Simone Basso d0da224a2a
feat(oonirun): improve tests (#915)

While there, rename `runtimex.PanicIfFalse` to `runtimex.Assert` (it was about time...)
2022-08-31 18:40:27 +02:00

271 lines
8.0 KiB

package oonirun
// Run experiments.
import (
// experimentShuffledInputs counts how many times we shuffled inputs
var experimentShuffledInputs = &atomicx.Int64{}
// Experiment describes an experiment to run. You MUST fill all the fields that
// are marked as MANDATORY, otherwise Experiment.Run will cause panics.
type Experiment struct {
// Annotations contains OPTIONAL Annotations for the experiment.
Annotations map[string]string
// ExtraOptions contains OPTIONAL extra options for the experiment.
ExtraOptions map[string]any
// Inputs contains the OPTIONAL experiment Inputs
Inputs []string
// InputFilePaths contains OPTIONAL files to read inputs from.
InputFilePaths []string
// MaxRuntime is the OPTIONAL maximum runtime in seconds.
MaxRuntime int64
// Name is the MANDATORY experiment name.
Name string
// NoCollector OPTIONALLY indicates we should not be using any collector.
NoCollector bool
// NoJSON OPTIONALLY indicates we don't want to save measurements to a JSON file.
NoJSON bool
// Random OPTIONALLY indicates we should randomize inputs.
Random bool
// ReportFile is the MANDATORY file in which to save reports, which is only
// used when noJSON is set to false.
ReportFile string
// Session is the MANDATORY session.
Session Session
// newExperimentBuilderFn is OPTIONAL and used for testing.
newExperimentBuilderFn func(experimentName string) (model.ExperimentBuilder, error)
// newInputLoaderFn is OPTIONAL and used for testing.
newInputLoaderFn func(inputPolicy model.InputPolicy) inputLoader
// newSubmitterFn is OPTIONAL and used for testing.
newSubmitterFn func(ctx context.Context) (engine.Submitter, error)
// newSaverFn is OPTIONAL and used for testing.
newSaverFn func(experiment model.Experiment) (engine.Saver, error)
// newInputProcessorFn is OPTIONAL and used for testing.
newInputProcessorFn func(experiment model.Experiment, inputList []model.OOAPIURLInfo,
saver engine.Saver, submitter engine.Submitter) inputProcessor
// Run runs the given experiment.
func (ed *Experiment) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
// 1. create experiment builder
builder, err := ed.newExperimentBuilder(ed.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
// 2. create input loader and load input for this experiment
inputLoader := ed.newInputLoader(builder.InputPolicy())
inputList, err := inputLoader.Load(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
// 3. randomize input, if needed
if ed.Random {
rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
rnd.Shuffle(len(inputList), func(i, j int) {
inputList[i], inputList[j] = inputList[j], inputList[i]
// 4. configure experiment's options
if err := builder.SetOptionsAny(ed.ExtraOptions); err != nil {
return err
// 5. construct the experiment instance
experiment := builder.NewExperiment()
logger := ed.Session.Logger()
defer func() {
logger.Infof("experiment: recv %s, sent %s",
humanize.SI(experiment.KibiBytesReceived()*1024, "byte"),
humanize.SI(experiment.KibiBytesSent()*1024, "byte"),
// 6. create the submitter
submitter, err := ed.newSubmitter(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
// 7. create the saver
saver, err := ed.newSaver(experiment)
if err != nil {
return err
// 8. create an input processor
inputProcessor := ed.newInputProcessor(experiment, inputList, saver, submitter)
// 9. process input and generate measurements
return inputProcessor.Run(ctx)
// inputProcessor is an alias for model.ExperimentInputProcessor
type inputProcessor = model.ExperimentInputProcessor
// newInputProcessor creates a new inputProcessor instance.
func (ed *Experiment) newInputProcessor(experiment model.Experiment,
inputList []model.OOAPIURLInfo, saver engine.Saver, submitter engine.Submitter) inputProcessor {
if ed.newInputProcessorFn != nil {
return ed.newInputProcessorFn(experiment, inputList, saver, submitter)
return &engine.InputProcessor{
Annotations: ed.Annotations,
Experiment: &experimentWrapper{
child: engine.NewInputProcessorExperimentWrapper(experiment),
logger: ed.Session.Logger(),
total: len(inputList),
Inputs: inputList,
MaxRuntime: time.Duration(ed.MaxRuntime) * time.Second,
Options: experimentOptionsToStringList(ed.ExtraOptions),
Saver: engine.NewInputProcessorSaverWrapper(saver),
Submitter: &experimentSubmitterWrapper{
child: engine.NewInputProcessorSubmitterWrapper(submitter),
logger: ed.Session.Logger(),
// newSaver creates a new engine.Saver instance.
func (ed *Experiment) newSaver(experiment model.Experiment) (engine.Saver, error) {
if ed.newSaverFn != nil {
return ed.newSaverFn(experiment)
return engine.NewSaver(engine.SaverConfig{
Enabled: !ed.NoJSON,
Experiment: experiment,
FilePath: ed.ReportFile,
Logger: ed.Session.Logger(),
// newSubmitter creates a new engine.Submitter instance.
func (ed *Experiment) newSubmitter(ctx context.Context) (engine.Submitter, error) {
if ed.newSubmitterFn != nil {
return ed.newSubmitterFn(ctx)
return engine.NewSubmitter(ctx, engine.SubmitterConfig{
Enabled: !ed.NoCollector,
Session: ed.Session,
Logger: ed.Session.Logger(),
// newExperimentBuilder creates a new engine.ExperimentBuilder for the given experimentName.
func (ed *Experiment) newExperimentBuilder(experimentName string) (model.ExperimentBuilder, error) {
if ed.newExperimentBuilderFn != nil {
return ed.newExperimentBuilderFn(experimentName)
return ed.Session.NewExperimentBuilder(ed.Name)
// inputLoader is an alias for model.ExperimentInputLoader
type inputLoader = model.ExperimentInputLoader
// newInputLoader creates a new inputLoader.
func (ed *Experiment) newInputLoader(inputPolicy model.InputPolicy) inputLoader {
if ed.newInputLoaderFn != nil {
return ed.newInputLoaderFn(inputPolicy)
return &engine.InputLoader{
CheckInConfig: &model.OOAPICheckInConfig{
RunType: model.RunTypeManual,
OnWiFi: true, // meaning: not on 4G
Charging: true,
ExperimentName: ed.Name,
InputPolicy: inputPolicy,
StaticInputs: ed.Inputs,
SourceFiles: ed.InputFilePaths,
Session: ed.Session,
// experimentOptionsToStringList convers the options to []string, which is
// the format with which we include them into a OONI Measurement. The resulting
// []string will skip any option that is named with a `Safe` prefix (case
// sensitive).
func experimentOptionsToStringList(options map[string]any) (out []string) {
// the prefix to skip inclusion in the string list
safeOptionPrefix := "Safe"
for key, value := range options {
if strings.HasPrefix(key, safeOptionPrefix) {
out = append(out, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%v", key, value))
// experimentWrapper wraps an experiment and logs progress
type experimentWrapper struct {
// child is the child experiment wrapper
child engine.InputProcessorExperimentWrapper
// logger is the logger to use
logger model.Logger
// total is the total number of inputs
total int
func (ew *experimentWrapper) MeasureAsync(
ctx context.Context, input string, idx int) (<-chan *model.Measurement, error) {
if input != "" {
ew.logger.Infof("[%d/%d] running with input: %s", idx+1,, input)
return ew.child.MeasureAsync(ctx, input, idx)
// experimentSubmitterWrapper implements a submission policy where we don't
// fail if we cannot submit a measurement
type experimentSubmitterWrapper struct {
// child is the child submitter wrapper
child engine.InputProcessorSubmitterWrapper
// logger is the logger to use
logger model.Logger
func (sw *experimentSubmitterWrapper) Submit(ctx context.Context, idx int, m *model.Measurement) error {
if err := sw.child.Submit(ctx, idx, m); err != nil {
sw.logger.Warnf("submitting measurement failed: %s", err.Error())
// policy: we do not stop the loop if measurement submission fails
return nil