178 lines
5.0 KiB

package onboard
import (
// Onboarding start the interactive onboarding procedure
func Onboarding(config *config.Config) error {
output.SectionTitle("What is OONI Probe?")
output.Paragraph("Your tool for detecting internet censorship!")
output.Paragraph("OONI Probe checks whether your provider blocks access to sites and services. Run OONI Probe to collect evidence of internet censorship and to measure your network performance.")
err := output.PressAnyKeyToContinue("Press any key to continue...")
if err != nil {
return err
output.SectionTitle("Heads Up")
output.Bullet("Anyone monitoring your internet activity (such as your government or ISP) may be able to see that you are running OONI Probe.")
output.Bullet("The network data you will collect will automatically be published (unless you opt-out in the settings).")
output.Bullet("You may test objectionable sites.")
output.Bullet("Read the documentation to learn more.")
err = output.PressAnyKeyToContinue("Press any key to continue...")
if err != nil {
return err
output.SectionTitle("Pop Quiz!")
answer := ""
quiz1 := &survey.Select{
Message: "Anyone monitoring my internet activity may be able to see that I am running OONI Probe.",
Options: []string{"true", "false"},
Default: "true",
if err := survey.AskOne(quiz1, &answer, nil); err != nil {
return err
if answer != "true" {
output.Paragraph("OONI Probe is not a privacy tool. Therefore, anyone monitoring your internet activity may be able to see which software you are running.")
} else {
output.Paragraph(color.BlueString("Good job!"))
answer = ""
quiz2 := &survey.Select{
Message: "The network data I will collect will automatically be published (unless I opt-out in the settings).",
Options: []string{"true", "false"},
Default: "true",
if err := survey.AskOne(quiz2, &answer, nil); err != nil {
return err
if answer != "true" {
output.Paragraph("The network data you will collect will automatically be published to increase transparency of internet censorship (unless you opt-out in the settings).")
} else {
output.Paragraph(color.BlueString("Well done!"))
changeDefaults := false
prompt := &survey.Confirm{
Message: "Do you want to change the default settings?",
Default: false,
if err := survey.AskOne(prompt, &changeDefaults, nil); err != nil {
return err
settings := struct {
IncludeIP bool
IncludeNetwork bool
UploadResults bool
SendCrashReports bool
settings.IncludeIP = false
settings.IncludeNetwork = true
settings.UploadResults = true
settings.SendCrashReports = true
if changeDefaults == true {
var qs = []*survey.Question{
Name: "UploadResults",
Prompt: &survey.Confirm{
Message: "Can we automatically publish your OONI Probe test results?",
Default: true,
Name: "SendCrashReports",
Prompt: &survey.Confirm{
Message: "Can we send crash reports to OONI?",
Default: true,
if err := survey.Ask(qs, &settings); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("there was an error in parsing your responses")
return err
config.InformedConsent = true
config.Sharing.UploadResults = settings.UploadResults
if err := config.Write(); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("failed to write config file")
return err
return nil
// MaybeOnboarding will run the onboarding process only if the informed consent
// config option is set to false
func MaybeOnboarding(probe *ooni.Probe) error {
if probe.Config().InformedConsent == false {
if probe.IsBatch() == true {
return errors.New("cannot run onboarding in batch mode")
if err := Onboarding(probe.Config()); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "onboarding")
return nil
func init() {
cmd := root.Command("onboard", "Starts the onboarding process")
yes := cmd.Flag("yes", "Answer yes to all the onboarding questions.").Bool()
cmd.Action(func(_ *kingpin.ParseContext) error {
probe, err := root.Init()
if err != nil {
return err
if *yes == true {
probe.Config().InformedConsent = true
if err := probe.Config().Write(); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("failed to write config file")
return err
return nil
if probe.IsBatch() == true {
return errors.New("cannot do onboarding in batch mode")
return Onboarding(probe.Config())