This change should simplify the pipeline's job. Reference issue: I previously dismissed this possibility, but now it seems clear it is simpler to have a very tabular data format internally and to convert such a format to OONI's data format when serializing. The OONI data format is what the pipeline expects, but processing is easier with a more linear/tabular format.
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package webstepsx
// TH (Test Helper)
// This file contains an implementation of the
// (proposed) websteps test helper spec.
import (
// Messages exchanged by the TH client and server
// THClientRequest is the request received by the test helper.
type THClientRequest struct {
// Endpoints is a list of endpoints to measure.
Endpoints []*measurex.Endpoint
// URL is the URL we want to measure.
URL string
// HTTPRequestHeaders contains the request headers.
HTTPRequestHeaders http.Header
// THServerResponse is the response from the test helper.
type THServerResponse = measurex.THMeasurement
// thMaxAcceptableBodySize is the maximum acceptable body size by TH code.
const thMaxAcceptableBodySize = 1 << 20
// TH client implementation
// THClient is the high-level API to invoke the TH. This API
// should be used by command line clients.
type THClient struct {
// DNSServers is the MANDATORY list of DNS-over-UDP
// servers to use to discover endpoints locally.
DNServers []*measurex.ResolverInfo
// HTTPClient is the MANDATORY HTTP client to
// use for contacting the TH.
HTTPClient measurex.HTTPClient
// ServerURL is the MANDATORY URL of the TH HTTP endpoint.
ServerURL string
// Run calls the TH and returns the response or an error.
// Arguments:
// - ctx is the context with timeout/deadline/cancellation
// - URL is the URL the TH server should measure for us
// Algorithm:
// - use DNSServers to discover extra endpoints for the target URL
// - call the TH using the HTTPClient and the ServerURL
// - return response or error.
func (c *THClient) Run(ctx context.Context, URL string) (*THServerResponse, error) {
parsed, err := url.Parse(URL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mx := measurex.NewMeasurerWithDefaultSettings()
var dns []*measurex.DNSMeasurement
for m := range mx.LookupURLHostParallel(ctx, parsed, c.DNServers...) {
dns = append(dns, m)
endpoints, err := measurex.AllEndpointsForURL(parsed, dns...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return (&THClientCall{
Endpoints: endpoints,
HTTPClient: c.HTTPClient,
Header: measurex.NewHTTPRequestHeaderForMeasuring(),
THURL: c.ServerURL,
TargetURL: URL,
// THClientCall allows to perform a single TH client call. Make sure
// you fill all the fields marked as MANDATORY before use.
type THClientCall struct {
// Endpoints contains the MANDATORY endpoints we discovered.
Endpoints []*measurex.Endpoint
// HTTPClient is the MANDATORY HTTP client to
// use for contacting the TH.
HTTPClient measurex.HTTPClient
// Header contains the MANDATORY request headers.
Header http.Header
// THURL is the MANDATORY test helper URL.
THURL string
// TargetURL is the MANDATORY URL to measure.
TargetURL string
// Call performs the specified TH call and returns either a response or an error.
func (c *THClientCall) Call(ctx context.Context) (*THServerResponse, error) {
creq := &THClientRequest{
Endpoints: c.Endpoints,
URL: c.TargetURL,
HTTPRequestHeaders: c.Header,
reqBody, err := json.Marshal(creq)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(
ctx, "POST", c.THURL, bytes.NewReader(reqBody))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", fmt.Sprintf("ooniprobe-cli/%s", version.Version))
return c.httpClientDo(req)
// errTHRequestFailed is the error returned if the TH response is not 200 Ok.
var errTHRequestFailed = errors.New("th: request failed")
func (c *THClientCall) httpClientDo(req *http.Request) (*THServerResponse, error) {
resp, err := c.HTTPClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != 200 { // THHandler returns either 400 or 200
return nil, errTHRequestFailed
r := io.LimitReader(resp.Body, thMaxAcceptableBodySize)
respBody, err := netxlite.ReadAllContext(req.Context(), r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var sresp THServerResponse
if err := json.Unmarshal(respBody, &sresp); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &sresp, nil
// TH server implementation
// THHandler implements the test helper API.
// This handler exposes a unique HTTP endpoint that you need to
// mount to the desired path when creating the server.
// The canonical mount point for the HTTP endpoint is /api/v1/websteps.
// Accepted methods and request body:
// - we only accept POST;
// - we expect a THClientRequest as the body.
// Status code and response body:
// - on success, status is 200 and THServerResponse is the body;
// - on failure, status is 400 and there is no body.
type THHandler struct{}
// ServerHTTP implements http.Handler.ServeHTTP.
func (h *THHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
w.Header().Add("Server", fmt.Sprintf("oohelperd/%s", version.Version))
if req.Method != "POST" {
reader := io.LimitReader(req.Body, thMaxAcceptableBodySize)
data, err := netxlite.ReadAllContext(req.Context(), reader)
if err != nil {
var creq THClientRequest
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &creq); err != nil {
cresp, err := h.singleStep(req.Context(), &creq)
if err != nil {
// We assume that the following call cannot fail because it's a
// clearly serializable data structure.
data, err = json.Marshal(cresp)
runtimex.PanicOnError(err, "json.Marshal failed")
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
// singleStep performs a singleStep measurement.
// The function name derives from the definition (we invented)
// of "web steps". Each redirection is a step. For each step you
// need to figure out the endpoints to use with the DNS. After
// that, you need to check all endpoints. Because here we do not
// perform redirection, this is just a single "step".
// The algorithm is the following:
// 1. parse the URL and return error if it does not parse or
// the scheme is neither HTTP nor HTTPS;
// 2. discover additional endpoints using a suitable DoH
// resolver and the URL's hostname as the domain;
// 3. measure each discovered endpoint.
// The return value is either a THServerResponse or an error.
func (h *THHandler) singleStep(
ctx context.Context, req *THClientRequest) (*THServerResponse, error) {
mx := measurex.NewMeasurerWithDefaultSettings()
mx.MeasureURLHelper = &thMeasureURLHelper{req.Endpoints}
mx.Resolvers = []*measurex.ResolverInfo{{
Network: measurex.ResolverForeign,
ForeignResolver: thResolver,
jar := measurex.NewCookieJar()
meas, err := mx.MeasureURL(ctx, req.URL, req.HTTPRequestHeaders, jar)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &THServerResponse{
DNS: meas.DNS,
Endpoints: h.simplifyEndpoints(meas.Endpoints),
}, nil
func (h *THHandler) simplifyEndpoints(
in []*measurex.HTTPEndpointMeasurement) (out []*measurex.HTTPEndpointMeasurement) {
for _, epnt := range in {
out = append(out, &measurex.HTTPEndpointMeasurement{
URL: epnt.URL,
Network: epnt.Network,
Address: epnt.Address,
Measurement: h.simplifyMeasurement(epnt.Measurement),
func (h *THHandler) simplifyMeasurement(in *measurex.Measurement) (out *measurex.Measurement) {
out = &measurex.Measurement{
Connect: in.Connect,
TLSHandshake: h.simplifyHandshake(in.TLSHandshake),
QUICHandshake: h.simplifyHandshake(in.QUICHandshake),
LookupHost: in.LookupHost,
LookupHTTPSSvc: in.LookupHTTPSSvc,
HTTPRoundTrip: h.simplifyHTTPRoundTrip(in.HTTPRoundTrip),
func (h *THHandler) simplifyHandshake(
in []*measurex.QUICTLSHandshakeEvent) (out []*measurex.QUICTLSHandshakeEvent) {
for _, ev := range in {
out = append(out, &measurex.QUICTLSHandshakeEvent{
CipherSuite: ev.CipherSuite,
Failure: ev.Failure,
NegotiatedProto: ev.NegotiatedProto,
TLSVersion: ev.TLSVersion,
PeerCerts: nil,
Finished: 0,
RemoteAddr: ev.RemoteAddr,
SNI: ev.SNI,
SkipVerify: ev.SkipVerify,
Oddity: ev.Oddity,
Network: ev.Network,
Started: 0,
func (h *THHandler) simplifyHTTPRoundTrip(
in []*measurex.HTTPRoundTripEvent) (out []*measurex.HTTPRoundTripEvent) {
for _, ev := range in {
out = append(out, &measurex.HTTPRoundTripEvent{
Failure: ev.Failure,
Method: ev.Method,
URL: ev.URL,
RequestHeaders: ev.RequestHeaders,
StatusCode: ev.StatusCode,
ResponseHeaders: ev.ResponseHeaders,
ResponseBody: nil, // we don't transfer the body
ResponseBodyLength: ev.ResponseBodyLength,
ResponseBodyIsTruncated: ev.ResponseBodyIsTruncated,
ResponseBodyIsUTF8: ev.ResponseBodyIsUTF8,
Finished: ev.Finished,
Started: ev.Started,
Oddity: ev.Oddity,
type thMeasureURLHelper struct {
epnts []*measurex.Endpoint
func (thh *thMeasureURLHelper) LookupExtraHTTPEndpoints(
ctx context.Context, URL *url.URL, headers http.Header,
serverEpnts ...*measurex.HTTPEndpoint) (
epnts []*measurex.HTTPEndpoint, thMeaurement *measurex.THMeasurement, err error) {
for _, epnt := range thh.epnts {
epnts = append(epnts, &measurex.HTTPEndpoint{
Domain: URL.Hostname(),
Network: epnt.Network,
Address: epnt.Address,
SNI: URL.Hostname(),
ALPN: measurex.ALPNForHTTPEndpoint(epnt.Network),
Header: headers, // but overriden later anyway
// thResolverURL is the DNS resolver URL used by the TH. We use an
// encrypted resolver to reduce the risk that there is DNS-over-UDP
// censorship in the place where we deploy the TH.
const thResolverURL = ""
// thResolver is the DNS resolver used by the TH.
// Here we're using as the logger, which
// is fine because this is backend only code.
var thResolver = netxlite.WrapResolver(log.Log, netxlite.NewSerialResolver(
netxlite.NewDNSOverHTTPS(http.DefaultClient, thResolverURL),