# OONI Probe Client Library and CLI [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/ooni/probe-cli?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/ooni/probe-cli) [![Short Tests Status](https://github.com/ooni/probe-cli/workflows/shorttests/badge.svg)](https://github.com/ooni/probe-cli/actions?query=workflow%3Ashorttests) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/ooni/probe-cli/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/ooni/probe-cli?branch=master) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/ooni/probe-cli)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/ooni/probe-cli) [![linux-debian-packages](https://github.com/ooni/probe-cli/workflows/linux-debian-packages/badge.svg)](https://github.com/ooni/probe-cli/actions?query=workflow%3Alinux-debian-packages) The [Open Observatory of Network Interference](https://ooni.org) (OONI) is a non-profit free software project that aims to empower decentralized efforts in documenting Internet censorship around the world. This repository contains core OONI tools written in Go: - the CLI client ([cmd/ooniprobe](cmd/ooniprobe)); - the test helper server ([internal/cmd/oohelperd](internal/cmd/oohelperd)); - the mobile library ([pkg/oonimkall](pkg/oonimkall)); - and all the related support packages (inside [internal](internal)). Every top-level directory in this repository contains an explanatory README file. You may also notice that some internal packages live under [internal/engine](internal/engine) while most others are top-level. This is part of a long-standing refactoring started when we merged https://github.com/ooni/probe-engine into this repository. We'll slowly ensure that all packages inside `engine` are moved out of it and inside `internal`. ## License ``` SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later ``` ## User setup Please, follow the instructions at [ooni.org/install/cli](https://ooni.org/install/cli) to install `ooniprobe`. If we do not support your use case, please let us know. Once `ooniprobe` is installed, try `ooniprobe help` to get interactive help. ## Reporting issues Report issues at [github.com/ooni/probe]( https://github.com/ooni/probe/issues/new?labels=ooni/probe-cli&assignee=bassosimone). Please, make sure you add the `ooni/probe-cli` label. ## Build instructions ### ooniprobe Be sure you have golang >= 1.17 and a C compiler (Mingw-w64 for Windows). You can build using: ```bash go build -v ./cmd/ooniprobe ``` This will generate a binary called `ooniprobe` in the current directory. ### Android bindings Make sure you have GNU make installed, then run: ```bash ./mk android ``` to build bindings for Android. (Add `OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS=""` if you cannot clone private repositories in the https://github.com/ooni namespace.) The generated bindings are (manually) pushed to the Maven Central package repository. The instructions explaining how to integrate these bindings are published along with the release notes. ### iOS bindings Make sure you have GNU make installed, then run: ```bash ./mk ios ``` to build bindings for iOS. (Add `OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS=""` if you cannot clone private repositories in the https://github.com/ooni namespace.) The generated bindings are (manually) added to GitHub releases. The instructions explaining how to integrate these bindings are published along with the release notes. ### miniooni Miniooni is the experimental OONI client used for research. Compile using: ```bash go build -v ./internal/cmd/miniooni ``` This will generate a binary called `miniooni` in the current directory. ### oohelperd Oohelperd is the test helper server. Compile using: ```bash go build -v ./internal/cmd/oohelperd ``` This will generate a binary called `oohelperd` in the current directory. ## Specifications Every nettest (aka experiment) implemented in this repository has a companion spec in the [ooni/spec](https://github.com/ooni/spec) repository. ## Contributing Please, see [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Updating dependencies ```bash go get -u -v ./... && go mod tidy ``` ## Releasing Create an issue according to [the routine release template]( https://github.com/ooni/probe/blob/master/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/routine-sprint-releases.md) and perform any item inside the check-list. We build releases using `./mk`, which requires GNU make. Try the `./mk help|less` command for detailed usage.