This commit introduces a new `InputLoader` policy by which, if no input is provided, we use a static default input list. We also modify the code to use this policy for dnscheck and stunreachability, with proper input. We also modify `miniooni` to pass the new `ExperimentName` field to the `InputLoader` to indicate which default input list to use. This diff is part of a set of diffs aiming at fixing and has been extracted from What remains to be done, after this diff has landed is to ensure things also work for ooniprobe and oonimkall.
This directory contains the source code of a simple CLI client that we use for research as well as for running QA scripts. We designed this tool to have a CLI similar to MK and OONI Probe v2.x to ease running Jafar scripts that check whether these tools behave similarly. Perfect backwards compatibility was not a design goal for miniooni. Rather, we aimed to have as little conflict as possible, such that we can run side-by-side QA checks.