Simone Basso 33de701263
refactor: flatten and separate (#353)
* refactor(atomicx): move outside the engine package

After merging probe-engine into probe-cli, my impression is that we have
too much unnecessary nesting of packages in this repository.

The idea of this commit and of a bunch of following commits will instead
be to reduce the nesting and simplify the structure.

While there, improve the documentation.

* fix: always use the atomicx package

For consistency, never use sync/atomic and always use ./internal/atomicx
so we can just grep and make sure we're not risking to crash if we make
a subtle mistake on a 32 bit platform.

While there, mention in the contributing guidelines that we want to
always prefer the ./internal/atomicx package over sync/atomic.

* fix(atomicx): remove unnecessary constructor

We don't need a constructor here. The default constructed `&Int64{}`
instance is already usable and the constructor does not add anything to
what we are doing, rather it just creates extra confusion.

* cleanup(atomicx): we are not using Float64

Because atomicx.Float64 is unused, we can safely zap it.

* cleanup(atomicx): simplify impl and improve tests

We can simplify the implementation by using defer and by letting
the Load() method call Add(0).

We can improve tests by making many goroutines updated the
atomic int64 value concurrently.

* refactor(fsx): can live in the ./internal pkg

Let us reduce the amount of nesting. While there, ensure that the
package only exports the bare minimum, and improve the documentation
of the tests, to ease reading the code.

* refactor: move runtimex to ./internal

* refactor: move shellx into the ./internal package

While there, remove unnecessary dependency between packages.

While there, specify in the contributing guidelines that
one should use x/sys/execabs instead of os/exec.

* refactor: move ooapi into the ./internal pkg

* refactor(humanize): move to ./internal and better docs

* refactor: move platform to ./internal

* refactor(randx): move to ./internal

* refactor(multierror): move into the ./internal pkg

* refactor(kvstore): all kvstores in ./internal

Rather than having part of the kvstore inside ./internal/engine/kvstore
and part in ./internal/engine/kvstore.go, let us put every piece of code
that is kvstore related into the ./internal/kvstore package.

* fix(kvstore): always return ErrNoSuchKey on Get() error

It should help to use the kvstore everywhere removing all the
copies that are lingering around the tree.

* sessionresolver: make KVStore mandatory

Simplifies implementation. While there, use the ./internal/kvstore
package rather than having our private implementation.

* fix(ooapi): use the ./internal/kvstore package

* fix(platform): better documentation
2021-06-04 10:34:18 +02:00

211 lines
5.7 KiB

// Package geolocate implements IP lookup, resolver lookup, and geolocation.
package geolocate
import (
const (
// DefaultProbeASN is the default probe ASN as number.
DefaultProbeASN uint = 0
// DefaultProbeCC is the default probe CC.
DefaultProbeCC = "ZZ"
// DefaultProbeIP is the default probe IP.
DefaultProbeIP = model.DefaultProbeIP
// DefaultProbeNetworkName is the default probe network name.
DefaultProbeNetworkName = ""
// DefaultResolverASN is the default resolver ASN.
DefaultResolverASN uint = 0
// DefaultResolverIP is the default resolver IP.
DefaultResolverIP = ""
// DefaultResolverNetworkName is the default resolver network name.
DefaultResolverNetworkName = ""
var (
// DefaultProbeASNString is the default probe ASN as a string.
DefaultProbeASNString = fmt.Sprintf("AS%d", DefaultProbeASN)
// DefaultResolverASNString is the default resolver ASN as a string.
DefaultResolverASNString = fmt.Sprintf("AS%d", DefaultResolverASN)
// Logger is the definition of Logger used by this package.
type Logger interface {
Debug(msg string)
Debugf(format string, v ...interface{})
Info(msg string)
Infof(format string, v ...interface{})
Warn(msg string)
Warnf(format string, v ...interface{})
// Results contains geolocate results
type Results struct {
// ASN is the autonomous system number
ASN uint
// CountryCode is the country code
CountryCode string
// didResolverLookup indicates whether we did a resolver lookup.
didResolverLookup bool
// NetworkName is the network name
NetworkName string
// IP is the probe IP
ProbeIP string
// ResolverASN is the resolver ASN
ResolverASN uint
// ResolverIP is the resolver IP
ResolverIP string
// ResolverNetworkName is the resolver network name
ResolverNetworkName string
// ASNString returns the ASN as a string
func (r *Results) ASNString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("AS%d", r.ASN)
type probeIPLookupper interface {
LookupProbeIP(ctx context.Context) (addr string, err error)
type asnLookupper interface {
LookupASN(ip string) (asn uint, network string, err error)
type countryLookupper interface {
LookupCC(ip string) (cc string, err error)
type resolverIPLookupper interface {
LookupResolverIP(ctx context.Context) (addr string, err error)
// Resolver is a DNS resolver.
type Resolver interface {
LookupHost(ctx context.Context, domain string) ([]string, error)
Network() string
Address() string
// Config contains configuration for a geolocate Task.
type Config struct {
// Resolver is the resolver we should use when
// making requests for discovering the IP. When
// this field is not set, we use the stdlib.
Resolver Resolver
// Logger is the logger to use. If not set, then we will
// use a logger that discards all messages.
Logger Logger
// UserAgent is the user agent to use. If not set, then
// we will use a default user agent.
UserAgent string
// Must ensures that NewTask is successful.
func Must(task *Task, err error) *Task {
runtimex.PanicOnError(err, "NewTask failed")
return task
// NewTask creates a new instance of Task from config.
func NewTask(config Config) (*Task, error) {
if config.Logger == nil {
config.Logger = model.DiscardLogger
if config.UserAgent == "" {
config.UserAgent = fmt.Sprintf("ooniprobe-engine/%s", version.Version)
if config.Resolver == nil {
config.Resolver = netx.NewResolver(
netx.Config{Logger: config.Logger})
return &Task{
countryLookupper: mmdbLookupper{},
probeIPLookupper: ipLookupClient(config),
probeASNLookupper: mmdbLookupper{},
resolverASNLookupper: mmdbLookupper{},
resolverIPLookupper: resolverLookupClient{},
}, nil
// Task performs a geolocation. You must create a new
// instance of Task using the NewTask factory.
type Task struct {
countryLookupper countryLookupper
probeIPLookupper probeIPLookupper
probeASNLookupper asnLookupper
resolverASNLookupper asnLookupper
resolverIPLookupper resolverIPLookupper
// Run runs the task.
func (op Task) Run(ctx context.Context) (*Results, error) {
var err error
out := &Results{
ASN: DefaultProbeASN,
CountryCode: DefaultProbeCC,
NetworkName: DefaultProbeNetworkName,
ProbeIP: DefaultProbeIP,
ResolverASN: DefaultResolverASN,
ResolverIP: DefaultResolverIP,
ResolverNetworkName: DefaultResolverNetworkName,
ip, err := op.probeIPLookupper.LookupProbeIP(ctx)
if err != nil {
return out, fmt.Errorf("lookupProbeIP failed: %w", err)
out.ProbeIP = ip
asn, networkName, err := op.probeASNLookupper.LookupASN(out.ProbeIP)
if err != nil {
return out, fmt.Errorf("lookupASN failed: %w", err)
out.ASN = asn
out.NetworkName = networkName
cc, err := op.countryLookupper.LookupCC(out.ProbeIP)
if err != nil {
return out, fmt.Errorf("lookupProbeCC failed: %w", err)
out.CountryCode = cc
out.didResolverLookup = true
// Note: ignoring the result of lookupResolverIP and lookupASN
// here is intentional. We don't want this (~minor) failure
// to influence the result of the overall lookup. Another design
// here could be that of retrying the operation N times?
resolverIP, err := op.resolverIPLookupper.LookupResolverIP(ctx)
if err != nil {
return out, nil // intentional
out.ResolverIP = resolverIP
resolverASN, resolverNetworkName, err := op.resolverASNLookupper.LookupASN(
if err != nil {
return out, nil // intentional
out.ResolverASN = resolverASN
out.ResolverNetworkName = resolverNetworkName
return out, nil