# Directory github.com/ooni/probe-engine/libooniffi This directory contains code to generate shared/static libraries with a Measurement Kit compatible ABI. To this end, we wrap the [oonimkall]( ../oonimkall) API with a simple C API. The generated libraries have a Measurement Kit compatible ABI. You can also instruct your compiler so that [ooniffi.h](ooniffi.h) defines macros that make code written for Measurement Kit compile and work. To this end, please see comments insider [ooniffi.h](ooniffi.h). To see how we compile this library for several systems, please take a look at [libooniffi.yml](../.github/workflows/libooniffi.yml). This is not used in any OONI product. We may break something in ooniffi without noticing it. Please, be aware of that.