Simone Basso f3b21f90c6
deps: latest upper.io/db and pin probe-engine (#116)
We're specifically pinning a commit of probe-engine that is using
MK v0.10.11, so that we address the following issues:

1. we use db-ip.com for the country database as opposed to using
the increasingly stale MaxMind database (see https://github.com/ooni/probe-engine/issues/334)

2. we're using an implementation of WhatsApp that does not suffer
from the super-old CIDR bug (see https://github.com/ooni/probe-engine/issues/341)

3. we're not linking to libcurl anymore on Windows and Linux, thanks to
this new version of MK where we can optionally disable libcurl; we are
still linking to libcurl on macOS, but that has no impact on the binary
size since on macOS libcurl is part of the system

This should be enough, from my side to bless a new release of the
probe-cli (see https://github.com/ooni/probe/issues/1028).
2020-02-26 22:34:23 +01:00

134 lines
4.7 KiB
Executable File

set -e
buildtags="-tags ooni"
ldflags="-s -w"
if [ "$1" = "bindata" ]; then
GO_BINDATA_V=$(go-bindata -version | grep go-bin | cut -d ' ' -f2)
if [ "$GO_BINDATA_V" = "3.2.0" ]; then
echo "Updating bindata"
go-bindata -nometadata -o internal/bindata/bindata.go -pkg bindata data/...
echo "DONE"
exit 0
echo "Wrong go-bindata-version"
echo "Please install go-bindata with:"
echo " go get -u github.com/shuLhan/go-bindata/..."
exit 1
if [ "$1" = "windows" ]; then
set -x
CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc CXX=x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ \
CGO_LDFLAGS_ALLOW='-fstack-.*' CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 \
go build $buildtags -ldflags="$ldflags" \
-o dist/windows/amd64/ooniprobe.exe -v ./cmd/ooniprobe
elif [ "$1" = "linux" ]; then
set -x
$0 __docker go build $buildtags -ldflags="$ldflags" \
-o dist/linux/amd64/ooniprobe -v ./cmd/ooniprobe
elif [ "$1" = "macos" ]; then
set -x
go build $buildtags -ldflags="$ldflags" \
-o dist/macos/amd64/ooniprobe -v ./cmd/ooniprobe
elif [ "$1" = "release" ]; then
set -x
v=`git describe --tags`
$0 linux
tar -czf ooniprobe_${v}_linux_amd64.tar.gz LICENSE.md Readme.md \
-C ./dist/linux/amd64 ooniprobe
shasum -a 256 ooniprobe_${v}_linux_amd64.tar.gz > ooniprobe_checksums.txt
$0 macos
tar -czf ooniprobe_${v}_darwin_amd64.tar.gz LICENSE.md Readme.md \
-C ./dist/macos/amd64 ooniprobe
shasum -a 256 ooniprobe_${v}_darwin_amd64.tar.gz >> ooniprobe_checksums.txt
$0 windows
tar -czf ooniprobe_${v}_windows_amd64.tar.gz LICENSE.md Readme.md \
-C dist/windows/amd64 ooniprobe.exe
shasum -a 256 ooniprobe_${v}_windows_amd64.tar.gz >> ooniprobe_checksums.txt
echo ""
echo "Now sign ooniprobe_checksums.txt and upload it along with tarballs to GitHub"
elif [ "$1" = "__docker" ]; then
set -x
docker build -t oonibuild .
docker run -v `pwd`:/oonibuild \
-w /oonibuild \
-t \
--cap-drop=all \
--user `id -u`:`id -g` \
-e 'GOCACHE=/oonibuild/testdata/gotmp/cache' \
-e 'GOPATH=/oonibuild/testdata/gotmp/path' \
oonibuild "$@"
elif [ "$1" = "_travis-linux" ]; then
set -x
$0 linux
# TODO -race does not work on alpine.
# See: https://travis-ci.org/ooni/probe-cli/builds/619631256#L962
$0 __docker go get -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover
$0 __docker go get -v github.com/mattn/goveralls
$0 __docker go test $buildtags -v -coverprofile=coverage.cov -coverpkg=./... ./...
$0 __docker /oonibuild/testdata/gotmp/path/bin/goveralls \
-coverprofile=coverage.cov -service=travis-ci
elif [ "$1" = "_travis-osx" ]; then
set -x
brew tap measurement-kit/measurement-kit
brew update
brew upgrade
brew install measurement-kit
$0 macos
go test -v -race -coverprofile=coverage.cov -coverpkg=./... ./...
elif [ "$1" = "help" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 linux | macos | release | windows"
echo ""
echo "Builds OONI on supported systems. The output binary will"
echo "be saved at './dist/<system>/<arch>/ooniprobe[.exe]'."
echo ""
echo "# Linux"
echo ""
echo "To compile for Linux we use a docker container with the binary"
echo "Measurement Kit dependency installed. So you need docker installed."
echo ""
echo "# macOS"
echo ""
echo "You must be on macOS. You must install Measurement Kit once using:"
echo ""
echo "- brew tap measurement-kit/measurement-kit"
echo "- brew install measurement-kit"
echo ""
echo "You should keep Measurement Kit up-to-date using:"
echo ""
echo "- brew upgrade"
echo ""
echo "# Release"
echo ""
echo "Will build ooniprobe for all supported systems."
echo ""
echo "# Windows"
echo ""
echo "You must be on macOS. You must install Measurement Kit once using:"
echo ""
echo "- brew tap measurement-kit/measurement-kit"
echo "- brew install mingw-w64-measurement-kit"
echo ""
echo "You should keep Measurement Kit up-to-date using:"
echo ""
echo "- brew upgrade"
echo ""
echo "Invalid usage; try '$0 help' for more help." 1>&2
exit 1