Simone Basso 85664f1e31
feat(torsf): collect tor logs, select rendezvous method, count bytes (#683)
This diff contains significant improvements over the previous
implementation of the torsf experiment.

We add support for configuring different rendezvous methods after
the convo at In doing
that, I've tried to use a terminology that is consistent with the
names being actually used by tor developers.

In terms of what to do next, this diff basically instruments
torsf to always rendezvous using domain fronting. Yet, it's also
possible to change the rendezvous method from the command line,
when using miniooni, which allows to experiment a bit more. In the
same vein, by default we use a persistent tor datadir, but it's
also possible to use a temporary datadir using the cmdline.

Here's how a generic invocation of `torsf` looks like:

./miniooni -O DisablePersistentDatadir=true \
           -O RendezvousMethod=amp \
           -O DisableProgress=true \

(The default is `DisablePersistentDatadir=false` and

With this implementation, we can start measuring whether snowflake
and tor together can boostrap, which seems the most important thing
to focus on at the beginning. Understanding why the bootstrap most
often does not converge with a temporary datadir on Android devices
remains instead an open problem for now. (I'll also update the
relevant issues or create new issues after commit this.)

We also address some methodology improvements that were proposed
in Namely:

1. we record the tor version;

2. we include the bootstrap percentage by reading the logs;

3. we set the anomaly key correctly;

4. we measure the bytes send and received (by `tor` not by `snowflake`, since
doing it for snowflake seems more complex at this stage).

What remains to be done is the possibility of including Snowflake
events into the measurement, which is not possible until the new
improvements at common/event in snowflake.git are included into a
tagged version of snowflake itself. (I'll make sure to mention
this aspect to @cohosh in
2022-02-07 17:05:36 +01:00

347 lines
8.5 KiB

package torsf
import (
func TestExperimentNameAndVersion(t *testing.T) {
m := NewExperimentMeasurer(Config{})
if m.ExperimentName() != "torsf" {
t.Fatal("invalid experiment name")
if m.ExperimentVersion() != "0.2.0" {
t.Fatal("invalid experiment version")
func TestFailureWithInvalidRendezvousMethod(t *testing.T) {
m := &Measurer{
config: Config{
DisablePersistentDatadir: false,
DisableProgress: false,
RendezvousMethod: "antani",
mockStartTunnel: nil,
ctx := context.Background()
measurement := &model.Measurement{}
sess := &mockable.Session{
MockableLogger: model.DiscardLogger,
callbacks := &model.PrinterCallbacks{
Logger: model.DiscardLogger,
err := m.Run(ctx, sess, measurement, callbacks)
if !errors.Is(err, ptx.ErrSnowflakeNoSuchRendezvousMethod) {
t.Fatal("unexpected error", err)
if measurement.TestKeys != nil {
t.Fatal("expected nil test keys")
func TestFailureToStartPTXListener(t *testing.T) {
expected := errors.New("mocked error")
m := &Measurer{
config: Config{},
mockStartListener: func() error {
return expected
ctx := context.Background()
measurement := &model.Measurement{}
sess := &mockable.Session{}
callbacks := &model.PrinterCallbacks{
Logger: model.DiscardLogger,
if err := m.Run(ctx, sess, measurement, callbacks); !errors.Is(err, expected) {
t.Fatal("not the error we expected", err)
if tk := measurement.TestKeys; tk != nil {
t.Fatal("expected nil bootstrap time here")
func TestSuccessWithMockedTunnelStart(t *testing.T) {
bootstrapTime := 3 * time.Second
called := &atomicx.Int64{}
m := &Measurer{
config: Config{},
mockStartTunnel: func(
ctx context.Context, config *tunnel.Config) (tunnel.Tunnel, tunnel.DebugInfo, error) {
// run for some time so we also exercise printing progress.
return &mocks.Tunnel{
MockBootstrapTime: func() time.Duration {
return bootstrapTime
MockStop: func() {
}, tunnel.DebugInfo{
Name: "tor",
LogFilePath: filepath.Join("testdata", "tor.log"),
}, nil
ctx := context.Background()
measurement := &model.Measurement{}
sess := &mockable.Session{
MockableLogger: model.DiscardLogger,
callbacks := &model.PrinterCallbacks{
Logger: model.DiscardLogger,
if err := m.Run(ctx, sess, measurement, callbacks); err != nil {
if called.Load() != 1 {
t.Fatal("stop was not called")
tk := measurement.TestKeys.(*TestKeys)
if tk.BootstrapTime != bootstrapTime.Seconds() {
t.Fatal("unexpected bootstrap time")
if tk.Failure != nil {
t.Fatal("unexpected failure")
if !tk.PersistentDatadir {
t.Fatal("unexpected persistent data dir")
if tk.RendezvousMethod != "domain_fronting" {
t.Fatal("unexpected rendezvous method")
if count := len(tk.TorLogs); count != 9 {
t.Fatal("unexpected length of tor logs", count)
func TestWithCancelledContext(t *testing.T) {
// This test calls the real tunnel.Start function so we cover
// it but fails immediately because of the cancelled ctx.
m := &Measurer{
config: Config{},
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
cancel() // fail immediately
measurement := &model.Measurement{}
sess := &mockable.Session{
MockableLogger: model.DiscardLogger,
callbacks := &model.PrinterCallbacks{
Logger: model.DiscardLogger,
if err := m.Run(ctx, sess, measurement, callbacks); err != nil {
tk := measurement.TestKeys.(*TestKeys)
if tk.BootstrapTime != 0 {
t.Fatal("unexpected bootstrap time")
if *tk.Failure != "interrupted" {
t.Fatal("unexpected failure")
if !tk.PersistentDatadir {
t.Fatal("unexpected persistent data dir")
if tk.RendezvousMethod != "domain_fronting" {
t.Fatal("unexpected rendezvous method")
if len(tk.TorLogs) != 0 {
t.Fatal("unexpected length of tor logs")
func TestFailureToStartTunnel(t *testing.T) {
expected := errors.New("mocked error")
m := &Measurer{
config: Config{},
mockStartTunnel: func(
ctx context.Context, config *tunnel.Config) (tunnel.Tunnel, tunnel.DebugInfo, error) {
return nil,
Name: "tor",
LogFilePath: filepath.Join("testdata", "tor.log"),
}, expected
ctx := context.Background()
measurement := &model.Measurement{}
sess := &mockable.Session{
MockableLogger: model.DiscardLogger,
callbacks := &model.PrinterCallbacks{
Logger: model.DiscardLogger,
if err := m.Run(ctx, sess, measurement, callbacks); err != nil {
tk := measurement.TestKeys.(*TestKeys)
if tk.BootstrapTime != 0 {
t.Fatal("unexpected bootstrap time")
if tk.Failure == nil {
t.Fatal("unexpectedly nil failure string")
if *tk.Failure != "unknown_failure: mocked error" {
t.Fatal("unexpected failure string", *tk.Failure)
if !tk.PersistentDatadir {
t.Fatal("unexpected persistent datadir")
if tk.RendezvousMethod != "domain_fronting" {
t.Fatal("unexpected rendezvous method")
if count := len(tk.TorLogs); count != 9 {
t.Fatal("unexpected length of tor logs", count)
func TestBaseTunnelDir(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("without persistent data dir", func(t *testing.T) {
m := &Measurer{
config: Config{
DisablePersistentDatadir: true,
sess := &mockable.Session{
MockableTunnelDir: "a",
MockableTempDir: "b",
dir := m.baseTunnelDir(sess)
if dir != "b" {
t.Fatal("unexpected base tunnel dir", dir)
t.Run("with persistent data dir", func(t *testing.T) {
m := &Measurer{
config: Config{
DisablePersistentDatadir: false,
sess := &mockable.Session{
MockableTunnelDir: "a",
MockableTempDir: "b",
dir := m.baseTunnelDir(sess)
if dir != "a" {
t.Fatal("unexpected base tunnel dir", dir)
func TestReadTorLogs(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("with empty file path", func(t *testing.T) {
m := &Measurer{}
logger := model.DiscardLogger
tk := &TestKeys{}
m.readTorLogs(logger, tk, "")
if len(tk.TorLogs) != 0 {
t.Fatal("expected no tor logs")
t.Run("with nonexistent file path", func(t *testing.T) {
m := &Measurer{}
logger := model.DiscardLogger
tk := &TestKeys{}
m.readTorLogs(logger, tk, filepath.Join("testdata", "nonexistent"))
if len(tk.TorLogs) != 0 {
t.Fatal("expected no tor logs")
t.Run("with existing file path", func(t *testing.T) {
m := &Measurer{}
logger := model.DiscardLogger
tk := &TestKeys{}
m.readTorLogs(logger, tk, filepath.Join("testdata", "tor.log"))
if count := len(tk.TorLogs); count != 9 {
t.Fatal("unexpected number of tor logs", count)
func TestGetSummaryKeys(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("in case of untyped nil TestKeys", func(t *testing.T) {
measurement := &model.Measurement{
TestKeys: nil,
m := &Measurer{}
_, err := m.GetSummaryKeys(measurement)
if !errors.Is(err, errInvalidTestKeysType) {
t.Fatal("unexpected error", err)
t.Run("in case of typed nil TestKeys", func(t *testing.T) {
var tk *TestKeys
measurement := &model.Measurement{
TestKeys: tk,
m := &Measurer{}
_, err := m.GetSummaryKeys(measurement)
if !errors.Is(err, errNilTestKeys) {
t.Fatal("unexpected error", err)
t.Run("in case of invalid TestKeys type", func(t *testing.T) {
measurement := &model.Measurement{
TestKeys: make(chan int),
m := &Measurer{}
_, err := m.GetSummaryKeys(measurement)
if !errors.Is(err, errInvalidTestKeysType) {
t.Fatal("unexpected error", err)
t.Run("in case of success", func(t *testing.T) {
measurement := &model.Measurement{
TestKeys: &TestKeys{
Failure: nil,
m := &Measurer{}
sk, err := m.GetSummaryKeys(measurement)
if err != nil {
rsk := sk.(SummaryKeys)
if rsk.IsAnomaly {
t.Fatal("expected no anomaly here")
t.Run("in case of failure", func(t *testing.T) {
failure := "generic_timeout_error"
measurement := &model.Measurement{
TestKeys: &TestKeys{
Failure: &failure,
m := &Measurer{}
sk, err := m.GetSummaryKeys(measurement)
if err != nil {
rsk := sk.(SummaryKeys)
if !rsk.IsAnomaly {
t.Fatal("expected anomaly here")