Simone Basso 5e76c6ec92
refactor(webconnectivity@v0.5): improve logging clarity (#964)
We're bumping the experiment's version number because we changed the name of the field used to contain late/duplicate DNS responses. We have also changed the algorithm to determine `#dnsDiff`. However, the change should only impact how we log this information. Overall, here the idea is to provide users with a reasonably clear explanation of how the probe maps observations to blocking and accessible using expected/unexpected as the conceptual framework.

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2022-09-15 07:03:53 +02:00

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package webconnectivity
// DNS analysis
import (
const (
// AnalysisDNSBogon indicates we got any bogon reply
AnalysisDNSBogon = 1 << iota
// AnalysisDNSUnexpectedFailure indicates the TH could
// resolve a domain while the probe couldn't
// AnalysisDNSUnexpectedAddrs indicates the TH resolved
// different addresses from the probe
// analysisDNSToplevel is the toplevel analysis function for DNS results.
// Note: this function DOES NOT consider failed DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) submeasurements
// and ONLY considers the IP addrs they have resolved. Failing to contact a DoH service
// provides info about such a DoH service rather than on the measured URL. See the
// issue for more info.
// The goals of this function are the following:
// 1. Set the legacy .DNSExperimentFailure field to the failure value of the
// first DNS query that failed among the ones we actually tried. Because we
// have multiple queries, unfortunately we are forced to pick one error among
// possibly many to assign to this field. This is why I consider it legacy.
// 2. Compute the XDNSFlags value.
// From the XDNSFlags value, we determine, in turn DNSConsistency and
// XBlockingFlags according to the following decision table:
// +-----------+----------------+---------------------+
// | XDNSFlags | DNSConsistency | XBlockingFlags |
// +-----------+----------------+---------------------+
// | 0 | "consistent" | no change |
// +-----------+----------------+---------------------+
// | nonzero | "inconsistent" | set FlagDNSBlocking |
// +-----------+----------------+---------------------+
// We explain how XDNSFlags is determined in the documentation of
// the functions that this function calls to do its job.
func (tk *TestKeys) analysisDNSToplevel(logger model.Logger) {
if tk.DNSFlags != 0 {
logger.Warn("DNSConsistency: inconsistent")
tk.DNSConsistency = "inconsistent"
tk.BlockingFlags |= analysisFlagDNSBlocking
} else {
logger.Info("DNSConsistency: consistent")
tk.DNSConsistency = "consistent"
// analysisDNSDuplicateResponses checks whether we received duplicate
// replies for DNS-over-UDP queries, which is very unexpected.
func (tk *TestKeys) analysisDNSDuplicateResponses(logger model.Logger) {
if length := len(tk.DNSDuplicateResponses); length > 0 {
// TODO(bassosimone): write algorithm to analyze this
logger.Warnf("DNS: got %d unexpected late/duplicate DNS responses", length)
// analysisDNSExperimentFailure sets the legacy DNSExperimentFailure field.
func (tk *TestKeys) analysisDNSExperimentFailure() {
for _, query := range tk.Queries {
if fail := query.Failure; fail != nil {
if query.QueryType == "AAAA" && *query.Failure == netxlite.FailureDNSNoAnswer {
// maybe this heuristic could be further improved by checking
// whether the TH did actually see any IPv6 address?
if query.Engine == "doh" {
// we SHOULD NOT flag DoH failures _because_ they pertain to the
// DoH service rather than to the input URL
// See
tk.DNSExperimentFailure = fail
// analysisDNSBogon computes the AnalysisDNSBogon flag. We set this flag if
// we dectect any bogon in the .Queries field of the TestKeys.
func (tk *TestKeys) analysisDNSBogon(logger model.Logger) {
for _, query := range tk.Queries {
// Implementation note: any bogon IP address resolved by a DoH service
// is STILL suspicious since it should not happen. TODO(bassosimone): an
// even better algorithm could possibly check whether also the TH has
// observed bogon IP addrs and avoid flagging in such a case.
// See
for _, answer := range query.Answers {
switch answer.AnswerType {
case "A":
if net.ParseIP(answer.IPv4) != nil && netxlite.IsBogon(answer.IPv4) {
"DNS: got BOGON answer %s for domain %s (see #%d)",
tk.DNSFlags |= AnalysisDNSBogon
// continue processing so we print all the bogons we have
case "AAAA":
if net.ParseIP(answer.IPv6) != nil && netxlite.IsBogon(answer.IPv6) {
"DNS: got BOGON answer %s for domain %s (see #%d)",
tk.DNSFlags |= AnalysisDNSBogon
// continue processing so we print all the bogons we have
// nothing
// analysisDNSUnexpectedFailure computes the AnalysisDNSUnexpectedFailure flags. We say
// a failure is unexpected when the TH could resolve a domain and the probe couldn't.
func (tk *TestKeys) analysisDNSUnexpectedFailure(logger model.Logger) {
// make sure we have control before proceeding futher
if tk.Control == nil || tk.ControlRequest == nil {
// obtain thRequest and thResponse as shortcuts
thRequest := tk.ControlRequest
thResponse := tk.Control
// obtain the domain that the TH has queried for
URL, err := url.Parse(thRequest.HTTPRequest)
if err != nil {
return // this looks like a bug
domain := URL.Hostname()
// we obviously don't care if the domain was an IP adddress
if net.ParseIP(domain) != nil {
// if the control didn't lookup any IP addresses our job here is done
// because we can't say whether we have unexpected failures
hasAddrs := len(thResponse.DNS.Addrs) > 0
if !hasAddrs {
// with TH-resolved addrs, any local query _for the same domain_ queried
// by the probe that contains an error is suspicious
for _, query := range tk.Queries {
if domain != query.Hostname {
continue // not the domain queried by the test helper
if query.Engine == "doh" {
// As mentioned above, a DoH failure is not information about
// the URL we're measuring but about the DoH service being blocked.
// See
hasAddrs := false
for _, answer := range query.Answers {
switch answer.AnswerType {
case "A", "AAA":
hasAddrs = true
break Loop
if hasAddrs {
// if the lookup returned any IP address, we are
// not dealing with unexpected failures
if query.Failure == nil {
// we expect to see a failure if we don't see
// answers, so this seems a bug?
if query.QueryType == "AAAA" && *query.Failure == netxlite.FailureDNSNoAnswer {
// maybe this heuristic could be further improved by checking
// whether the TH did actually see any IPv6 address?
logger.Warnf("DNS: unexpected failure %s in #%d", *query.Failure, query.TransactionID)
tk.DNSFlags |= AnalysisDNSUnexpectedFailure
// continue processing so we print all the unexpected failures
// analysisDNSUnexpectedAddrs computes the AnalysisDNSUnexpectedAddrs flags. This
// algorithm builds upon the original DNSDiff algorithm by introducing an additional
// TLS based heuristic for determining whether an IP address was legit.
func (tk *TestKeys) analysisDNSUnexpectedAddrs(logger model.Logger) {
// make sure we have control before proceeding futher
if tk.Control == nil || tk.ControlRequest == nil {
// obtain thRequest and thResponse as shortcuts
thRequest := tk.ControlRequest
thResponse := tk.Control
// obtain the domain that the TH has queried for
URL, err := url.Parse(thRequest.HTTPRequest)
if err != nil {
return // this looks like a bug
domain := URL.Hostname()
// we obviously don't care if the domain was an IP adddress
if net.ParseIP(domain) != nil {
// if the control didn't resolve any IP address, then we basically
// cannot run this algorithm at all
thAddrs := thResponse.DNS.Addrs
if len(thAddrs) <= 0 {
// gather all the IP addresses queried by the probe
// for the same domain for which the TH queried.
var probeAddrs []string
for _, query := range tk.Queries {
if domain != query.Hostname {
continue // not the domain the TH queried for
// Implementation note: in the case in which DoH returned answers, here
// it still feels okay to consider them. We should avoid flagging DoH
// failures as measurement failures but if DoH returns us some unexpected
// even-non-bogon addr, it seems worth flagging for now.
// See
for _, answer := range query.Answers {
switch answer.AnswerType {
case "A":
probeAddrs = append(probeAddrs, answer.IPv4)
case "AAAA":
probeAddrs = append(probeAddrs, answer.IPv6)
// if the probe has not collected any addr for the same domain, it's
// definitely suspicious and counts as a difference
if len(probeAddrs) <= 0 {
logger.Warnf("DNS: the probe did not resolve any IP address")
tk.DNSFlags |= AnalysisDNSUnexpectedAddrs
// if there are no different addresses between the probe and the TH then
// our job here is done and we can just stop searching
differentAddrs := tk.analysisDNSDiffAddrs(probeAddrs, thAddrs)
if len(differentAddrs) <= 0 {
for _, addr := range differentAddrs {
logger.Infof("DNS: address %s: not resolved by TH", addr)
// now, let's exclude the differentAddrs for which we successfully
// completed a TLS handshake: those should be good addrs
withoutHandshake := tk.findAddrsWithoutTLSHandshake(domain, differentAddrs)
if len(withoutHandshake) <= 0 {
for _, addr := range withoutHandshake {
logger.Infof("DNS: address %s: cannot confirm using TLS handshake", addr)
// as a last resort, accept the addresses without an handshake whose
// ASN overlaps with ASNs resolved by the TH
differentASNs := tk.analysisDNSDiffASN(logger, withoutHandshake, thAddrs)
if len(differentASNs) <= 0 {
// otherwise, conclude we have unexpected probe addrs
for addr, asn := range differentASNs {
"DNS: address %s has unexpected AS%d and we cannot use TLS to confirm it",
addr, asn,
tk.DNSFlags |= AnalysisDNSUnexpectedAddrs
// analysisDNSDiffAddrs returns all the IP addresses that are
// resolved by the probe but not by the test helper.
func (tk *TestKeys) analysisDNSDiffAddrs(probeAddrs, thAddrs []string) (diff []string) {
const (
inProbe = 1 << iota
mapping := make(map[string]int)
for _, addr := range probeAddrs {
if net.ParseIP(addr) != nil && netxlite.IsBogon(addr) {
// we can exclude bogons from the analysis because we already analyzed them
mapping[addr] |= inProbe
for _, addr := range thAddrs {
mapping[addr] = inTH
for addr, where := range mapping {
if (where & inTH) == 0 {
diff = append(diff, addr)
// analysisDNSDiffASN returns whether there are IP addresses in the probe's
// list with different ASNs from the ones in the TH's list.
func (tk *TestKeys) analysisDNSDiffASN(
logger model.Logger,
thAddrs []string,
) (result map[string]uint) {
const (
inProbe = 1 << iota
logger.Debugf("DNS: probeAddrs %+v, thAddrs %+v", probeAddrs, thAddrs)
uniqueAddrs := make(map[string]uint)
asnToFlags := make(map[uint]int)
for _, addr := range probeAddrs {
asn, _, _ := geoipx.LookupASN(addr)
asnToFlags[asn] |= inProbe // including the zero ASN that means unknown
uniqueAddrs[addr] = asn
for _, addr := range thAddrs {
asn, _, _ := geoipx.LookupASN(addr)
asnToFlags[asn] |= inTH // including the zero ASN that means unknown
uniqueAddrs[addr] = asn
for addr, asn := range uniqueAddrs {
logger.Infof("DNS: addr %s has AS%d", addr, asn)
probeOnlyASNs := make(map[uint]bool)
for asn, where := range asnToFlags {
if (where & inTH) == 0 {
probeOnlyASNs[asn] = true
for asn := range probeOnlyASNs {
logger.Infof("DNS: AS%d: only seen by probe", asn)
result = make(map[string]uint)
for addr, asn := range uniqueAddrs {
if probeOnlyASNs[asn] {
result[addr] = asn
// findAddrsWithoutTLSHandshake computes the list of probe discovered [addresses]
// for which we couldn't successfully perform a TLS handshake for the given [domain].
func (tk *TestKeys) findAddrsWithoutTLSHandshake(domain string, addresses []string) (output []string) {
const (
resolvedByProbe = 1 << iota
mapping := make(map[string]int)
// fill the input map with the addresses we're interested to analyze
for _, addr := range addresses {
mapping[addr] = 0
// flag the subset of addresses resolved by the probe
for _, query := range tk.Queries {
for _, answer := range query.Answers {
var addr string
switch answer.AnswerType {
case "A":
addr = answer.IPv4
case "AAAA":
addr = answer.IPv6
if _, found := mapping[addr]; !found {
continue // we're not interested into this addr
mapping[addr] |= resolvedByProbe
// flag the subset of addrs with obvious IPv6 issues
// see for more
// info on why we need to flag them
for _, connect := range tk.TCPConnect {
failure := connect.Status.Failure
if failure == nil {
continue // if we can connect, we don't have IPv6 issues
ipv6, err := netxlite.IsIPv6(connect.IP)
if err != nil {
continue // looks like a bug
if !ipv6 {
continue // not IPv6
hasIssues := (*failure == netxlite.FailureNetworkUnreachable ||
*failure == netxlite.FailureHostUnreachable)
if hasIssues {
mapping[connect.IP] |= hasObviousIPv6Issues
// flag the subset of addrs with successful handshake for the right SNI
for _, thx := range tk.TLSHandshakes {
addr, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(thx.Address)
if err != nil {
continue // looks like a bug
if thx.Failure != nil {
continue // this handshake failed
if _, found := mapping[addr]; !found {
continue // we're not interested into this addr
if thx.ServerName != domain {
continue // the SNI is different, so...
mapping[addr] |= handshakeOK
// compute the list of addresses without the handshakeOK flag
// excluding though the ones with obvious IPv6 issues
for addr, flags := range mapping {
if flags == 0 {
continue // this looks like a bug
if (flags & hasObviousIPv6Issues) != 0 {
continue // see
if (flags & (resolvedByProbe | handshakeOK)) == resolvedByProbe {
output = append(output, addr)