Simone Basso ba9151d4fa
feat(webstepsx): websteps using measurex (#530)
This diff adds the prototype websteps implementation that used
to live at

The code is reasonably good already and it's pointing to a roaming
test helper that I've properly configured.

You can run websteps with:

./miniooni -n websteps

This will go over the test list for your country.

At this stage the mechanics of the experiment is set, but we
still need to have a conversation on the following topics:

1. whether we're okay with reusing the data format used by other
OONI experiments, or we would like to use a more compact data
format (which may either be a more compact JSON or we can choose
to always submit compressed measurements for websteps);

2. the extent to which we would like to keep the measurement as
a collection of "the experiment saw this" and "the test helper
saw that" and let the pipeline choose an overall score: this is
clearly an option, but there is also the opposite option to
build a summary of the measurement on the probe.

Compared to the previous prototype of websteps, the main
architectural change we have here is that we are following
the point of view of the probe and the test helper is
much more dumb. Basically, the probe will choose which
redirection to follow and ask the test helper every time
it discovers a new URL to measure it w/o redirections.

Reference issue:
2021-09-30 02:06:27 +02:00

382 lines
10 KiB

package webstepsx
// TH (Test Helper)
// This file contains an implementation of the
// (proposed) websteps test helper spec.
import (
// Messages exchanged by the TH client and server
// THClientRequest is the request received by the test helper.
type THClientRequest struct {
// Endpoints is a list of endpoints to measure.
Endpoints []*measurex.Endpoint
// URL is the URL we want to measure.
URL string
// HTTPRequestHeaders contains the request headers.
HTTPRequestHeaders http.Header
// THServerResponse is the response from the test helper.
type THServerResponse struct {
// DNS contains all the DNS related measurements.
DNS []*measurex.DNSMeasurement `json:"dns"`
// Endpoints contains a measurement for each endpoint
// that was discovered by the probe or the TH.
Endpoints []*measurex.HTTPEndpointMeasurement `json:"endpoints"`
// thMaxAcceptableBodySize is the maximum acceptable body size by TH code.
const thMaxAcceptableBodySize = 1 << 20
// TH client implementation
// THClient is the high-level API to invoke the TH. This API
// should be used by command line clients.
type THClient struct {
// DNSServers is the MANDATORY list of DNS-over-UDP
// servers to use to discover endpoints locally.
DNServers []*measurex.ResolverInfo
// HTTPClient is the MANDATORY HTTP client to
// use for contacting the TH.
HTTPClient measurex.HTTPClient
// ServerURL is the MANDATORY URL of the TH HTTP endpoint.
ServerURL string
// Run calls the TH and returns the response or an error.
// Arguments:
// - ctx is the context with timeout/deadline/cancellation
// - URL is the URL the TH server should measure for us
// Algorithm:
// - use DNSServers to discover extra endpoints for the target URL
// - call the TH using the HTTPClient and the ServerURL
// - return response or error.
func (c *THClient) Run(ctx context.Context, URL string) (*THServerResponse, error) {
parsed, err := url.Parse(URL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mx := measurex.NewMeasurerWithDefaultSettings()
var dns []*measurex.DNSMeasurement
for m := range mx.LookupURLHostParallel(ctx, parsed, c.DNServers...) {
dns = append(dns, m)
endpoints, err := measurex.AllEndpointsForURL(parsed, dns...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return (&THClientCall{
Endpoints: endpoints,
HTTPClient: c.HTTPClient,
Header: measurex.NewHTTPRequestHeaderForMeasuring(),
THURL: c.ServerURL,
TargetURL: URL,
// THClientCall allows to perform a single TH client call. Make sure
// you fill all the fields marked as MANDATORY before use.
type THClientCall struct {
// Endpoints contains the MANDATORY endpoints we discovered.
Endpoints []*measurex.Endpoint
// HTTPClient is the MANDATORY HTTP client to
// use for contacting the TH.
HTTPClient measurex.HTTPClient
// Header contains the MANDATORY request headers.
Header http.Header
// THURL is the MANDATORY test helper URL.
THURL string
// TargetURL is the MANDATORY URL to measure.
TargetURL string
// Call performs the specified TH call and returns either a response or an error.
func (c *THClientCall) Call(ctx context.Context) (*THServerResponse, error) {
creq := &THClientRequest{
Endpoints: c.Endpoints,
URL: c.TargetURL,
HTTPRequestHeaders: c.Header,
reqBody, err := json.Marshal(creq)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(
ctx, "POST", c.THURL, bytes.NewReader(reqBody))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", fmt.Sprintf("ooniprobe-cli/%s", version.Version))
return c.httpClientDo(req)
// errTHRequestFailed is the error returned if the TH response is not 200 Ok.
var errTHRequestFailed = errors.New("th: request failed")
func (c *THClientCall) httpClientDo(req *http.Request) (*THServerResponse, error) {
resp, err := c.HTTPClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != 200 { // THHandler returns either 400 or 200
return nil, errTHRequestFailed
r := io.LimitReader(resp.Body, thMaxAcceptableBodySize)
respBody, err := netxlite.ReadAllContext(req.Context(), r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var sresp THServerResponse
if err := json.Unmarshal(respBody, &sresp); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &sresp, nil
// TH server implementation
// THHandler implements the test helper API.
// This handler exposes a unique HTTP endpoint that you need to
// mount to the desired path when creating the server.
// The canonical mount point for the HTTP endpoint is /api/v1/websteps.
// Accepted methods and request body:
// - we only accept POST;
// - we expect a THClientRequest as the body.
// Status code and response body:
// - on success, status is 200 and THServerResponse is the body;
// - on failure, status is 400 and there is no body.
type THHandler struct{}
// ServerHTTP implements http.Handler.ServeHTTP.
func (h *THHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
w.Header().Add("Server", fmt.Sprintf("oohelperd/%s", version.Version))
if req.Method != "POST" {
reader := io.LimitReader(req.Body, thMaxAcceptableBodySize)
data, err := netxlite.ReadAllContext(req.Context(), reader)
if err != nil {
var creq THClientRequest
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &creq); err != nil {
cresp, err := h.singleStep(req.Context(), &creq)
if err != nil {
// We assume that the following call cannot fail because it's a
// clearly serializable data structure.
data, err = json.Marshal(cresp)
runtimex.PanicOnError(err, "json.Marshal failed")
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
// singleStep performs a singleStep measurement.
// The function name derives from the definition (we invented)
// of "web steps". Each redirection is a step. For each step you
// need to figure out the endpoints to use with the DNS. After
// that, you need to check all endpoints. Because here we do not
// perform redirection, this is just a single "step".
// The algorithm is the following:
// 1. parse the URL and return error if it does not parse or
// the scheme is neither HTTP nor HTTPS;
// 2. discover additional endpoints using a suitable DoH
// resolver and the URL's hostname as the domain;
// 3. measure each discovered endpoint.
// The return value is either a THServerResponse or an error.
func (h *THHandler) singleStep(
ctx context.Context, req *THClientRequest) (*THServerResponse, error) {
mx := measurex.NewMeasurerWithDefaultSettings()
mx.MeasureURLHelper = &thMeasureURLHelper{req.Endpoints}
mx.Resolvers = []*measurex.ResolverInfo{{
Network: measurex.ResolverForeign,
ForeignResolver: thResolver,
jar := measurex.NewCookieJar()
meas, err := mx.MeasureURL(ctx, req.URL, req.HTTPRequestHeaders, jar)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &THServerResponse{
DNS: meas.DNS,
Endpoints: h.simplifyEndpoints(meas.Endpoints),
}, nil
func (h *THHandler) simplifyEndpoints(
in []*measurex.HTTPEndpointMeasurement) (out []*measurex.HTTPEndpointMeasurement) {
for _, epnt := range in {
out = append(out, &measurex.HTTPEndpointMeasurement{
URL: epnt.URL,
Network: epnt.Network,
Address: epnt.Address,
Measurement: h.simplifyMeasurement(epnt.Measurement),
func (h *THHandler) simplifyMeasurement(in *measurex.Measurement) (out *measurex.Measurement) {
out = &measurex.Measurement{
Connect: in.Connect,
TLSHandshake: h.simplifyHandshake(in.TLSHandshake),
QUICHandshake: h.simplifyHandshake(in.QUICHandshake),
LookupHost: in.LookupHost,
LookupHTTPSSvc: in.LookupHTTPSSvc,
HTTPRoundTrip: h.simplifyHTTPRoundTrip(in.HTTPRoundTrip),
func (h *THHandler) simplifyHandshake(
in []*measurex.TLSHandshakeEvent) (out []*measurex.TLSHandshakeEvent) {
for _, ev := range in {
out = append(out, &measurex.TLSHandshakeEvent{
CipherSuite: ev.CipherSuite,
Failure: ev.Failure,
NegotiatedProto: ev.NegotiatedProto,
TLSVersion: ev.TLSVersion,
PeerCerts: nil,
Finished: 0,
RemoteAddr: ev.RemoteAddr,
SNI: ev.SNI,
SkipVerify: ev.SkipVerify,
Oddity: ev.Oddity,
Network: ev.Network,
Started: 0,
func (h *THHandler) simplifyHTTPRoundTrip(
in []*measurex.HTTPRoundTripEvent) (out []*measurex.HTTPRoundTripEvent) {
for _, ev := range in {
out = append(out, &measurex.HTTPRoundTripEvent{
Failure: ev.Failure,
Request: ev.Request,
Response: h.simplifyHTTPResponse(ev.Response),
Finished: 0,
Started: 0,
Oddity: ev.Oddity,
func (h *THHandler) simplifyHTTPResponse(
in *measurex.HTTPResponse) (out *measurex.HTTPResponse) {
if in != nil {
out = &measurex.HTTPResponse{
Code: in.Code,
Headers: in.Headers,
Body: nil,
BodyIsTruncated: in.BodyIsTruncated,
BodyLength: in.BodyLength,
BodyIsUTF8: in.BodyIsUTF8,
type thMeasureURLHelper struct {
epnts []*measurex.Endpoint
func (thh *thMeasureURLHelper) LookupExtraHTTPEndpoints(
ctx context.Context, URL *url.URL, headers http.Header,
serverEpnts ...*measurex.HTTPEndpoint) (
epnts []*measurex.HTTPEndpoint, thMeaurement interface{}, err error) {
for _, epnt := range thh.epnts {
epnts = append(epnts, &measurex.HTTPEndpoint{
Domain: URL.Hostname(),
Network: epnt.Network,
Address: epnt.Address,
SNI: URL.Hostname(),
ALPN: measurex.ALPNForHTTPEndpoint(epnt.Network),
Header: headers, // but overriden later anyway
// thResolverURL is the DNS resolver URL used by the TH. We use an
// encrypted resolver to reduce the risk that there is DNS-over-UDP
// censorship in the place where we deploy the TH.
const thResolverURL = ""
// thResolver is the DNS resolver used by the TH.
// Here we're using as the logger, which
// is fine because this is backend only code.
var thResolver = netxlite.WrapResolver(log.Log, netxlite.NewSerialResolver(
netxlite.NewDNSOverHTTPS(http.DefaultClient, thResolverURL),