// -=-=- StartHere -=-=-
// # Chapter III: using a custom DNS-over-UDP resolver
// In this chapter we learn how to measure sending DNS queries to
// a DNS server speaking the DNS-over-UDP protocol.
// Without further ado, let's describe our example `main.go` program
// and let's use it to better understand this flow.
// (This file is auto-generated. Do not edit it directly! To apply
// changes you need to modify `./internal/tutorial/measurex/chapter03/main.go`.)
// ## main.go
// The initial part of the program is pretty much the same as the one
// used in previous chapters, so I will not add further comments.
// ```Go
package main

import (


func main() {
	query := flag.String("query", "example.com", "domain to resolve")
	address := flag.String("address", "", "DNS-over-UDP server address")
	timeout := flag.Duration("timeout", 60*time.Second, "timeout to use")
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), *timeout)
	defer cancel()
	mx := measurex.NewMeasurerWithDefaultSettings()
	// ```
	// ### Using a custom UDP resolver
	// We now invoke `LookupHostUDP`. We specify:
	// - a context for timeout information;
	// - the domain to query for;
	// - the address of the DNS-over-UDP server endpoint.
	// ```Go
	m := mx.LookupHostUDP(ctx, *query, *address)
	// ```
	// Also this operation returns a measurement, which
	// we print using the usual three-liner.
	// ```Go
	data, err := json.Marshal(measurex.NewArchivalDNSMeasurement(m))
	runtimex.PanicOnError(err, "json.Marshal failed")
	fmt.Printf("%s\n", string(data))

// ```
// ## Running the example program
// As before, let us start off with a vanilla run:
// ```bash
// go run -race ./internal/tutorial/measurex/chapter03 | jq
// ```
// This time we get a much larger JSON, so I will pretend it is
// actually JavaScript and add comments to explain it inline.
// (This is the first case in which we see how a single
// method call for measurer causes several events to
// be generated and inserted into a `Measurement`.)
// ```JavaScript
// {
//   "domain": "example.com",
//   // This block shows the read and write events
//   // occurred on the sockets (because we control
//   // in full the implementation of this DNS
//   // over UDP resolver, we can see these events)
//   //
//   // See https://github.com/ooni/spec/blob/master/data-formats/df-008-netevents.md
//   // for a description of this data format.
//   "network_events": [
//     {
//       "address": "",
//       "failure": null,
//       "num_bytes": 29,
//       "operation": "write",
//       "proto": "udp",
//       "t": 0.00048825,
//       "started": 0.000462917,
//       "oddity": ""
//     },
//     {
//       "address": "",
//       "failure": null,
//       "num_bytes": 45,
//       "operation": "read",
//       "proto": "udp",
//       "t": 0.022081833,
//       "started": 0.000502625,
//       "oddity": ""
//     },
//     {
//       "address": "",
//       "failure": null,
//       "num_bytes": 29,
//       "operation": "write",
//       "proto": "udp",
//       "t": 0.022433083,
//       "started": 0.022423875,
//       "oddity": ""
//     },
//     {
//       "address": "",
//       "failure": null,
//       "num_bytes": 57,
//       "operation": "read",
//       "proto": "udp",
//       "t": 0.046706,
//       "started": 0.022443833,
//       "oddity": ""
//     }
//   ],
//   // This block shows the query we sent (encoded as base64)
//   // and the response we received. Here we clearly see
//   // that we perform two DNS "round trip" (i.e., send request
//   // and receive response) to resolve a domain: one for
//   // A and the other for AAAA.
//   //
//   // We don't have a specification for this data format yet.
//   "dns_events": [
//     {
//       "engine": "udp",
//       "resolver_address": "",
//       "raw_query": {
//         "data": "dGwBAAABAAAAAAAAB2V4YW1wbGUDY29tAAABAAE=",
//         "format": "base64"
//       },
//       "started": 0.000205083,
//       "t": 0.022141333,
//       "failure": null,
//       "raw_reply": {
//         "format": "base64"
//       }
//     },
//     {
//       "engine": "udp",
//       "resolver_address": "",
//       "raw_query": {
//         "data": "Ts8BAAABAAAAAAAAB2V4YW1wbGUDY29tAAAcAAE=",
//         "format": "base64"
//       },
//       "started": 0.022221417,
//       "t": 0.046733125,
//       "failure": null,
//       "raw_reply": {
//         "format": "base64"
//       }
//     }
//   ],
//   // This is the same kind of result as before, we
//   // show the emitted queries and the resolved addrs.
//   //
//   // Also note how here the resolver_address is the
//   // correct endpoint address and the engine tells us
//   // that we're using DNS over UDP.
//   "queries": [
//     {
//       "answers": [
//         {
//           "answer_type": "A",
//           "ipv4": ""
//         }
//       ],
//       "engine": "udp",
//       "failure": null,
//       "hostname": "example.com",
//       "query_type": "A",
//       "resolver_address": "",
//       "t": 0.046766833,
//       "started": 0.000124375,
//       "oddity": ""
//     },
//     {
//       "answers": [
//         {
//           "answer_type": "AAAA",
//           "ivp6": "2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946"
//         }
//       ],
//       "engine": "udp",
//       "failure": null,
//       "hostname": "example.com",
//       "query_type": "AAAA",
//       "resolver_address": "",
//       "t": 0.046766833,
//       "started": 0.000124375,
//       "oddity": ""
//     }
//   ]
// }
// ```
// This data format is really an extension of the `LookupHostSystem`
// one. It just adds more fields that clarify what happened at low
// level in terms of socket I/O and queries sent and received.
// Let us now try to provoke some errors and see how the
// output JSON changes because of them.
// ### Measurement with NXDOMAIN
// Let us try to get a NXDOMAIN error.
// ```bash
// go run -race ./internal/tutorial/measurex/chapter03 -query antani.ooni.org | jq
// ```
// This produces the following JSON:
// ```JavaScript
// {
//   "domain": "antani.ooni.org",
//   "network_events": [ /* snip */ ],
//   "dns_events": [
//     {
//       "engine": "udp",
//       "resolver_address": "",
//       "raw_query": {
//         "data": "p7YBAAABAAAAAAAABmFudGFuaQRvb25pA29yZwAAAQAB",
//         "format": "base64"
//       },
//       "started": 0.000152959,
//       "t": 0.051650917,
//       "failure": null,
//       "raw_reply": {
//         "data": "p7aBgwABAAAAAQAABmFudGFuaQRvb25pA29yZwAAAQABwBMABgABAAAHCAA9BGRuczERcmVnaXN0cmFyLXNlcnZlcnMDY29tAApob3N0bWFzdGVywDJhbwqOAACowAAADhAACTqAAAAOEQ==",
//         "format": "base64"
//       }
//     },
//     {
//       "engine": "udp",
//       "resolver_address": "",
//       "raw_query": {
//         "data": "ILkBAAABAAAAAAAABmFudGFuaQRvb25pA29yZwAAHAAB",
//         "format": "base64"
//       },
//       "started": 0.051755209,
//       "t": 0.101094375,
//       "failure": null,
//       "raw_reply": {
//         "format": "base64"
//       }
//     }
//   ],
//   "queries": [
//     {
//       "answers": null,
//       "engine": "udp",
//       "failure": "dns_nxdomain_error",
//       "hostname": "antani.ooni.org",
//       "query_type": "A",
//       "resolver_address": "",
//       "t": 0.101241667,
//       "started": 8.8e-05,
//       "oddity": "dns.lookup.nxdomain"
//     },
//     {
//       "answers": null,
//       "engine": "udp",
//       "failure": "dns_nxdomain_error",
//       "hostname": "antani.ooni.org",
//       "query_type": "AAAA",
//       "resolver_address": "",
//       "t": 0.101241667,
//       "started": 8.8e-05,
//       "oddity": "dns.lookup.nxdomain"
//     }
//   ]
// }
// ```
// We indeed get a NXDOMAIN error as the failure in `lookup_host`.
// Let us now decode one of the replies by using this program:
// ```
// package main
// import (
//     "fmt"
//     "encoding/base64"
//     "github.com/miekg/dns"
// )
// func main() {
//     data, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(query)
//     msg := new(dns.Msg)
//     _ = msg.Unpack(data)
//     fmt.Printf("%s\n", msg)
// ```
// where `query` is one of the replies. If we run this program
// we get as the output:
// ```
// ;; opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 27441
// ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0
// ;antani.ooni.org.	IN	 AAAA
// ooni.org.	1800	IN	SOA	dns1.registrar-servers.com. hostmaster.registrar-servers.com. 1627397372 43200 3600 604800 3601
// ```
// ### Measurement with timeout
// Let us now query an IP address known for not responding
// to DNS queries, to get a timeout.
// ```bash
// go run -race ./internal/tutorial/measurex/chapter03 -address
// ```
// Here's the corresponding JSON:
// ```JavaScript
// {
//   "domain": "example.com",
//   "network_events": [
//     {
//       "address": "",
//       "failure": null,
//       "num_bytes": 29,
//       "operation": "write",
//       "proto": "udp",
//       "t": 0.000479583,
//       "started": 0.00045525,
//       "oddity": ""
//     },
//     {
//       "address": "",
//       "failure": "generic_timeout_error",  /* <--- */
//       "operation": "read",
//       "proto": "udp",
//       "t": 5.006016292,
//       "started": 0.000491792,
//       "oddity": ""
//     }
//   ],
//   "dns_events": [
//     {
//       "engine": "udp",
//       "resolver_address": "",
//       "raw_query": {
//         "data": "GRUBAAABAAAAAAAAB2V4YW1wbGUDY29tAAABAAE=",
//         "format": "base64"
//       },
//       "started": 0.00018225,
//       "t": 5.006185667,
//       "failure": "generic_timeout_error",   /* <--- */
//       "raw_reply": null
//     }
//     /* snip */
//   ],
//   "queries": [
//     {
//       "answers": null,
//       "engine": "udp",
//       "failure": "generic_timeout_error",   /* <--- */
//       "hostname": "example.com",
//       "query_type": "A",
//       "resolver_address": "",
//       "t": 5.007385458,
//       "started": 0.000107583,
//       "oddity": "dns.lookup.timeout"
//     },
//     {
//       "answers": null,
//       "engine": "udp",
//       "failure": "generic_timeout_error",   /* <--- */
//       "hostname": "example.com",
//       "query_type": "AAAA",
//       "resolver_address": "",
//       "t": 5.007385458,
//       "started": 0.000107583,
//       "oddity": "dns.lookup.timeout"
//     }
//   ]
// }
// ```
// We see that we fail with a timeout (I have marked some of them
// with comments inside the JSON). We see the timeout at three different
// levels of abstractions (from lower to higher abstraction): at the socket
// layer (`network_events`), during the DNS round trip (`dns_events`),
// during the DNS lookup (`queries`).
// What we also see is that `t`'s value is ~5s when the `read` event
// fails, which tells us about the socket's read timeout.
// ### Measurement with REFUSED error
// Let us now try to get a REFUSED DNS Rcode, again from servers
// that are, let's say, kind enough to easily help.
// ```bash
// go run -race ./internal/tutorial/measurex/chapter03 -address | jq
// ```
// Here's the answer I get:
// ```JavaScript
// {
//   "domain": "example.com",
//   // The network events look normal this time
//   "network_events": [
//     {
//       "address": "",
//       "failure": null,
//       "num_bytes": 29,
//       "operation": "write",
//       "proto": "udp",
//       "t": 0.000492125,
//       "started": 0.000467042,
//       "oddity": ""
//     },
//     {
//       "address": "",
//       "failure": null,
//       "num_bytes": 29,
//       "operation": "read",
//       "proto": "udp",
//       "t": 0.321373542,
//       "started": 0.000504833,
//       "oddity": ""
//     },
//     {
//       "address": "",
//       "failure": null,
//       "num_bytes": 29,
//       "operation": "write",
//       "proto": "udp",
//       "t": 0.322500875,
//       "started": 0.322450042,
//       "oddity": ""
//     },
//     {
//       "address": "",
//       "failure": null,
//       "num_bytes": 29,
//       "operation": "read",
//       "proto": "udp",
//       "t": 0.655514542,
//       "started": 0.322557667,
//       "oddity": ""
//     }
//   ],
//   // Exercise: do like I did before and decode the messages
//   "dns_events": [
//     {
//       "engine": "udp",
//       "resolver_address": "",
//       "raw_query": {
//         "data": "WcgBAAABAAAAAAAAB2V4YW1wbGUDY29tAAABAAE=",
//         "format": "base64"
//       },
//       "started": 0.000209875,
//       "t": 0.321504042,
//       "failure": null,
//       "raw_reply": {
//         "data": "WciBBQABAAAAAAAAB2V4YW1wbGUDY29tAAABAAE=",
//         "format": "base64"
//       }
//     },
//     {
//       "engine": "udp",
//       "resolver_address": "",
//       "raw_query": {
//         "data": "I9oBAAABAAAAAAAAB2V4YW1wbGUDY29tAAAcAAE=",
//         "format": "base64"
//       },
//       "started": 0.321672042,
//       "t": 0.655680792,
//       "failure": null,
//       "raw_reply": {
//         "data": "I9qBBQABAAAAAAAAB2V4YW1wbGUDY29tAAAcAAE=",
//         "format": "base64"
//       }
//     }
//   ],
//   // We see both in the error and in the oddity
//   // that the response was "REFUSED"
//   "queries": [
//     {
//       "answers": null,
//       "engine": "udp",
//       "failure": "dns_refused_error",
//       "hostname": "example.com",
//       "query_type": "A",
//       "resolver_address": "",
//       "t": 0.655814875,
//       "started": 0.000107417,
//       "oddity": "dns.lookup.refused"
//     },
//     {
//       "answers": null,
//       "engine": "udp",
//       "failure": "dns_refused_error",
//       "hostname": "example.com",
//       "query_type": "AAAA",
//       "resolver_address": "",
//       "t": 0.655814875,
//       "started": 0.000107417,
//       "oddity": "dns.lookup.refused"
//     }
//   ]
// }
// ```
// ## Conclusion
// We have seen how to send DNS queries over UDP, measure the
// results, and what happens on common error conditions.
// -=-=- StopHere -=-=-