// +build ooni_psiphon_config

package engine

import (
	_ "embed"


//go:embed psiphon-config.json.age
var psiphonConfigJSONAge []byte

//go:embed psiphon-config.key
var psiphonConfigSecretKey string

// sessionTunnelEarlySession is the early session that we pass
// to tunnel.Start to fetch the Psiphon configuration.
type sessionTunnelEarlySession struct{}

// FetchPsiphonConfig decrypts psiphonConfigJSONAge using
// filippo.io/age _and_ psiphonConfigSecretKey.
func (s *sessionTunnelEarlySession) FetchPsiphonConfig(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error) {
	key := "AGE-SECRET-KEY-1" + psiphonConfigSecretKey
	identity, err := age.ParseX25519Identity(key)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	input := bytes.NewReader(psiphonConfigJSONAge)
	output, err := age.Decrypt(input, identity)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return iox.ReadAllContext(ctx, output)

// FetchPsiphonConfig decrypts psiphonConfigJSONAge using
// filippo.io/age _and_ psiphonConfigSecretKey.
func (s *Session) FetchPsiphonConfig(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error) {
	child := &sessionTunnelEarlySession{}
	return child.FetchPsiphonConfig(ctx)