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package model
// Definition of experiment and types used by the
// implementation of all experiments.
import (
// ExperimentSession is the experiment's view of a session.
type ExperimentSession interface {
// GetTestHelpersByName returns a list of test helpers with the given name.
GetTestHelpersByName(name string) ([]OOAPIService, bool)
// DefaultHTTPClient returns the default HTTPClient used by the session.
DefaultHTTPClient() HTTPClient
// FetchPsiphonConfig returns psiphon's config as a serialized JSON or an error.
FetchPsiphonConfig(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error)
// FetchTorTargets returns the targets for the Tor experiment or an error.
FetchTorTargets(ctx context.Context, cc string) (map[string]OOAPITorTarget, error)
// Logger returns the logger used by the session.
Logger() Logger
// ProbeCC returns the country code.
ProbeCC() string
// ResolverIP returns the resolver's IP.
ResolverIP() string
// TempDir returns the session's temporary directory.
TempDir() string
// TorArgs returns the arguments we should pass to tor when executing it.
TorArgs() []string
// TorBinary returns the path of the tor binary.
TorBinary() string
// TunnelDir is the directory where to store tunnel information.
TunnelDir() string
// UserAgent returns the user agent we should be using when we're fine
// with identifying ourselves as ooniprobe.
UserAgent() string
// ExperimentAsyncTestKeys is the type of test keys returned by an experiment
// when running in async fashion rather than in sync fashion.
type ExperimentAsyncTestKeys struct {
// Extensions contains the extensions used by this experiment.
Extensions map[string]int64
// Input is the input this measurement refers to.
Input MeasurementTarget
// MeasurementRuntime is the total measurement runtime.
MeasurementRuntime float64
// TestHelpers contains the test helpers used in the experiment
TestHelpers map[string]interface{}
// TestKeys contains the actual test keys.
TestKeys interface{}
// ExperimentMeasurerAsync is a measurer that can run in async fashion.
// Currently this functionality is optional, but we will likely
// migrate all experiments to use this functionality in 2022.
type ExperimentMeasurerAsync interface {
// RunAsync runs the experiment in async fashion.
// Arguments:
// - ctx is the context for deadline/timeout/cancellation
// - sess is the measurement session
// - input is the input URL to measure
// - callbacks contains the experiment callbacks
// Returns either a channel where TestKeys are posted or an error.
// An error indicates that specific preconditions for running the experiment
// are not met (e.g., the input URL is invalid).
// On success, the experiment will post on the channel each new
// measurement until it is done and closes the channel.
RunAsync(ctx context.Context, sess ExperimentSession, input string,
callbacks ExperimentCallbacks) (<-chan *ExperimentAsyncTestKeys, error)
// ExperimentCallbacks contains experiment event-handling callbacks
type ExperimentCallbacks interface {
// OnProgress provides information about an experiment progress.
OnProgress(percentage float64, message string)
// PrinterCallbacks is the default event handler
type PrinterCallbacks struct {
// NewPrinterCallbacks returns a new default callback handler
func NewPrinterCallbacks(logger Logger) PrinterCallbacks {
return PrinterCallbacks{Logger: logger}
// OnProgress provides information about an experiment progress.
func (d PrinterCallbacks) OnProgress(percentage float64, message string) {
d.Logger.Infof("[%5.1f%%] %s", percentage*100, message)
// ExperimentArgs contains the arguments passed to an experiment.
type ExperimentArgs struct {
// Callbacks contains MANDATORY experiment callbacks.
Callbacks ExperimentCallbacks
// Measurement is the MANDATORY measurement in which the experiment
// must write the results of the measurement.
Measurement *Measurement
// Session is the MANDATORY session the experiment can use.
Session ExperimentSession
// ExperimentMeasurer is the interface that allows to run a
// measurement for a specific experiment.
type ExperimentMeasurer interface {
// ExperimentName returns the experiment name.
ExperimentName() string
// ExperimentVersion returns the experiment version.
ExperimentVersion() string
// Run runs the experiment with the specified context, session,
// measurement, and experiment calbacks. This method should only
// return an error in case the experiment could not run (e.g.,
// a required input is missing). Otherwise, the code should just
// set the relevant OONI error inside of the measurement and
// return nil. This is important because the caller WILL NOT submit
// the measurement if this method returns an error.
Run(ctx context.Context, args *ExperimentArgs) error
// GetSummaryKeys returns summary keys expected by ooni/probe-cli.
GetSummaryKeys(*Measurement) (interface{}, error)
// Experiment is an experiment instance.
type Experiment interface {
// KibiBytesReceived accounts for the KibiBytes received by the experiment.
KibiBytesReceived() float64
// KibiBytesSent is like KibiBytesReceived but for the bytes sent.
KibiBytesSent() float64
// Name returns the experiment name.
Name() string
// GetSummaryKeys returns a data structure containing a
// summary of the test keys for ooniprobe.
GetSummaryKeys(m *Measurement) (any, error)
// ReportID returns the open report's ID, if we have opened a report
// successfully before, or an empty string, otherwise.
// Deprecated: new code should use a Submitter.
ReportID() string
// MeasureAsync runs an async measurement. This operation could post
// one or more measurements onto the returned channel. We'll close the
// channel when we've emitted all the measurements.
// Arguments:
// - ctx is the context for deadline/cancellation/timeout;
// - input is the input (typically a URL but it could also be
// just an endpoint or an empty string for input-less experiments
// such as, e.g., ndt7 and dash).
// Return value:
// - on success, channel where to post measurements (the channel
// will be closed when done) and nil error;
// - on failure, nil channel and non-nil error.
MeasureAsync(ctx context.Context, input string) (<-chan *Measurement, error)
// MeasureWithContext performs a synchronous measurement.
// Return value: strictly either a non-nil measurement and
// a nil error or a nil measurement and a non-nil error.
// CAVEAT: while this API is perfectly fine for experiments that
// return a single measurement, it will only return the first measurement
// when used with an asynchronous experiment.
MeasureWithContext(ctx context.Context, input string) (measurement *Measurement, err error)
// SaveMeasurement saves a measurement on the specified file path.
// Deprecated: new code should use a Saver.
SaveMeasurement(measurement *Measurement, filePath string) error
// SubmitAndUpdateMeasurementContext submits a measurement and updates the
// fields whose value has changed as part of the submission.
// Deprecated: new code should use a Submitter.
ctx context.Context, measurement *Measurement) error
// OpenReportContext will open a report using the given context
// to possibly limit the lifetime of this operation.
// Deprecated: new code should use a Submitter.
OpenReportContext(ctx context.Context) error
// InputPolicy describes the experiment policy with respect to input. That is
// whether it requires input, optionally accepts input, does not want input.
type InputPolicy string
const (
// InputOrQueryBackend indicates that the experiment requires
// external input to run and that this kind of input is URLs
// from the citizenlab/test-lists repository. If this input
// not provided to the experiment, then the code that runs the
// experiment is supposed to fetch from URLs from OONI's backends.
InputOrQueryBackend = InputPolicy("or_query_backend")
// InputStrictlyRequired indicates that the experiment
// requires input and we currently don't have an API for
// fetching such input. Therefore, either the user specifies
// input or the experiment will fail for the lack of input.
InputStrictlyRequired = InputPolicy("strictly_required")
// InputOptional indicates that the experiment handles input,
// if any; otherwise it fetchs input/uses a default.
InputOptional = InputPolicy("optional")
// InputNone indicates that the experiment does not want any
// input and ignores the input if provided with it.
InputNone = InputPolicy("none")
// We gather input from StaticInput and SourceFiles. If there is
// input, we return it. Otherwise, we return an internal static
// list of inputs to be used with this experiment.
InputOrStaticDefault = InputPolicy("or_static_default")
// ExperimentBuilder builds an experiment.
type ExperimentBuilder interface {
// Interruptible tells you whether this is an interruptible experiment. This kind
// of experiments (e.g. ndt7) may be interrupted mid way.
Interruptible() bool
// InputPolicy returns the experiment input policy.
InputPolicy() InputPolicy
// Options returns information about the experiment's options.
Options() (map[string]ExperimentOptionInfo, error)
// SetOptionAny sets an option whose value is an any value. We will use reasonable
// heuristics to convert the any value to the proper type of the field whose name is
// contained by the key variable. If we cannot convert the provided any value to
// the proper type, then this function returns an error.
SetOptionAny(key string, value any) error
// SetOptionsAny sets options from a map[string]any. See the documentation of
// the SetOptionAny method for more information.
SetOptionsAny(options map[string]any) error
// SetCallbacks sets the experiment's interactive callbacks.
SetCallbacks(callbacks ExperimentCallbacks)
// NewExperiment creates the experiment instance.
NewExperiment() Experiment
// ExperimentOptionInfo contains info about an experiment option.
type ExperimentOptionInfo struct {
// Doc contains the documentation.
Doc string
// Type contains the type.
Type string
// ExperimentInputLoader loads inputs from local or remote sources.
type ExperimentInputLoader interface {
Load(ctx context.Context) ([]OOAPIURLInfo, error)
// Submitter submits a measurement to the OONI collector.
type Submitter interface {
// Submit submits the measurement and updates its
// report ID field in case of success.
Submit(ctx context.Context, m *Measurement) error
// Saver saves a measurement on some persistent storage.
type Saver interface {
SaveMeasurement(m *Measurement) error
// ExperimentInputProcessor processes inputs for an experiment.
type ExperimentInputProcessor interface {
Run(ctx context.Context) error