Simone Basso d57c78bc71
chore: merge probe-engine into probe-cli (#201)
This is how I did it:

1. `git clone internal/engine`

2. ```
(cd internal/engine && git describe --tags)

3. `nvim go.mod` (merging `go.mod` with `internal/engine/go.mod`

4. `rm -rf internal/.git internal/engine/go.{mod,sum}`

5. `git add internal/engine`

6. `find . -type f -name \*.go -exec sed -i 's@/ooni/probe-engine@/ooni/probe-cli/v3/internal/engine@g' {} \;`

7. `go build ./...` (passes)

8. `go test -race ./...` (temporary failure on RiseupVPN)

9. `go mod tidy`

10. this commit message

Once this piece of work is done, we can build a new version of `ooniprobe` that
is using `internal/engine` directly. We need to do more work to ensure all the
other functionality in `probe-engine` (e.g. making mobile packages) are still WAI.

Part of
2021-02-02 12:05:47 +01:00

443 lines
13 KiB

// Package libminiooni implements the cmd/miniooni CLI. Miniooni is our
// experimental client used for research and QA testing.
// This CLI has CLI options that do not conflict with Measurement Kit
// v0.10.x CLI options. There are some options conflict with the legacy
// OONI Probe CLI options. Perfect backwards compatibility is not a
// design goal for miniooni. Rather, we aim to have as little conflict
// as possible such that we can run side by side QA checks.
// We extracted this package from cmd/miniooni to allow us to further
// integrate the miniooni CLI into other binaries (see for example the
// code at
package libminiooni
import (
engine ""
// Options contains the options you can set from the CLI.
type Options struct {
Annotations []string
ExtraOptions []string
HomeDir string
Inputs []string
InputFilePaths []string
NoJSON bool
NoCollector bool
ProbeServicesURL string
Proxy string
Random bool
ReportFile string
SelfCensorSpec string
TorArgs []string
TorBinary string
Tunnel string
Verbose bool
Yes bool
const (
softwareName = "miniooni"
softwareVersion = version.Version
var (
globalOptions Options
startTime = time.Now()
func init() {
&globalOptions.Annotations, "annotation", 'A', "Add annotaton", "KEY=VALUE",
&globalOptions.ExtraOptions, "option", 'O',
"Pass an option to the experiment", "KEY=VALUE",
&globalOptions.InputFilePaths, "input-file", 'f',
"Path to input file to supply test-dependent input. File must contain one input per line.", "PATH",
&globalOptions.HomeDir, "home", 0,
"Force specific home directory", "PATH",
&globalOptions.Inputs, "input", 'i',
"Add test-dependent input to the test input", "INPUT",
&globalOptions.NoJSON, "no-json", 'N', "Disable writing to disk",
&globalOptions.NoCollector, "no-collector", 'n', "Don't use a collector",
&globalOptions.ProbeServicesURL, "probe-services", 0,
"Set the URL of the probe-services instance you want to use", "URL",
&globalOptions.Proxy, "proxy", 0, "Set the proxy URL", "URL",
&globalOptions.Random, "random", 0, "Randomize inputs",
&globalOptions.ReportFile, "reportfile", 'o',
"Set the report file path", "PATH",
&globalOptions.SelfCensorSpec, "self-censor-spec", 0,
"Enable and configure self censorship", "JSON",
&globalOptions.TorArgs, "tor-args", 0,
"Extra args for tor binary (may be specified multiple times)",
&globalOptions.TorBinary, "tor-binary", 0,
"Specify path to a specific tor binary",
&globalOptions.Tunnel, "tunnel", 0,
"Name of the tunnel to use (one of `tor`, `psiphon`)",
&globalOptions.Verbose, "verbose", 'v', "Increase verbosity",
&globalOptions.Yes, "yes", 0, "I accept the risk of running OONI",
func fatalWithString(msg string) {
func fatalIfFalse(cond bool, msg string) {
if !cond {
// Main is the main function of miniooni. This function parses the command line
// options and uses a global state. Use MainWithConfiguration if you want to avoid
// using any global state and relying on command line options.
// This function will panic in case of a fatal error. It is up to you that
// integrate this function to either handle the panic of ignore it.
func Main() {
fatalIfFalse(len(getopt.Args()) == 1, "Missing experiment name")
MainWithConfiguration(getopt.Arg(0), globalOptions)
func split(s string) (string, string, error) {
v := strings.SplitN(s, "=", 2)
if len(v) != 2 {
return "", "", errors.New("invalid key-value pair")
return v[0], v[1], nil
func fatalOnError(err error, msg string) {
if err != nil {
func warnOnError(err error, msg string) {
if err != nil {
func mustMakeMap(input []string) (output map[string]string) {
output = make(map[string]string)
for _, opt := range input {
key, value, err := split(opt)
fatalOnError(err, "cannot split key-value pair")
output[key] = value
func mustParseURL(URL string) *url.URL {
rv, err := url.Parse(URL)
fatalOnError(err, "cannot parse URL")
return rv
type logHandler struct {
func (h *logHandler) HandleLog(e *log.Entry) (err error) {
s := fmt.Sprintf("[%14.6f] <%s> %s", time.Since(startTime).Seconds(), e.Level, e.Message)
if len(e.Fields) > 0 {
s += fmt.Sprintf(": %+v", e.Fields)
s += "\n"
_, err = h.Writer.Write([]byte(s))
// See
func gethomedir(optionsHome string) string {
if optionsHome != "" {
return optionsHome
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
home := os.Getenv("HOMEDRIVE") + os.Getenv("HOMEPATH")
if home == "" {
home = os.Getenv("USERPROFILE")
return home
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
home := os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
if home != "" {
return home
// fallthrough
return os.Getenv("HOME")
const riskOfRunningOONI = `
Do you consent to OONI Probe data collection?
OONI Probe collects evidence of internet censorship and measures
network performance:
- OONI Probe will likely test objectionable sites and services;
- Anyone monitoring your internet activity (such as a government
or Internet provider) may be able to tell that you are using OONI Probe;
- The network data you collect will be published automatically
unless you use miniooni's -n command line flag.
To learn more, see
If you're onboard, re-run the same command and add the --yes flag, to
indicate that you understand the risks. This will create an empty file
named 'consent' in $HOME/.miniooni, meaning that we know you opted in
and we will not ask you this question again.
func canOpen(filepath string) bool {
stat, err := os.Stat(filepath)
return err == nil && stat.Mode().IsRegular()
func maybeWriteConsentFile(yes bool, filepath string) (err error) {
if yes {
err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath, []byte("\n"), 0644)
// MainWithConfiguration is the miniooni main with a specific configuration
// represented by the experiment name and the current options.
// This function will panic in case of a fatal error. It is up to you that
// integrate this function to either handle the panic of ignore it.
func MainWithConfiguration(experimentName string, currentOptions Options) {
ctx := context.Background()
extraOptions := mustMakeMap(currentOptions.ExtraOptions)
annotations := mustMakeMap(currentOptions.Annotations)
err := selfcensor.MaybeEnable(currentOptions.SelfCensorSpec)
fatalOnError(err, "cannot parse --self-censor-spec argument")
logger := &log.Logger{Level: log.InfoLevel, Handler: &logHandler{Writer: os.Stderr}}
if currentOptions.Verbose {
logger.Level = log.DebugLevel
if currentOptions.ReportFile == "" {
currentOptions.ReportFile = "report.jsonl"
log.Log = logger
homeDir := gethomedir(currentOptions.HomeDir)
fatalIfFalse(homeDir != "", "home directory is empty")
miniooniDir := path.Join(homeDir, ".miniooni")
assetsDir := path.Join(miniooniDir, "assets")
err = os.MkdirAll(assetsDir, 0700)
fatalOnError(err, "cannot create assets directory")
log.Debugf("miniooni state directory: %s", miniooniDir)
consentFile := path.Join(miniooniDir, "informed")
fatalOnError(maybeWriteConsentFile(currentOptions.Yes, consentFile),
"cannot write informed consent file")
fatalIfFalse(canOpen(consentFile), riskOfRunningOONI)
log.Info("miniooni home directory: $HOME/.miniooni")
var proxyURL *url.URL
if currentOptions.Proxy != "" {
proxyURL = mustParseURL(currentOptions.Proxy)
kvstore2dir := filepath.Join(miniooniDir, "kvstore2")
kvstore, err := engine.NewFileSystemKVStore(kvstore2dir)
fatalOnError(err, "cannot create kvstore2 directory")
config := engine.SessionConfig{
AssetsDir: assetsDir,
KVStore: kvstore,
Logger: logger,
ProxyURL: proxyURL,
SoftwareName: softwareName,
SoftwareVersion: softwareVersion,
TorArgs: currentOptions.TorArgs,
TorBinary: currentOptions.TorBinary,
if currentOptions.ProbeServicesURL != "" {
config.AvailableProbeServices = []model.Service{{
Address: currentOptions.ProbeServicesURL,
Type: "https",
sess, err := engine.NewSession(config)
fatalOnError(err, "cannot create measurement session")
defer func() {
log.Infof("whole session: recv %s, sent %s",
humanizex.SI(sess.KibiBytesReceived()*1024, "byte"),
humanizex.SI(sess.KibiBytesSent()*1024, "byte"),
log.Debugf("miniooni temporary directory: %s", sess.TempDir())
err = sess.MaybeStartTunnel(context.Background(), currentOptions.Tunnel)
fatalOnError(err, "cannot start session tunnel")
log.Info("Looking up OONI backends; please be patient...")
err = sess.MaybeLookupBackends()
fatalOnError(err, "cannot lookup OONI backends")
log.Info("Looking up your location; please be patient...")
err = sess.MaybeLookupLocation()
fatalOnError(err, "cannot lookup your location")
log.Debugf("- IP: %s", sess.ProbeIP())
log.Infof("- country: %s", sess.ProbeCC())
log.Infof("- network: %s (%s)", sess.ProbeNetworkName(), sess.ProbeASNString())
log.Infof("- resolver's IP: %s", sess.ResolverIP())
log.Infof("- resolver's network: %s (%s)", sess.ResolverNetworkName(),
builder, err := sess.NewExperimentBuilder(experimentName)
fatalOnError(err, "cannot create experiment builder")
inputLoader := engine.NewInputLoader(engine.InputLoaderConfig{
StaticInputs: currentOptions.Inputs,
SourceFiles: currentOptions.InputFilePaths,
InputPolicy: builder.InputPolicy(),
Session: sess,
URLLimit: 17,
inputs, err := inputLoader.Load(context.Background())
fatalOnError(err, "cannot load inputs")
if currentOptions.Random {
rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
rnd.Shuffle(len(inputs), func(i, j int) {
inputs[i], inputs[j] = inputs[j], inputs[i]
err = builder.SetOptionsGuessType(extraOptions)
fatalOnError(err, "cannot parse extraOptions")
experiment := builder.NewExperiment()
defer func() {
log.Infof("experiment: recv %s, sent %s",
humanizex.SI(experiment.KibiBytesReceived()*1024, "byte"),
humanizex.SI(experiment.KibiBytesSent()*1024, "byte"),
submitter, err := engine.NewSubmitter(ctx, engine.SubmitterConfig{
Enabled: currentOptions.NoCollector == false,
Session: sess,
Logger: log.Log,
fatalOnError(err, "cannot create submitter")
saver, err := engine.NewSaver(engine.SaverConfig{
Enabled: currentOptions.NoJSON == false,
Experiment: experiment,
FilePath: currentOptions.ReportFile,
Logger: log.Log,
fatalOnError(err, "cannot create saver")
inputProcessor := engine.InputProcessor{
Annotations: annotations,
Experiment: &experimentWrapper{
child: engine.NewInputProcessorExperimentWrapper(experiment),
total: len(inputs),
Inputs: inputs,
Options: currentOptions.ExtraOptions,
Saver: engine.NewInputProcessorSaverWrapper(saver),
Submitter: submitterWrapper{
child: engine.NewInputProcessorSubmitterWrapper(submitter),
err = inputProcessor.Run(ctx)
fatalOnError(err, "inputProcessor.Run failed")
type experimentWrapper struct {
child engine.InputProcessorExperimentWrapper
total int
func (ew *experimentWrapper) MeasureWithContext(
ctx context.Context, idx int, input string) (*model.Measurement, error) {
if input != "" {
log.Infof("[%d/%d] running with input: %s", idx+1,, input)
measurement, err := ew.child.MeasureWithContext(ctx, idx, input)
warnOnError(err, "measurement failed")
// policy: we do not stop the loop if the measurement fails
return measurement, nil
type submitterWrapper struct {
child engine.InputProcessorSubmitterWrapper
func (sw submitterWrapper) Submit(ctx context.Context, idx int, m *model.Measurement) error {
err := sw.child.Submit(ctx, idx, m)
warnOnError(err, "submitting measurement failed")
// policy: we do not stop the loop if measurement submission fails
return nil