package utils

import (


// Log outputs a log message.
func Log(msg string, v ...interface{}) {
	fmt.Printf("     %s\n", color.CyanString(msg, v...))

// Fatal error
func Fatal(err error) {
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n     %s %s\n\n", color.RedString("Error:"), err)

// Finds the ansi escape sequences (like colors)
// Taken from:
var ansiEscapes = regexp.MustCompile(`[\x1B\x9B][[\]()#;?]*` +
	`(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\d]*(?:;[a-zA-Z\\d]*)*)?\x07)` +

// EscapeAwareRuneCountInString counts the number of runes in a
// string taking into account escape sequences.
func EscapeAwareRuneCountInString(s string) int {
	n := utf8.RuneCountInString(s)
	for _, sm := range ansiEscapes.FindAllString(s, -1) {
		n -= utf8.RuneCountInString(sm)
	return n

// RightPad adds right padding in from of a string
func RightPad(str string, length int) string {
	c := length - EscapeAwareRuneCountInString(str)
	if c < 0 {
		c = 0
	return str + strings.Repeat(" ", c)