo run --example generate-bep-table # retrieve large collection of torrents from the Internet Archive get-torrents: aria2c \ -d dat \ -x 10 \ '' # download repository get-beps: git clone tmp/