Simone Basso 9ef4d9df7d
doc: add tutorial on how to use netxlite (#519)
The main tutorial will be the one at, but
it's useful to also document the primitives used by measurex.

So, here's the companion tutorial, which explains how to use the
features in netxlite to perform measurements.

This work is part of
2021-09-28 18:15:38 +02:00

199 lines
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// -=-=- StartHere -=-=-
// # Chapter I: TLS parroting
// In this chapter we will write together a `main.go` file that
// uses netxlite to establish a new TCP connection and then performs
// a TLS handshake using the established connection.
// Rather than using the Go standard library, like we did in the
// previous chapter, we will use the ``
// library to customize the ClientHello to look like Firefox.
// (This file is auto-generated from the corresponding source file,
// so make sure you don't edit it manually.)
// ## The main.go file
// We define `main.go` file using `package main`.
// The beginning of the program is equal to the previous chapter,
// so there is not much to say about it.
// ```Go
package main
import (
utls ""
func main() {
address := flag.String("address", "", "Remote endpoint address")
sni := flag.String("sni", "", "SNI to use")
timeout := flag.Duration("timeout", 60*time.Second, "Timeout")
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), *timeout)
defer cancel()
tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
ServerName: *sni,
NextProtos: []string{"h2", "http/1.1"},
RootCAs: netxlite.NewDefaultCertPool(),
conn, state, err := dialTLS(ctx, *address, tlsConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Infof("Conn type : %T", conn)
log.Infof("Cipher suite : %s", netxlite.TLSCipherSuiteString(state.CipherSuite))
log.Infof("Negotiated protocol: %s", state.NegotiatedProtocol)
log.Infof("TLS version : %s", netxlite.TLSVersionString(state.Version))
func dialTCP(ctx context.Context, address string) (net.Conn, error) {
d := netxlite.NewDialerWithoutResolver(log.Log)
return d.DialContext(ctx, "tcp", address)
func handshakeTLS(ctx context.Context, tcpConn net.Conn,
config *tls.Config) (net.Conn, tls.ConnectionState, error) {
// ```
// The following line of code is where we diverge from the
// previous chapter. Here we're creating a TLS handshaker
// that uses `` and sets the
// ClientHello to look like Firefox 55. (This is also
// know as TLS parroting because we're parroting what this
// version of Firefox would do.)
// Note that, when you use parroting, some settings inside
// the `tls.Config` (such as the ALPN) may be ignored
// if they conflict with what the parroted browser would do.
// ```Go
th := netxlite.NewTLSHandshakerUTLS(log.Log, &utls.HelloFirefox_55)
// ```
// The rest of the program is exactly like the one in the
// previous chapter, so we won't add further comments.
// ```Go
return th.Handshake(ctx, tcpConn, config)
func dialTLS(ctx context.Context, address string,
config *tls.Config) (net.Conn, tls.ConnectionState, error) {
tcpConn, err := dialTCP(ctx, address)
if err != nil {
return nil, tls.ConnectionState{}, err
tlsConn, state, err := handshakeTLS(ctx, tcpConn, config)
if err != nil {
return nil, tls.ConnectionState{}, err
return tlsConn, state, nil
func fatal(err error) {
var ew *netxlite.ErrWrapper
if !errors.As(err, &ew) {
log.Fatal("cannot get ErrWrapper")
log.Warnf("error string : %s", err.Error())
log.Warnf("OONI failure : %s", ew.Failure)
log.Warnf("failed operation: %s", ew.Operation)
log.Warnf("underlying error: %+v", ew.WrappedErr)
// ```
// ## Running the code
// You can now run this code as follows:
// ```bash
// go run -race ./internal/tutorial/netxlite/chapter03
// ```
// You will see debug logs describing what is happening along with timing info.
// ### Connect timeout
// ```bash
// go run -race ./internal/tutorial/netxlite/chapter03 -address
// ```
// should cause a connect timeout error. Try lowering the timout adding, e.g.,
// the `-timeout 5s` flag to the command line.
// ### Connection refused
// ```bash
// go run -race ./internal/tutorial/netxlite/chapter03 -address '[::1]:1'
// ```
// should give you a connection refused error in most cases. (We are quoting
// the `::1` IPv6 address using `[` and `]` here.)
// ### SNI mismatch
// ```bash
// go run -race ./internal/tutorial/netxlite/chapter03 -sni
// ```
// should give you a TLS invalid hostname error (for historical reasons
// named `ssl_invalid_hostname`).
// ### TLS handshake reset
// If you're on Linux, build Jafar (`go build -v ./internal/cmd/jafar`)
// and then run:
// ```bash
// sudo ./jafar -iptables-reset-keyword
// ```
// Then run in another terminal
// ```bash
// go run ./internal/tutorial/netxlite/chapter03
// ```
// Then you can interrupt Jafar using ^C.
// ### TLS handshake timeout
// If you're on Linux, build Jafar (`go build -v ./internal/cmd/jafar`)
// and then run:
// ```bash
// sudo ./jafar -iptables-drop-keyword
// ```
// Then run in another terminal
// ```bash
// go run ./internal/tutorial/netxlite/chapter03
// ```
// Then you can interrupt Jafar using ^C.
// ## Conclusions
// We have seen how to use netxlite to establish a TCP connection
// and perform a TLS handshake using such a connection with a specific
// configuration that parrots Firefox v55's ClientHello.