Simone Basso 311c30a961
chore(miniooni): print start time (#227)
This is useful when someone is running manual measurements and is
sharing their measurements with us, because it means we don't need
manually keep track of this bit of information.

2021-02-12 08:17:16 +01:00

446 lines
13 KiB

// Package libminiooni implements the cmd/miniooni CLI. Miniooni is our
// experimental client used for research and QA testing.
// This CLI has CLI options that do not conflict with Measurement Kit
// v0.10.x CLI options. There are some options conflict with the legacy
// OONI Probe CLI options. Perfect backwards compatibility is not a
// design goal for miniooni. Rather, we aim to have as little conflict
// as possible such that we can run side by side QA checks.
// We extracted this package from cmd/miniooni to allow us to further
// integrate the miniooni CLI into other binaries (see for example the
// code at
package libminiooni
import (
// Options contains the options you can set from the CLI.
type Options struct {
Annotations []string
ExtraOptions []string
HomeDir string
Inputs []string
InputFilePaths []string
NoJSON bool
NoCollector bool
ProbeServicesURL string
Proxy string
Random bool
ReportFile string
SelfCensorSpec string
TorArgs []string
TorBinary string
Tunnel string
Verbose bool
Yes bool
const (
softwareName = "miniooni"
softwareVersion = version.Version
var (
globalOptions Options
startTime = time.Now()
func init() {
&globalOptions.Annotations, "annotation", 'A', "Add annotaton", "KEY=VALUE",
&globalOptions.ExtraOptions, "option", 'O',
"Pass an option to the experiment", "KEY=VALUE",
&globalOptions.InputFilePaths, "input-file", 'f',
"Path to input file to supply test-dependent input. File must contain one input per line.", "PATH",
&globalOptions.HomeDir, "home", 0,
"Force specific home directory", "PATH",
&globalOptions.Inputs, "input", 'i',
"Add test-dependent input to the test input", "INPUT",
&globalOptions.NoJSON, "no-json", 'N', "Disable writing to disk",
&globalOptions.NoCollector, "no-collector", 'n', "Don't use a collector",
&globalOptions.ProbeServicesURL, "probe-services", 0,
"Set the URL of the probe-services instance you want to use", "URL",
&globalOptions.Proxy, "proxy", 0, "Set the proxy URL", "URL",
&globalOptions.Random, "random", 0, "Randomize inputs",
&globalOptions.ReportFile, "reportfile", 'o',
"Set the report file path", "PATH",
&globalOptions.SelfCensorSpec, "self-censor-spec", 0,
"Enable and configure self censorship", "JSON",
&globalOptions.TorArgs, "tor-args", 0,
"Extra args for tor binary (may be specified multiple times)",
&globalOptions.TorBinary, "tor-binary", 0,
"Specify path to a specific tor binary",
&globalOptions.Tunnel, "tunnel", 0,
"Name of the tunnel to use (one of `tor`, `psiphon`)",
&globalOptions.Verbose, "verbose", 'v', "Increase verbosity",
&globalOptions.Yes, "yes", 0, "I accept the risk of running OONI",
func fatalWithString(msg string) {
func fatalIfFalse(cond bool, msg string) {
if !cond {
// Main is the main function of miniooni. This function parses the command line
// options and uses a global state. Use MainWithConfiguration if you want to avoid
// using any global state and relying on command line options.
// This function will panic in case of a fatal error. It is up to you that
// integrate this function to either handle the panic of ignore it.
func Main() {
fatalIfFalse(len(getopt.Args()) == 1, "Missing experiment name")
MainWithConfiguration(getopt.Arg(0), globalOptions)
func split(s string) (string, string, error) {
v := strings.SplitN(s, "=", 2)
if len(v) != 2 {
return "", "", errors.New("invalid key-value pair")
return v[0], v[1], nil
func fatalOnError(err error, msg string) {
if err != nil {
func warnOnError(err error, msg string) {
if err != nil {
func mustMakeMap(input []string) (output map[string]string) {
output = make(map[string]string)
for _, opt := range input {
key, value, err := split(opt)
fatalOnError(err, "cannot split key-value pair")
output[key] = value
func mustParseURL(URL string) *url.URL {
rv, err := url.Parse(URL)
fatalOnError(err, "cannot parse URL")
return rv
type logHandler struct {
func (h *logHandler) HandleLog(e *log.Entry) (err error) {
s := fmt.Sprintf("[%14.6f] <%s> %s", time.Since(startTime).Seconds(), e.Level, e.Message)
if len(e.Fields) > 0 {
s += fmt.Sprintf(": %+v", e.Fields)
s += "\n"
_, err = h.Writer.Write([]byte(s))
// See
func gethomedir(optionsHome string) string {
if optionsHome != "" {
return optionsHome
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
home := os.Getenv("HOMEDRIVE") + os.Getenv("HOMEPATH")
if home == "" {
home = os.Getenv("USERPROFILE")
return home
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
home := os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
if home != "" {
return home
// fallthrough
return os.Getenv("HOME")
const riskOfRunningOONI = `
Do you consent to OONI Probe data collection?
OONI Probe collects evidence of internet censorship and measures
network performance:
- OONI Probe will likely test objectionable sites and services;
- Anyone monitoring your internet activity (such as a government
or Internet provider) may be able to tell that you are using OONI Probe;
- The network data you collect will be published automatically
unless you use miniooni's -n command line flag.
To learn more, see
If you're onboard, re-run the same command and add the --yes flag, to
indicate that you understand the risks. This will create an empty file
named 'consent' in $HOME/.miniooni, meaning that we know you opted in
and we will not ask you this question again.
func canOpen(filepath string) bool {
stat, err := os.Stat(filepath)
return err == nil && stat.Mode().IsRegular()
func maybeWriteConsentFile(yes bool, filepath string) (err error) {
if yes {
err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath, []byte("\n"), 0644)
// MainWithConfiguration is the miniooni main with a specific configuration
// represented by the experiment name and the current options.
// This function will panic in case of a fatal error. It is up to you that
// integrate this function to either handle the panic of ignore it.
func MainWithConfiguration(experimentName string, currentOptions Options) {
ctx := context.Background()
extraOptions := mustMakeMap(currentOptions.ExtraOptions)
annotations := mustMakeMap(currentOptions.Annotations)
err := selfcensor.MaybeEnable(currentOptions.SelfCensorSpec)
fatalOnError(err, "cannot parse --self-censor-spec argument")
logger := &log.Logger{Level: log.InfoLevel, Handler: &logHandler{Writer: os.Stderr}}
if currentOptions.Verbose {
logger.Level = log.DebugLevel
if currentOptions.ReportFile == "" {
currentOptions.ReportFile = "report.jsonl"
log.Log = logger
//Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006
log.Infof("Current time: %s", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05 MST"))
homeDir := gethomedir(currentOptions.HomeDir)
fatalIfFalse(homeDir != "", "home directory is empty")
miniooniDir := path.Join(homeDir, ".miniooni")
assetsDir := path.Join(miniooniDir, "assets")
err = os.MkdirAll(assetsDir, 0700)
fatalOnError(err, "cannot create assets directory")
log.Debugf("miniooni state directory: %s", miniooniDir)
consentFile := path.Join(miniooniDir, "informed")
fatalOnError(maybeWriteConsentFile(currentOptions.Yes, consentFile),
"cannot write informed consent file")
fatalIfFalse(canOpen(consentFile), riskOfRunningOONI)
log.Info("miniooni home directory: $HOME/.miniooni")
var proxyURL *url.URL
if currentOptions.Proxy != "" {
proxyURL = mustParseURL(currentOptions.Proxy)
kvstore2dir := filepath.Join(miniooniDir, "kvstore2")
kvstore, err := engine.NewFileSystemKVStore(kvstore2dir)
fatalOnError(err, "cannot create kvstore2 directory")
config := engine.SessionConfig{
AssetsDir: assetsDir,
KVStore: kvstore,
Logger: logger,
ProxyURL: proxyURL,
SoftwareName: softwareName,
SoftwareVersion: softwareVersion,
TorArgs: currentOptions.TorArgs,
TorBinary: currentOptions.TorBinary,
if currentOptions.ProbeServicesURL != "" {
config.AvailableProbeServices = []model.Service{{
Address: currentOptions.ProbeServicesURL,
Type: "https",
sess, err := engine.NewSession(config)
fatalOnError(err, "cannot create measurement session")
defer func() {
log.Infof("whole session: recv %s, sent %s",
humanizex.SI(sess.KibiBytesReceived()*1024, "byte"),
humanizex.SI(sess.KibiBytesSent()*1024, "byte"),
log.Debugf("miniooni temporary directory: %s", sess.TempDir())
err = sess.MaybeStartTunnel(context.Background(), currentOptions.Tunnel)
fatalOnError(err, "cannot start session tunnel")
log.Info("Looking up OONI backends; please be patient...")
err = sess.MaybeLookupBackends()
fatalOnError(err, "cannot lookup OONI backends")
log.Info("Looking up your location; please be patient...")
err = sess.MaybeLookupLocation()
fatalOnError(err, "cannot lookup your location")
log.Debugf("- IP: %s", sess.ProbeIP())
log.Infof("- country: %s", sess.ProbeCC())
log.Infof("- network: %s (%s)", sess.ProbeNetworkName(), sess.ProbeASNString())
log.Infof("- resolver's IP: %s", sess.ResolverIP())
log.Infof("- resolver's network: %s (%s)", sess.ResolverNetworkName(),
builder, err := sess.NewExperimentBuilder(experimentName)
fatalOnError(err, "cannot create experiment builder")
inputLoader := engine.NewInputLoader(engine.InputLoaderConfig{
StaticInputs: currentOptions.Inputs,
SourceFiles: currentOptions.InputFilePaths,
InputPolicy: builder.InputPolicy(),
Session: sess,
URLLimit: 17,
inputs, err := inputLoader.Load(context.Background())
fatalOnError(err, "cannot load inputs")
if currentOptions.Random {
rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
rnd.Shuffle(len(inputs), func(i, j int) {
inputs[i], inputs[j] = inputs[j], inputs[i]
err = builder.SetOptionsGuessType(extraOptions)
fatalOnError(err, "cannot parse extraOptions")
experiment := builder.NewExperiment()
defer func() {
log.Infof("experiment: recv %s, sent %s",
humanizex.SI(experiment.KibiBytesReceived()*1024, "byte"),
humanizex.SI(experiment.KibiBytesSent()*1024, "byte"),
submitter, err := engine.NewSubmitter(ctx, engine.SubmitterConfig{
Enabled: currentOptions.NoCollector == false,
Session: sess,
Logger: log.Log,
fatalOnError(err, "cannot create submitter")
saver, err := engine.NewSaver(engine.SaverConfig{
Enabled: currentOptions.NoJSON == false,
Experiment: experiment,
FilePath: currentOptions.ReportFile,
Logger: log.Log,
fatalOnError(err, "cannot create saver")
inputProcessor := engine.InputProcessor{
Annotations: annotations,
Experiment: &experimentWrapper{
child: engine.NewInputProcessorExperimentWrapper(experiment),
total: len(inputs),
Inputs: inputs,
Options: currentOptions.ExtraOptions,
Saver: engine.NewInputProcessorSaverWrapper(saver),
Submitter: submitterWrapper{
child: engine.NewInputProcessorSubmitterWrapper(submitter),
err = inputProcessor.Run(ctx)
fatalOnError(err, "inputProcessor.Run failed")
type experimentWrapper struct {
child engine.InputProcessorExperimentWrapper
total int
func (ew *experimentWrapper) MeasureWithContext(
ctx context.Context, idx int, input string) (*model.Measurement, error) {
if input != "" {
log.Infof("[%d/%d] running with input: %s", idx+1,, input)
measurement, err := ew.child.MeasureWithContext(ctx, idx, input)
warnOnError(err, "measurement failed")
// policy: we do not stop the loop if the measurement fails
return measurement, nil
type submitterWrapper struct {
child engine.InputProcessorSubmitterWrapper
func (sw submitterWrapper) Submit(ctx context.Context, idx int, m *model.Measurement) error {
err := sw.child.Submit(ctx, idx, m)
warnOnError(err, "submitting measurement failed")
// policy: we do not stop the loop if measurement submission fails
return nil