2022-08-29 18:52:30 +02:00

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package main
// Metrics definitions
// See https://github.com/ooni/probe/issues/2183#issuecomment-1230327725
import (
var (
// metricRequestsCount counts the number of requests we served.
metricRequestsCount = promauto.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "oohelperd_requests_count",
Help: "Total number of processed requests",
}, []string{"code", "reason"})
// metricRequestsInflight gauges the number of requests currently inflight.
metricRequestsInflight = promauto.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "oohelperd_requests_inflight_gauge",
Help: "The number or requests currently inflight",
// metricWCTaskDurationSeconds summarizes the duration of the web connectivity measurement task.
metricWCTaskDurationSeconds = promauto.NewSummary(prometheus.SummaryOpts{
Name: "oohelperd_wctask_duration_seconds",
Help: "Summarizes the time to complete the Web Connectivity measurement task (in seconds)",
// See https://grafana.com/blog/2022/03/01/how-summary-metrics-work-in-prometheus/
// TODO(bassosimone,FedericoCeratto): investigate whether using
// a shorter-than-10m observation interval is better for us
Objectives: map[float64]float64{
0.25: 0.010, // 0.240 <= φ <= 0.260
0.5: 0.010, // 0.490 <= φ <= 0.510
0.75: 0.010, // 0.740 <= φ <= 0.760
0.9: 0.010, // 0.899 <= φ <= 0.901
0.99: 0.001, // 0.989 <= φ <= 0.991