use crate::common::*; #[derive(StructOpt)] #[structopt( help_message(consts::HELP_MESSAGE), version_message(consts::VERSION_MESSAGE), about("Generate a magnet link from a `.torrent` file.") )] pub(crate) struct Link { #[structopt( long = "input", short = "i", value_name = "METAINFO", help = "Generate magnet link from metainfo at `PATH`.", parse(from_os_str) )] input: PathBuf, #[structopt( long = "open", short = "O", help = "Open generated magnet link. Uses `xdg-open`, `gnome-open`, or `kde-open` on Linux; \ `open` on macOS; and `cmd /C start` on Windows" )] open: bool, #[structopt( long = "peer", short = "p", value_name = "PEER", help = "Add `PEER` to magnet link." )] peers: Vec, } impl Link { pub(crate) fn run(self, env: &mut Env) -> Result<(), Error> { let input = env.resolve(&self.input); let infohash = Infohash::load(&input)?; let metainfo = Metainfo::load(&input)?; let mut link = MagnetLink::with_infohash(infohash); link.set_name(&; for result in metainfo.trackers() { link.add_tracker(result?); } for peer in self.peers { link.add_peer(peer); } let url = link.to_url(); outln!(env, "{}", url)?; if { Platform::open_url(&url)?; } Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use claim::assert_ok; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; #[test] fn no_announce() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "link", "--input", "foo.torrent", ], tree: { "foo.torrent": "d4:infod6:lengthi0e4:name3:foo12:piece lengthi1e6:pieces0:ee", } }; assert_ok!(; const INFO: &str = "d6:lengthi0e4:name3:foo12:piece lengthi1e6:pieces0:e"; let infohash = Sha1Digest::from_data(INFO.as_bytes()); assert_eq!( env.out(), format!("magnet:?xt=urn:btih:{}&dn=foo\n", infohash), ); } #[test] fn with_announce() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "link", "--input", "foo.torrent", ], tree: { "foo.torrent": "d\ 8:announce24:\ 4:infod6:lengthi0e4:name3:foo12:piece lengthi1e6:pieces0:e\ e", } }; assert_ok!(; const INFO: &str = "d6:lengthi0e4:name3:foo12:piece lengthi1e6:pieces0:e"; let infohash = Sha1Digest::from_data(INFO.as_bytes()); assert_eq!( env.out(), format!( "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:{}&dn=foo&tr=\n", infohash ), ); } #[test] fn unique_trackers() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "link", "--input", "foo.torrent", ], tree: { "foo.torrent": "d\ 8:announce24:\ 13:announce-listll24:\ 4:infod6:lengthi0e4:name3:foo12:piece lengthi1e6:pieces0:e\ e", } }; assert_ok!(; const INFO: &str = "d6:lengthi0e4:name3:foo12:piece lengthi1e6:pieces0:e"; let infohash = Sha1Digest::from_data(INFO.as_bytes()); assert_eq!( env.out(), format!( "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:{}&dn=foo&tr=\n", infohash ), ); } #[test] fn with_peer() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "link", "--input", "foo.torrent", "--peer", "", ], tree: { "foo.torrent": "d\ 8:announce24:\ 4:infod6:lengthi0e4:name3:foo12:piece lengthi1e6:pieces0:e\ e", } }; assert_ok!(; const INFO: &str = "d6:lengthi0e4:name3:foo12:piece lengthi1e6:pieces0:e"; let infohash = Sha1Digest::from_data(INFO.as_bytes()); assert_eq!( env.out(), format!( "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:{}&dn=foo&tr=\n", infohash ), ); } #[test] fn infohash_correct_with_nonstandard_info_dict() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "link", "--input", "foo.torrent", ], tree: { "foo.torrent": "d4:infod1:ai0e6:lengthi0e4:name3:foo12:piece lengthi1e6:pieces0:ee", } }; assert_ok!(; const INFO: &str = "d1:ai0e6:lengthi0e4:name3:foo12:piece lengthi1e6:pieces0:e"; let infohash = Sha1Digest::from_data(INFO.as_bytes()); assert_eq!( env.out(), format!("magnet:?xt=urn:btih:{}&dn=foo\n", infohash), ); } #[test] fn bad_metainfo_error() { let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "link", "--input", "foo.torrent", ], tree: { "foo.torrent": "i0e", } }; assert_matches!(, Err(Error::MetainfoValidate { path, source: MetainfoError::Type }) if path == env.resolve("foo.torrent") ); } #[test] fn open() { let mut create_env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "create", "--input", "foo", ], tree: { foo: "", }, }; assert_matches!(, Ok(())); let torrent = create_env.resolve("foo.torrent"); let mut env = test_env! { args: [ "torrent", "link", "--input", &torrent, "--open", ], tree: {}, }; let opened = env.resolve("opened.txt"); let link = "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:516735f4b80f2b5487eed5f226075bdcde33a54e&dn=foo"; let expected = if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { let script = env.resolve("open.bat"); fs::write(&script, format!("echo > {}", opened.display())).unwrap(); format!("ECHO is on.\r\n") } else { let script = env.resolve(&Platform::opener().unwrap()[0]); fs::write( &script, format!("#!/usr/bin/env sh\necho $1 > {}", opened.display()), ) .unwrap(); Command::new("chmod") .arg("+x") .arg(&script) .status() .unwrap(); format!("{}\n", link) }; const KEY: &str = "PATH"; let path = env::var_os(KEY).unwrap(); let mut split = env::split_paths(&path) .into_iter() .collect::>(); split.insert(0, env.dir().to_owned()); let new = env::join_paths(split).unwrap(); env::set_var(KEY, new); assert_matches!(, Ok(())); let start = Instant::now(); while start.elapsed() < Duration::new(2, 0) { if let Ok(text) = fs::read_to_string(&opened) { assert_eq!(text, expected); return; } } panic!("Failed to read `opened.txt`."); } }