Simone Basso 8b38ea7e98
refactor(errorsx): improve errno generating code (#473)
No functional change, as it's clearly obvious from the output.

While there, also rename the generator for certifi. We are planning
on merging errorsx into netxlite. The first step is to give different
names to the code generating programs.

See https://github.com/ooni/probe/issues/1591
2021-09-07 14:25:42 +02:00

230 lines
7.4 KiB

package main
import (
// ErrorSpec specifies the error we care about.
type ErrorSpec struct {
// errno is the error name as an errno value (e.g., ECONNREFUSED).
errno string
// failure is the error name according to OONI (e.g., FailureConnectionRefused).
failure string
// AsErrnoName returns the name of the corresponding errno, if this
// is a system error, or panics otherwise.
func (es *ErrorSpec) AsErrnoName() string {
if !es.IsSystemError() {
panic("not a system error")
return es.errno
// AsFailureVar returns the name of the failure var.
func (es *ErrorSpec) AsFailureVar() string {
return "Failure" + strcase.ToCamel(es.failure)
// AsFailureString returns the OONI failure string.
func (es *ErrorSpec) AsFailureString() string {
return es.failure
// NewSystemError constructs a new ErrorSpec representing a system
// error, i.e., an error returned by a system call.
func NewSystemError(errno, failure string) *ErrorSpec {
return &ErrorSpec{errno: errno, failure: failure}
// NewLibraryError constructs a new ErrorSpec representing a library
// error, i.e., an error returned by the Go standard library or by other
// dependecies written typicall in Go (e.g., quic-go).
func NewLibraryError(failure string) *ErrorSpec {
return &ErrorSpec{failure: failure}
// IsSystemError returns whether this ErrorSpec describes a system
// error, i.e., an error returned by a syscall.
func (es *ErrorSpec) IsSystemError() bool {
return es.errno != ""
// Specs contains all the error specs.
var Specs = []*ErrorSpec{
NewSystemError("ECANCELED", "operation_canceled"),
NewSystemError("ECONNREFUSED", "connection_refused"),
NewSystemError("ECONNRESET", "connection_reset"),
NewSystemError("EHOSTUNREACH", "host_unreachable"),
NewSystemError("ETIMEDOUT", "timed_out"),
NewSystemError("EAFNOSUPPORT", "address_family_not_supported"),
NewSystemError("EADDRINUSE", "address_in_use"),
NewSystemError("EADDRNOTAVAIL", "address_not_available"),
NewSystemError("EISCONN", "already_connected"),
NewSystemError("EFAULT", "bad_address"),
NewSystemError("EBADF", "bad_file_descriptor"),
NewSystemError("ECONNABORTED", "connection_aborted"),
NewSystemError("EALREADY", "connection_already_in_progress"),
NewSystemError("EDESTADDRREQ", "destination_address_required"),
NewSystemError("EINTR", "interrupted"),
NewSystemError("EINVAL", "invalid_argument"),
NewSystemError("EMSGSIZE", "message_size"),
NewSystemError("ENETDOWN", "network_down"),
NewSystemError("ENETRESET", "network_reset"),
NewSystemError("ENETUNREACH", "network_unreachable"),
NewSystemError("ENOBUFS", "no_buffer_space"),
NewSystemError("ENOPROTOOPT", "no_protocol_option"),
NewSystemError("ENOTSOCK", "not_a_socket"),
NewSystemError("ENOTCONN", "not_connected"),
NewSystemError("EWOULDBLOCK", "operation_would_block"),
NewSystemError("EACCES", "permission_denied"),
NewSystemError("EPROTONOSUPPORT", "protocol_not_supported"),
NewSystemError("EPROTOTYPE", "wrong_protocol_type"),
func fileCreate(filename string) *os.File {
filep, err := os.Create(filename)
if err != nil {
return filep
func fileWrite(filep *os.File, content string) {
if _, err := filep.WriteString(content); err != nil {
func fileClose(filep *os.File) {
if err := filep.Close(); err != nil {
func filePrintf(filep *os.File, format string, v ...interface{}) {
fileWrite(filep, fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
func gofmt(filename string) {
cmd := execabs.Command("go", "fmt", filename)
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
func writeSystemSpecificFile(kind string) {
filename := "errno_" + kind + ".go"
filep := fileCreate(filename)
fileWrite(filep, "// Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT.\n")
filePrintf(filep, "// Generated: %+v\n\n", time.Now())
fileWrite(filep, "package errorsx\n\n")
filePrintf(filep, "import \"golang.org/x/sys/%s\"\n\n", kind)
fileWrite(filep, "const (\n")
for _, spec := range Specs {
filePrintf(filep, "\t%s = %s.%s\n",
spec.AsErrnoName(), kind, spec.AsErrnoName())
fileWrite(filep, ")\n\n")
func writeGenericFile() {
filename := "errno.go"
filep := fileCreate(filename)
fileWrite(filep, "// Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT.\n")
filePrintf(filep, "// Generated: %+v\n\n", time.Now())
fileWrite(filep, "package errorsx\n\n")
fileWrite(filep, "//go:generate go run ./generator/\n\n")
fileWrite(filep, "import (\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\t\"errors\"\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\t\"syscall\"\n")
fileWrite(filep, ")\n\n")
fileWrite(filep, "// This enumeration lists the syscall-derived failures defined at\n")
fileWrite(filep, "// https://github.com/ooni/spec/blob/master/data-formats/df-007-errors.md\n")
fileWrite(filep, "//\n")
fileWrite(filep, "// See also the enumeration at failures.go for the failures that\n")
fileWrite(filep, "// DO NOT derive from system call errors.\n")
fileWrite(filep, "const (\n")
for _, spec := range Specs {
filePrintf(filep, "\t%s = \"%s\"\n",
fileWrite(filep, ")\n\n")
fileWrite(filep, "// toSyscallErr converts a syscall error to the\n")
fileWrite(filep, "// proper OONI error. Returns the OONI error string\n")
fileWrite(filep, "// on success, an empty string otherwise.\n")
fileWrite(filep, "func toSyscallErr(err error) string {\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\t// filter out system errors: necessary to detect all windows errors\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\t// https://github.com/ooni/probe/issues/1526 describes the problem\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\t// of mapping localized windows errors.\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\tvar errno syscall.Errno\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\tif !errors.As(err, &errno) {\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\t\treturn \"\"\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\t}\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\tswitch errno {\n")
for _, spec := range Specs {
filePrintf(filep, "\tcase %s:\n", spec.AsErrnoName())
filePrintf(filep, "\t\treturn %s\n", spec.AsFailureVar())
fileWrite(filep, "\t}\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\treturn \"\"\n")
fileWrite(filep, "}\n\n")
func writeGenericTestFile() {
filename := "errno_test.go"
filep := fileCreate(filename)
fileWrite(filep, "// Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT.\n")
filePrintf(filep, "// Generated: %+v\n\n", time.Now())
fileWrite(filep, "package errorsx\n\n")
fileWrite(filep, "import (\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\t\"io\"\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\t\"syscall\"\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\t\"testing\"\n")
fileWrite(filep, ")\n\n")
fileWrite(filep, "func TestToSyscallErr(t *testing.T) {\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\tif v := toSyscallErr(io.EOF); v != \"\" {\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\t\tt.Fatalf(\"expected empty string, got '%s'\", v)\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\t}\n")
for _, spec := range Specs {
filePrintf(filep, "\tif v := toSyscallErr(%s); v != %s {\n",
spec.AsErrnoName(), spec.AsFailureVar())
filePrintf(filep, "\t\tt.Fatalf(\"expected '%%s', got '%%s'\", %s, v)\n",
fileWrite(filep, "\t}\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\tif v := toSyscallErr(syscall.Errno(0)); v != \"\" {\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\t\tt.Fatalf(\"expected empty string, got '%s'\", v)\n")
fileWrite(filep, "\t}\n")
fileWrite(filep, "}\n")
func main() {