Simone Basso da95fa9365
refactor: signal et al. are now experimental nettests (#243)
* refactor: signal et al. are now experimental nettests

We move signal into the experimental nettests group. While there,
also start adding dnscheck and stunreachability as well.

It seems there's more work to be done to correctly represent
the results of dnscheck, but this is fine!

The experimental section is here exactly for this reason!

In terms of UI, the new command is `ooniprobe run experimental`.

We will most likely move signal out of experimental soon, since it's
already working quite well. We need to keep it here for one more
cycle because the desktop app is not ready for it.

See the following issues:



* fix(dnscheck): spell check

* fix: improve documentation
2021-03-08 13:38:34 +01:00

162 lines
5.3 KiB

package cli
import (
func formatSpeed(speed float64) string {
if speed < 1000 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%.2f Kbit/s", speed)
} else if speed < 1000*1000 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%.2f Mbit/s", float32(speed)/1000)
} else if speed < 1000*1000*1000 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%.2f Gbit/s", float32(speed)/(1000*1000))
// WTF, you crazy?
return fmt.Sprintf("%.2f Tbit/s", float32(speed)/(1000*1000*1000))
func formatSize(size float64) string {
if size < 1024 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%.1fK", size)
} else if size < 1024*1024 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%.1fM", size/1024.0)
} else if size < 1024*1024*1024 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%.1fG", size/(1024.0*1024.0))
// WTF, you crazy?
return fmt.Sprintf("%.1fT", size/(1024*1024*1024))
var summarizers = map[string]func(uint64, uint64, string) []string{
"websites": func(totalCount uint64, anomalyCount uint64, ss string) []string {
return []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%d tested", totalCount),
fmt.Sprintf("%d blocked", anomalyCount),
"performance": func(totalCount uint64, anomalyCount uint64, ss string) []string {
var tk database.PerformanceTestKeys
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(ss), &tk); err != nil {
return nil
return []string{
fmt.Sprintf("Download: %s", formatSpeed(tk.Download)),
fmt.Sprintf("Upload: %s", formatSpeed(tk.Upload)),
fmt.Sprintf("Ping: %.2fms", tk.Ping),
"im": func(totalCount uint64, anomalyCount uint64, ss string) []string {
return []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%d tested", totalCount),
fmt.Sprintf("%d blocked", anomalyCount),
"middlebox": func(totalCount uint64, anomalyCount uint64, ss string) []string {
return []string{
fmt.Sprintf("Detected: %v", anomalyCount > 0),
"circumvention": func(totalCount uint64, anomalyCount uint64, ss string) []string {
return []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%d tested", totalCount),
fmt.Sprintf("%d blocked", anomalyCount),
"experimental": func(totalCount uint64, anomalyCount uint64, ss string) []string {
return []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%d tested", totalCount),
fmt.Sprintf("%d blocked", anomalyCount),
func makeSummary(name string, totalCount uint64, anomalyCount uint64, ss string) []string {
return summarizers[name](totalCount, anomalyCount, ss)
func logResultItem(w io.Writer, f log.Fields) error {
colWidth := 24
rID := f.Get("id").(int64)
name := f.Get("name").(string)
isDone := f.Get("is_done").(bool)
startTime := f.Get("start_time").(time.Time)
networkName := f.Get("network_name").(string)
asn := fmt.Sprintf("AS%d (%s)", f.Get("asn").(uint), f.Get("network_country_code").(string))
//runtime := f.Get("runtime").(float64)
//dataUsageUp := f.Get("dataUsageUp").(int64)
//dataUsageDown := f.Get("dataUsageDown").(int64)
index := f.Get("index").(int)
totalCount := f.Get("total_count").(int)
if index == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "┏"+strings.Repeat("━", colWidth*2+2)+"┓\n")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "┢"+strings.Repeat("━", colWidth*2+2)+"┪\n")
firstRow := utils.RightPad(fmt.Sprintf("#%d - %s", rID, startTime.Format(time.RFC822)), colWidth*2)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "┃ "+firstRow+" ┃\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "┡"+strings.Repeat("━", colWidth*2+2)+"┩\n")
summary := makeSummary(name,
fmt.Fprintf(w, fmt.Sprintf("│ %s %s│\n",
utils.RightPad(name, colWidth),
utils.RightPad(summary[0], colWidth)))
fmt.Fprintf(w, fmt.Sprintf("│ %s %s│\n",
utils.RightPad(networkName, colWidth),
utils.RightPad(summary[1], colWidth)))
fmt.Fprintf(w, fmt.Sprintf("│ %s %s│\n",
utils.RightPad(asn, colWidth),
utils.RightPad(summary[2], colWidth)))
if index == totalCount-1 {
if isDone == true {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "└┬──────────────┬─────────────┬───────────────────┬┘\n")
} else {
// We want the incomplete section to not have a footer
fmt.Fprintf(w, "└──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘\n")
return nil
func logResultSummary(w io.Writer, f log.Fields) error {
networks := f.Get("total_networks").(int64)
tests := f.Get("total_tests").(int64)
dataUp := f.Get("total_data_usage_up").(float64)
dataDown := f.Get("total_data_usage_down").(float64)
if tests == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "No results\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Try running:\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " ooniprobe run websites\n")
return nil
// └┬──────────────┬─────────────┬───────────────┬
fmt.Fprintf(w, " │ %s │ %s │ %s │\n",
utils.RightPad(fmt.Sprintf("%d tests", tests), 12),
utils.RightPad(fmt.Sprintf("%d nets", networks), 11),
utils.RightPad(fmt.Sprintf("⬆ %s ⬇ %s", formatSize(dataUp), formatSize(dataDown)), 17))
fmt.Fprintf(w, " └──────────────┴─────────────┴───────────────────┘\n")
return nil