Simone Basso bbcd2e2280
refactor(netx): merge archival, trace, and the savers (#772)
This diff creates a new package under netx called tracex that
contains everything we need to perform measurements using events
tracing and postprocessing (which is the technique with which
we implement most network experiments).

The general idea here is to (1) create a unique package out of
all of these packages; (2) clean up the code a bit (improve tests,
docs, apply more recent code patterns); (3) move the resulting
code as a toplevel package inside of internal.

Once this is done, netx can be further refactored to avoid
subpackages and we can search for more code to salvage/refactor.

2022-05-31 21:53:01 +02:00

325 lines
11 KiB

// Package torsf contains the torsf experiment.
// See
package torsf
import (
// Implementation note: this file is written with easy diffing with respect
// to internal/engine/experiment/vanillator/vanillator.go in mind.
// We may want to have a single implementation for both nettests in the future.
// testVersion is the experiment version.
const testVersion = "0.3.0"
// Config contains the experiment config.
type Config struct {
// DisablePersistentDatadir disables using a persistent datadir.
DisablePersistentDatadir bool `ooni:"Disable using a persistent tor datadir"`
// DisableProgress disables printing progress messages.
DisableProgress bool `ooni:"Disable printing progress messages"`
// RendezvousMethod allows to choose the method with which to rendezvous.
RendezvousMethod string `ooni:"Choose the method with which to rendezvous. Must be one of amp and domain_fronting. Leaving this field empty means we should use the default."`
// TestKeys contains the experiment's result.
type TestKeys struct {
// BootstrapTime contains the bootstrap time on success.
BootstrapTime float64 `json:"bootstrap_time"`
// Error is one of `null`, `"timeout-reached"`, and `"unknown-error"` (this
// field exists for backward compatibility with the previous
// `vanilla_tor` implementation).
Error *string `json:"error"`
// Failure contains the failure string or nil.
Failure *string `json:"failure"`
// Success indicates whether we succeded (this field exists for
// backward compatibility with the previous `vanilla_tor` implementation).
Success bool `json:"success"`
// PersistentDatadir indicates whether we're using a persistent tor datadir.
PersistentDatadir bool `json:"persistent_datadir"`
// RendezvousMethod contains the method used to perform the rendezvous.
RendezvousMethod string `json:"rendezvous_method"`
// Timeout contains the default timeout for this experiment
Timeout float64 `json:"timeout"`
// TorLogs contains the bootstrap logs.
TorLogs []string `json:"tor_logs"`
// TorProgress contains the percentage of the maximum progress reached.
TorProgress int64 `json:"tor_progress"`
// TorProgressTag contains the tag of the maximum progress reached.
TorProgressTag string `json:"tor_progress_tag"`
// TorProgressSummary contains the summary of the maximum progress reached.
TorProgressSummary string `json:"tor_progress_summary"`
// TorVersion contains the version of tor (if it's possible to obtain it).
TorVersion string `json:"tor_version"`
// TransportName is always set to "snowflake" for this experiment.
TransportName string `json:"transport_name"`
// Measurer performs the measurement.
type Measurer struct {
// config contains the experiment settings.
config Config
// mockStartListener is an optional function that allows us to override
// the function we actually use to start the ptx listener.
mockStartListener func() error
// mockStartTunnel is an optional function that allows us to override the
// default tunnel.Start function used to start a tunnel.
mockStartTunnel func(
ctx context.Context, config *tunnel.Config) (tunnel.Tunnel, tunnel.DebugInfo, error)
// ExperimentName implements model.ExperimentMeasurer.ExperimentName.
func (m *Measurer) ExperimentName() string {
return "torsf"
// ExperimentVersion implements model.ExperimentMeasurer.ExperimentVersion.
func (m *Measurer) ExperimentVersion() string {
return testVersion
// registerExtensions registers the extensions used by this experiment.
func (m *Measurer) registerExtensions(measurement *model.Measurement) {
// currently none
// maxRuntime is the maximum runtime for this experiment
const maxRuntime = 600 * time.Second
// Run runs the experiment with the specified context, session,
// measurement, and experiment calbacks. This method should only
// return an error in case the experiment could not run (e.g.,
// a required input is missing). Otherwise, the code should just
// set the relevant OONI error inside of the measurement and
// return nil. This is important because the caller may not submit
// the measurement if this method returns an error.
func (m *Measurer) Run(
ctx context.Context, sess model.ExperimentSession,
measurement *model.Measurement, callbacks model.ExperimentCallbacks,
) error {
ptl, sfdialer, err := m.setup(ctx, sess.Logger())
if err != nil {
// we cannot setup the experiment
return err
defer ptl.Stop()
start := time.Now()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, maxRuntime)
defer cancel()
tkch := make(chan *TestKeys)
ticker := time.NewTicker(2 * time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
go m.bootstrap(ctx, maxRuntime, sess, tkch, ptl, sfdialer)
for {
select {
case tk := <-tkch:
measurement.TestKeys = tk
callbacks.OnProgress(1.0, "torsf experiment is finished")
return nil
case <-ticker.C:
if !m.config.DisableProgress {
elapsedTime := time.Since(start)
progress := elapsedTime.Seconds() / maxRuntime.Seconds()
callbacks.OnProgress(progress, fmt.Sprintf(
"torsf: elapsedTime: %.0f s; maxRuntime: %.0f s",
elapsedTime.Seconds(), maxRuntime.Seconds()))
// setup prepares for running the torsf experiment. Returns a valid ptx listener
// and snowflake dialer on success. Returns an error on failure. On success,
// remember to Stop the ptx listener when you're done.
func (m *Measurer) setup(ctx context.Context,
logger model.Logger) (*ptx.Listener, *ptx.SnowflakeDialer, error) {
rm, err := ptx.NewSnowflakeRendezvousMethod(m.config.RendezvousMethod)
if err != nil {
// cannot run the experiment with unknown rendezvous method
return nil, nil, err
sfdialer := ptx.NewSnowflakeDialerWithRendezvousMethod(rm)
ptl := &ptx.Listener{
ExperimentByteCounter: bytecounter.ContextExperimentByteCounter(ctx),
Logger: logger,
PTDialer: sfdialer,
SessionByteCounter: bytecounter.ContextSessionByteCounter(ctx),
if err := m.startListener(ptl.Start); err != nil {
// This error condition mostly means "I could not open a local
// listening port", which strikes as fundamental failure.
return nil, nil, err
logger.Infof("torsf: rendezvous method: '%s'", m.config.RendezvousMethod)
return ptl, sfdialer, nil
// values for the backward compatible error field.
var (
timeoutReachedError = "timeout-reached"
unknownError = "unknown-error"
// bootstrap runs the bootstrap.
func (m *Measurer) bootstrap(ctx context.Context, timeout time.Duration, sess model.ExperimentSession,
out chan<- *TestKeys, ptl *ptx.Listener, sfdialer *ptx.SnowflakeDialer) {
tk := &TestKeys{
// initialized later
BootstrapTime: 0,
Error: nil,
Failure: nil,
Success: false,
TorLogs: []string{},
TorProgress: 0,
TorProgressTag: "",
TorProgressSummary: "",
TorVersion: "",
// initialized now
PersistentDatadir: !m.config.DisablePersistentDatadir,
RendezvousMethod: sfdialer.RendezvousMethod.Name(),
Timeout: timeout.Seconds(),
TransportName: "snowflake",
"torsf: disable persistent datadir: %+v", m.config.DisablePersistentDatadir)
defer func() {
out <- tk
tun, debugInfo, err := m.startTunnel()(ctx, &tunnel.Config{
Name: "tor",
Session: sess,
TunnelDir: path.Join(m.baseTunnelDir(sess), "torsf"),
Logger: sess.Logger(),
TorArgs: []string{
"UseBridges", "1",
"ClientTransportPlugin", ptl.AsClientTransportPluginArgument(),
"Bridge", sfdialer.AsBridgeArgument(),
tk.TorVersion = debugInfo.Version
m.readTorLogs(sess.Logger(), tk, debugInfo.LogFilePath)
if err != nil {
// Note: tracex.NewFailure scrubs IP addresses
tk.Failure = tracex.NewFailure(err)
if errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
tk.Error = &timeoutReachedError
} else {
tk.Error = &unknownError
tk.Success = false
defer tun.Stop()
tk.BootstrapTime = tun.BootstrapTime().Seconds()
tk.Success = true
// readTorLogs attempts to read and include the tor logs into
// the test keys if this operation is possible.
func (m *Measurer) readTorLogs(logger model.Logger, tk *TestKeys, logFilePath string) {
tk.TorLogs = append(tk.TorLogs, torlogs.ReadBootstrapLogsOrWarn(logger, logFilePath)...)
if len(tk.TorLogs) <= 0 {
last := tk.TorLogs[len(tk.TorLogs)-1]
bi, err := torlogs.ParseBootstrapLogLine(last)
// Implementation note: parsing cannot fail here because we're using the same code
// for selecting and for parsing the bootstrap logs, so we panic on error.
runtimex.PanicOnError(err, fmt.Sprintf("cannot parse bootstrap line: %s", last))
tk.TorProgress = bi.Progress
tk.TorProgressTag = bi.Tag
tk.TorProgressSummary = bi.Summary
// baseTunnelDir returns the base directory to use for tunnelling
func (m *Measurer) baseTunnelDir(sess model.ExperimentSession) string {
if m.config.DisablePersistentDatadir {
return sess.TempDir()
return sess.TunnelDir()
// startListener either calls f or mockStartListener depending
// on whether mockStartListener is nil or not.
func (m *Measurer) startListener(f func() error) error {
if m.mockStartListener != nil {
return m.mockStartListener()
return f()
// startTunnel returns the proper function to start a tunnel.
func (m *Measurer) startTunnel() func(
ctx context.Context, config *tunnel.Config) (tunnel.Tunnel, tunnel.DebugInfo, error) {
if m.mockStartTunnel != nil {
return m.mockStartTunnel
return tunnel.Start
// NewExperimentMeasurer creates a new ExperimentMeasurer.
func NewExperimentMeasurer(config Config) model.ExperimentMeasurer {
return &Measurer{config: config}
// SummaryKeys contains summary keys for this experiment.
// Note that this structure is part of the ABI contract with ooniprobe
// therefore we should be careful when changing it.
type SummaryKeys struct {
IsAnomaly bool `json:"-"`
var (
// errInvalidTestKeysType indicates the test keys type is invalid.
errInvalidTestKeysType = errors.New("torsf: invalid test keys type")
//errNilTestKeys indicates that the test keys are nil.
errNilTestKeys = errors.New("torsf: nil test keys")
// GetSummaryKeys implements model.ExperimentMeasurer.GetSummaryKeys.
func (m *Measurer) GetSummaryKeys(measurement *model.Measurement) (interface{}, error) {
testkeys, good := measurement.TestKeys.(*TestKeys)
if !good {
return nil, errInvalidTestKeysType
if testkeys == nil {
return nil, errNilTestKeys
return SummaryKeys{IsAnomaly: testkeys.Failure != nil}, nil