If a user passes `--input foo`, print "Searching `foo` for files…",
instead of the resolved, absolute path to `foo`, since the former is
what the user typed in.
This was way harder, and had way more edge cases, than I thought it would
One takaway, lexical path cleaning is excellent.
type: changed
- https://github.com/casey/intermodal/issues/252
- https://github.com/casey/intermodal/issues/332
When an empty path is passed to `Env::resolve`, the result is the
current working directory. This is bad, so forbid the user to pass in
empty paths.
type: fixed
Torrents may now be created from standard input by passing `--input -`.
Since `--name` and `--output` cannot be deduced, they are required when
`--input -`.
type: added
The order in which files appear in torrents can now be controlled
with the `--order` flag:
imdl torrent create --input foo --order alphabetical-asc
See `--help` documentation for possible values.
type: added
- Format with nightly rustfmt
- Enable unstable options in rustfmt.toml
- Turn off git text file detection, so newlines are always unix newlines
type: reform
The --dht-node flag can be used to add DHT bootstrap nodes to new torrents.
This is the only piece of metainfo-related functionality in BEP 5, so we can mark BEP
5 as implemented.
type: added
Adds the command `imdl` torrent verify` to verify the contents of torrents.
This implementation is extremely naive. It does successfully verify torrents,
but it will produce unsatisfying results when a torrent fails verification. In
particular, it won't give any information about which pieces in a file were
type: added
To include only files that match a glob, pass `--glob GLOB`. To exclude
files that match a glob, pass `--glob GLOB`. Multiple globs may be
passed, with later globs taking precedence over earlier ones.
type: added
By default, skip the following when creating a torrent:
- Junk files, like `Thumbs.db`
- Files and directories that begin with a `.`
- Files and directories that have the OS or Windows hidden attribute set
- Symlinks
These can be overridden with, respectively:
- `--include-junk`
- `--include-hidden`
- `--include-hidden`
- `--follow-symlinks`
type: changed
The `imdl torrent show` command displays information about on-disk
torrent files. The formatting of the command's output is copied from
torf, an excellent command-line torrent creator, editor, and viewer.
type: added
- Must be greater than zero
- Must be a power of two (but can override with `--allow uneven-piece-length`
- Must be greater than 16KiB (but can override with `--allow small-piece-length`
- Must be less than u32 max
type: changed