We're currently use jafar for QA and jafar is a better mechanism, even though it is not portable outside of Linux. This self censorship mechanism was less cool and added a bunch of (also cognitive) complexity to netx. If we ever want to go down a self censorship like road, we probably want to do as little work as possible in the problem and as much work as possible inside a helper like jafar. Part of https://github.com/ooni/probe/issues/1591.
This directory contains the source code of a simple CLI client that we use for research as well as for running QA scripts. We designed this tool to have a CLI similar to MK and OONI Probe v2.x to ease running Jafar scripts that check whether these tools behave similarly. Perfect backwards compatibility was not a design goal for miniooni. Rather, we aimed to have as little conflict as possible, such that we can run side-by-side QA checks.