// Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT. // Generated: 2022-01-24 12:46:26.173078 +0100 CET m=+0.576815459 package netxlite import ( "errors" "syscall" "golang.org/x/sys/windows" ) // This enumeration provides a canonical name for // every system-call error we support. Note: this list // is system dependent. You're currently looking at // the list of errors for windows. const ( ECONNREFUSED = windows.WSAECONNREFUSED ECONNRESET = windows.WSAECONNRESET EHOSTUNREACH = windows.WSAEHOSTUNREACH ETIMEDOUT = windows.WSAETIMEDOUT EAFNOSUPPORT = windows.WSAEAFNOSUPPORT EADDRINUSE = windows.WSAEADDRINUSE EADDRNOTAVAIL = windows.WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL EISCONN = windows.WSAEISCONN EFAULT = windows.WSAEFAULT EBADF = windows.WSAEBADF ECONNABORTED = windows.WSAECONNABORTED EALREADY = windows.WSAEALREADY EDESTADDRREQ = windows.WSAEDESTADDRREQ EINTR = windows.WSAEINTR EINVAL = windows.WSAEINVAL EMSGSIZE = windows.WSAEMSGSIZE ENETDOWN = windows.WSAENETDOWN ENETRESET = windows.WSAENETRESET ENETUNREACH = windows.WSAENETUNREACH ENOBUFS = windows.WSAENOBUFS ENOPROTOOPT = windows.WSAENOPROTOOPT ENOTSOCK = windows.WSAENOTSOCK ENOTCONN = windows.WSAENOTCONN EWOULDBLOCK = windows.WSAEWOULDBLOCK EACCES = windows.WSAEACCES EPROTONOSUPPORT = windows.WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT EPROTOTYPE = windows.WSAEPROTOTYPE WSANO_DATA = windows.WSANO_DATA WSANO_RECOVERY = windows.WSANO_RECOVERY WSATRY_AGAIN = windows.WSATRY_AGAIN ) // classifySyscallError converts a syscall error to the // proper OONI error. Returns the OONI error string // on success, an empty string otherwise. func classifySyscallError(err error) string { var errno syscall.Errno if !errors.As(err, &errno) { return "" } switch errno { case windows.WSAECONNREFUSED: return FailureConnectionRefused case windows.WSAECONNRESET: return FailureConnectionReset case windows.WSAEHOSTUNREACH: return FailureHostUnreachable case windows.WSAETIMEDOUT: return FailureTimedOut case windows.WSAEAFNOSUPPORT: return FailureAddressFamilyNotSupported case windows.WSAEADDRINUSE: return FailureAddressInUse case windows.WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: return FailureAddressNotAvailable case windows.WSAEISCONN: return FailureAlreadyConnected case windows.WSAEFAULT: return FailureBadAddress case windows.WSAEBADF: return FailureBadFileDescriptor case windows.WSAECONNABORTED: return FailureConnectionAborted case windows.WSAEALREADY: return FailureConnectionAlreadyInProgress case windows.WSAEDESTADDRREQ: return FailureDestinationAddressRequired case windows.WSAEINTR: return FailureInterrupted case windows.WSAEINVAL: return FailureInvalidArgument case windows.WSAEMSGSIZE: return FailureMessageSize case windows.WSAENETDOWN: return FailureNetworkDown case windows.WSAENETRESET: return FailureNetworkReset case windows.WSAENETUNREACH: return FailureNetworkUnreachable case windows.WSAENOBUFS: return FailureNoBufferSpace case windows.WSAENOPROTOOPT: return FailureNoProtocolOption case windows.WSAENOTSOCK: return FailureNotASocket case windows.WSAENOTCONN: return FailureNotConnected case windows.WSAEWOULDBLOCK: return FailureOperationWouldBlock case windows.WSAEACCES: return FailurePermissionDenied case windows.WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT: return FailureProtocolNotSupported case windows.WSAEPROTOTYPE: return FailureWrongProtocolType case windows.WSANO_DATA: return FailureDNSNoAnswer case windows.WSANO_RECOVERY: return FailureDNSNonRecoverableFailure case windows.WSATRY_AGAIN: return FailureDNSTemporaryFailure } return "" }