use crate::common::*; pub(crate) struct Table { rows: Vec<(&'static str, Value)>, } impl Table { pub(crate) fn new() -> Self { Self { rows: Vec::new() } } pub(crate) fn row(&mut self, name: &'static str, value: impl ToString) { self.rows.push((name, Value::Scalar(value.to_string()))); } pub(crate) fn size(&mut self, name: &'static str, bytes: Bytes) { self.rows.push((name, Value::Size(bytes))); } pub(crate) fn tiers( &mut self, name: &'static str, tiers: impl IntoIterator)>, ) { self.rows.push(( name, Value::Tiers( tiers .into_iter() .map(|(name, values)| { ( name.to_string(), values.into_iter().map(|value| value.to_string()).collect(), ) }) .collect(), ), )); } fn rows(&self) -> &[(&'static str, Value)] { &self.rows } pub(crate) fn name_width(&self) -> usize { self .rows() .iter() .map(|row| UnicodeWidthStr::width(row.0)) .max() .unwrap_or(0) } pub(crate) fn write_human_readable(&self, out: &mut dyn Write, style: Style) -> io::Result<()> { fn padding(out: &mut dyn Write, n: usize) -> io::Result<()> { write!(out, "{:width$}", "", width = n) } let name_width = self.name_width(); for (name, value) in self.rows() { write!( out, "{:width$}{}", "",*name), width = name_width - UnicodeWidthStr::width(*name), )?; match value { Value::Scalar(scalar) => writeln!(out, " {}", scalar)?, Value::Size(bytes) => writeln!(out, " {}", bytes)?, Value::Tiers(tiers) => { let tier_name_width = tiers .iter() .map(|(name, _values)| UnicodeWidthStr::width(name.as_str())) .max() .unwrap_or(0); for (i, (name, values)) in tiers.iter().enumerate() { if i > 0 { padding(out, name_width)?; } write!( out, " {:width$}", format!("{}:", name).as_str(), width = tier_name_width + 1 )?; for (i, value) in values.iter().enumerate() { if i > 0 { padding(out, name_width + 2 + tier_name_width + 1)?; } writeln!(out, " {}", value)?; } } } } } Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn write_tab_delimited(&self, out: &mut dyn Write) -> io::Result<()> { for (name, value) in self.rows() { write!(out, "{}\t", name)?; match value { Value::Scalar(scalar) => writeln!(out, "{}", scalar)?, Value::Size(Bytes(value)) => writeln!(out, "{}", value)?, Value::Tiers(tiers) => { for (i, value) in tiers.iter().flat_map(|(_name, values)| values).enumerate() { if i > 0 { write!(out, "\t")?; } write!(out, "{}", value)?; } writeln!(out)?; } } } Ok(()) } } enum Value { Scalar(String), Tiers(Vec<(String, Vec)>), Size(Bytes), } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; fn human_readable(table: &Table, want: &str) { let mut cursor = Cursor::new(Vec::new()); table .write_human_readable(&mut cursor, Style::inactive()) .unwrap(); let have = String::from_utf8(cursor.into_inner()).unwrap(); if have != want { panic!("have != want:\nHAVE:\n{}\nWANT:\n{}", have, want); } } fn tab_delimited(table: &Table, want: &str) { let mut cursor = Cursor::new(Vec::new()); table.write_tab_delimited(&mut cursor).unwrap(); let have = String::from_utf8(cursor.into_inner()).unwrap(); if have != want { panic!("have != want:\nHAVE:\n{}\nWANT:\n{}", have, want); } } #[test] fn color() { let mut table = Table::new(); table.row("Here", "bar"); table.row("There", "baz"); let mut cursor = Cursor::new(Vec::new()); table .write_human_readable(&mut cursor, Style::active()) .unwrap(); let have = String::from_utf8(cursor.into_inner()).unwrap(); assert_eq!( have, " \u{1b}[34mHere\u{1b}[0m bar\n\u{1b}[34mThere\u{1b}[0m baz\n" ); } #[test] fn single_row() { let mut table = Table::new(); table.row("Foo", "bar"); human_readable(&table, "Foo bar\n"); tab_delimited(&table, "Foo\tbar\n"); } #[test] fn multiple_rows() { let mut table = Table::new(); table.row("Foo", "bar"); table.row("X", "y"); human_readable(&table, "Foo bar\n X y\n"); tab_delimited(&table, "Foo\tbar\nX\ty\n"); } #[test] fn tiers_aligned() { let mut table = Table::new(); table.tiers("Foo", vec![("Bar", &["a", "b"]), ("Baz", &["x", "y"])]); human_readable( &table, "\ Foo Bar: a b Baz: x y ", ); tab_delimited(&table, "Foo\ta\tb\tx\ty\n"); } #[test] fn tiers_unaligned() { let mut table = Table::new(); table.tiers( "First", vec![("Some", &["the", "thing"]), ("Other", &["about", "that"])], ); table.tiers( "Second", vec![ ("Row", &["the", "thing"]), ("More Stuff", &["about", "that"]), ], ); human_readable( &table, " First Some: the thing Other: about that Second Row: the thing More Stuff: about that ", ); tab_delimited( &table, "First\tthe\tthing\tabout\tthat\nSecond\tthe\tthing\tabout\tthat\n", ); } }