#!/usr/bin/make -f

# Many rules in here break if run in parallel.

#quickhelp: Usage: ./mk [VARIABLE=VALUE ...] TARGET ...
.PHONY: usage
	@cat mk | grep '^#quickhelp:' | sed -e 's/^#quickhelp://' -e 's/^\ *//'

# Most targets are .PHONY because whether to rebuild is controlled
# by golang. We expose to the user all the .PHONY targets.
#quickhelp: The `./mk list-targets` command lists all available targets.
.PHONY: list-targets
	@cat mk | grep '^\.PHONY:' | sed -e 's/^\.PHONY://'

#quickhelp: The `./mk help` command provides detailed usage instructions. We
#quickhelp: recommend running `./mk help|less` to page its output.
.PHONY: help
	@cat mk | grep -E '^#(quick)?help:' | sed -E -e 's/^#(quick)?help://' -e s'/^\ //'

#help: The following variables control the build. You can specify them
#help: on the command line as a key-value pairs (see usage above).

#help: * ANDROID_CLI_SHA256    : the SHA256 of the Android CLI tools file. We always
#help:                           download the Linux version, which seems to work
#help:                           also on macOS (thank you, Java! :pray:).
ANDROID_CLI_SHA256 = 5e7bf2dd563d34917d32f3c5920a85562a795c93

#help: * ANDROID_CLI_VERSION   : the version of the Android CLI tools.

#help: * ANDROID_INSTALL_EXTRA : contains the android tools we install in addition
#help:                           to the NDK in order to build oonimkall.aar.
ANDROID_INSTALL_EXTRA = 'build-tools;32.0.0' 'platforms;android-31'

#help: * ANDROID_NDK_VERSION   : Android NDK version.
ANDROID_NDK_VERSION = 23.1.7779620

#help: * GIT_CLONE_DIR         : directory where to clone repositories, by default
#help:                           set to `$HOME/.ooniprobe-build/src`.
GIT_CLONE_DIR = $(HOME)/.ooniprobe-build/src

# $(GIT_CLONE_DIR) is an internal target that creates $(GIT_CLONE_DIR).
	mkdir -p $(GIT_CLONE_DIR)

#help: * GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS    : extra flags passed to `go build ...`, empty by
#help:                           default. Useful to pass flags to `go`, e.g.:
#help:                               ./mk GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS="-x -v" ./CLI/miniooni

#help: * GOLANG_VERSION_NUMBER : the expected version number for golang.

#help: * MINGW_W64_VERSION     : the expected mingw-w64 version.
MINGW_W64_VERSION = 10.3.1

#help: * OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS     : build tags for `go build -tags ...` that cause
#help:                           the build to embed a psiphon configuration file
#help:                           into the generated binaries. This build tag
#help:                           implies cloning the git@github.com:ooni/probe-private
#help:                           repository. If you do not have the permission to
#help:                           clone it, just clear this variable, e.g.:
#help:                               ./mk OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS="" ./CLI/miniooni
OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS = ooni_psiphon_config

#help: * OONI_ANDROID_HOME     : directory where the Android SDK is downloaded
#help:                           and installed. You can point this to an existing
#help:                           copy of the SDK as long as (1) you have the
#help:                           right version of the command line tools, and
#help:                           (2) it's okay for us to install packages.
OONI_ANDROID_HOME = $(HOME)/.ooniprobe-build/sdk/android

#help: * XCODE_VERSION         : the version of Xcode we expect.

#quickhelp: The `./mk show-config` command shows the current value of the
#quickhelp: variables controlling the build.
.PHONY: show-config

# GOLANG_VERSION_STRING is the expected version string. If we
# run a golang binary that does not emit this version string
# when running `go version`, we stop the build.

# GOLANG_DOCKER_IMAGE is the golang docker image we use for
# building for Linux systems. It is an Alpine based container
# so that we can easily build static binaries.

# Cross-compiling miniooni from any system with Go installed is
# very easy, because it does not use any C code.
#help: The `./mk ./CLI/miniooni` command builds the miniooni experimental
#help: command line client for all the supported GOOS/GOARCH.
#help: You can also build the following subtargets:
.PHONY: ./CLI/miniooni
./CLI/miniooni: \
	./CLI/miniooni-darwin-amd64 \
	./CLI/miniooni-darwin-arm64 \
	./CLI/miniooni-linux-386 \
	./CLI/miniooni-linux-amd64 \
	./CLI/miniooni-linux-armv7 \
	./CLI/miniooni-linux-arm64 \
	./CLI/miniooni-windows-386.exe \

# All the miniooni targets build with CGO_ENABLED=0 such that the build
# succeeds when the GOOS/GOARCH is such that we aren't crosscompiling
# (e.g., targeting darwin/amd64 on darwin/amd64) _and_ there's no C compiler
# installed on the system. We can afford that since miniooni is pure Go.
#help: * `./mk ./CLI/miniooni-darwin-amd64`: darwin/amd64
.PHONY:   ./CLI/miniooni-darwin-amd64
./CLI/miniooni-darwin-amd64: search/for/go maybe/copypsiphon
	GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags="$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS)" -ldflags="-s -w" $(GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS) -o $@ ./internal/cmd/miniooni

#help: * `./mk ./CLI/miniooni-darwin-arm64`: darwin/arm64
.PHONY:   ./CLI/miniooni-darwin-arm64
./CLI/miniooni-darwin-arm64: search/for/go maybe/copypsiphon
	GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags="$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS)" -ldflags="-s -w" $(GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS) -o $@ ./internal/cmd/miniooni

# When building for Linux we use `-tags netgo` and `-extldflags -static` to produce
# a statically linked binary that completely bypasses libc.
#help: * `./mk ./CLI/miniooni-linux-386`: linux/386
.PHONY:   ./CLI/miniooni-linux-386
./CLI/miniooni-linux-386: search/for/go maybe/copypsiphon
	GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags="netgo,$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS)" -ldflags="-s -w -extldflags -static" $(GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS) -o $@ ./internal/cmd/miniooni

#help: * `./mk ./CLI/miniooni-linux-amd64`: linux/amd64
.PHONY:   ./CLI/miniooni-linux-amd64
./CLI/miniooni-linux-amd64: search/for/go maybe/copypsiphon
	GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags="netgo,$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS)" -ldflags="-s -w -extldflags -static" $(GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS) -o $@ ./internal/cmd/miniooni

# When building for GOARCH=arm, we always force GOARM=7 (i.e., armhf/armv7).
#help: * `./mk ./CLI/miniooni-linux-armv7`: linux/armv7
.PHONY:   ./CLI/miniooni-linux-armv7
./CLI/miniooni-linux-armv7: search/for/go maybe/copypsiphon
	GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm CGO_ENABLED=0 GOARM=7 go build -tags="netgo,$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS)" -ldflags="-s -w -extldflags -static" $(GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS) -o $@ ./internal/cmd/miniooni

#help: * `./mk ./CLI/miniooni-linux-arm64`: linux/arm64
.PHONY:   ./CLI/miniooni-linux-arm64
./CLI/miniooni-linux-arm64: search/for/go maybe/copypsiphon
	GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags="netgo,$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS)" -ldflags="-s -w -extldflags -static" $(GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS) -o $@ ./internal/cmd/miniooni

#help: * `./mk ./CLI/miniooni-windows-386.exe`: windows/386
.PHONY:   ./CLI/miniooni-windows-386.exe
./CLI/miniooni-windows-386.exe: search/for/go maybe/copypsiphon
	GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags="$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS)" -ldflags="-s -w" $(GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS) -o $@ ./internal/cmd/miniooni

#help: * `./mk ./CLI/miniooni-windows-amd64.exe`: windows/amd64
.PHONY:   ./CLI/miniooni-windows-amd64.exe
./CLI/miniooni-windows-amd64.exe: search/for/go maybe/copypsiphon
	GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags="$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS)" -ldflags="-s -w" $(GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS) -o $@ ./internal/cmd/miniooni

#help: The `./mk ./CLI/ooniprobe-darwin` command builds the ooniprobe official
#help: command line client for darwin/amd64 and darwin/arm64.
#help: You can also build the following subtargets:
.PHONY: ./CLI/ooniprobe-darwin
./CLI/ooniprobe-darwin: ./CLI/ooniprobe-darwin-amd64 ./CLI/ooniprobe-darwin-arm64

# We force CGO_ENABLED=1 because in principle we may be cross compiling. In
# reality it's hard to see a macOS/darwin build not made on macOS.
#help: * `./mk ./CLI/ooniprobe-darwin-amd64`: darwin/amd64
.PHONY:     ./CLI/ooniprobe-darwin-amd64
./CLI/ooniprobe-darwin-amd64: search/for/go maybe/copypsiphon
	GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -tags="$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS)" -ldflags="-s -w" $(GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS) -o $@ ./cmd/ooniprobe

#help: * `./mk ./CLI/ooniprobe-darwin-arm64`: darwin/arm64
.PHONY:     ./CLI/ooniprobe-darwin-arm64
./CLI/ooniprobe-darwin-arm64: search/for/go maybe/copypsiphon
	GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64 CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -tags="$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS)" -ldflags="-s -w" $(GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS) -o $@ ./cmd/ooniprobe

#help: The `./mk ./CLI/ooniprobe-linux` command builds the ooniprobe official command
#help: line client for amd64, arm64, etc.
#help: You can also build the following subtargets:
.PHONY: ./CLI/ooniprobe-linux
./CLI/ooniprobe-linux: \
	./CLI/ooniprobe-linux-386 \
	./CLI/ooniprobe-linux-amd64 \
	./CLI/ooniprobe-linux-armv7 \

# Linux builds use Alpine and Docker so we are sure that we are statically
# linking to musl libc, thus making our binaries extremely portable.
#help: * `./mk ./CLI/ooniprobe-linux-386`: linux/386
.PHONY:     ./CLI/ooniprobe-linux-386
./CLI/ooniprobe-linux-386: search/for/docker maybe/copypsiphon
	docker pull --platform linux/386 $(GOLANG_DOCKER_IMAGE)
	docker run --platform linux/386 -e GOPATH=/gopath -e GOARCH=386 -v $(shell pwd):/ooni -w /ooni $(GOLANG_DOCKER_IMAGE) ./CLI/build-linux -tags=netgo,$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS) $(GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS)

#help: * `./mk ./CLI/ooniprobe-linux-amd64`: linux/amd64
.PHONY:     ./CLI/ooniprobe-linux-amd64
./CLI/ooniprobe-linux-amd64: search/for/docker maybe/copypsiphon
	docker pull --platform linux/amd64 $(GOLANG_DOCKER_IMAGE)
	docker run --platform linux/amd64 -e GOPATH=/gopath -e GOARCH=amd64 -v $(shell pwd):/ooni -w /ooni $(GOLANG_DOCKER_IMAGE) ./CLI/build-linux -tags=netgo,$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS) $(GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS)

#help: * `./mk ./CLI/ooniprobe-linux-armv7`: linux/arm
.PHONY:     ./CLI/ooniprobe-linux-armv7
./CLI/ooniprobe-linux-armv7: search/for/docker maybe/copypsiphon
	docker pull --platform linux/arm/v7 $(GOLANG_DOCKER_IMAGE)
	docker run --platform linux/arm/v7 -e GOPATH=/gopath -e GOARCH=arm -e GOARM=7 -v $(shell pwd):/ooni -w /ooni $(GOLANG_DOCKER_IMAGE) ./CLI/build-linux -tags=netgo,$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS) $(GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS)

#help: * `./mk ./CLI/ooniprobe-linux-arm64`: linux/arm64
.PHONY:     ./CLI/ooniprobe-linux-arm64
./CLI/ooniprobe-linux-arm64: search/for/docker maybe/copypsiphon
	docker pull --platform linux/arm64 $(GOLANG_DOCKER_IMAGE)
	docker run --platform linux/arm64 -e GOPATH=/gopath -e GOARCH=arm64 -v $(shell pwd):/ooni -w /ooni $(GOLANG_DOCKER_IMAGE) ./CLI/build-linux -tags=netgo,$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS) $(GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS)

#help: The `./mk ./CLI/ooniprobe-windows` command builds the ooniprobe official
#help: command line client for windows/386 and windows/amd64.
#help: You can also build the following subtargets:
.PHONY: ./CLI/ooniprobe-windows
./CLI/ooniprobe-windows: \
	./CLI/ooniprobe-windows-386.exe \

#help: * `./mk ./CLI/ooniprobe-windows-386.exe`: windows/386
.PHONY:     ./CLI/ooniprobe-windows-386.exe
./CLI/ooniprobe-windows-386.exe: search/for/go search/for/mingw-w64 maybe/copypsiphon
	GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 CGO_ENABLED=1 CC=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc go build -tags="$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS)" -ldflags="-s -w" $(GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS) -o $@ ./cmd/ooniprobe

#help: * `./mk ./CLI/ooniprobe-windows-amd64.exe`: windows/amd64
.PHONY:     ./CLI/ooniprobe-windows-amd64.exe
./CLI/ooniprobe-windows-amd64.exe: search/for/go search/for/mingw-w64 maybe/copypsiphon
	GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=1 CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc go build -tags="$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS)" -ldflags="-s -w" $(GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS) -o $@ ./cmd/ooniprobe

#help: The `./mk ./MOBILE/android` command builds the oonimkall library for Android.
#help: You can also build the following subtargets:
.PHONY: ./MOBILE/android
./MOBILE/android: ./MOBILE/android/oonimkall.aar ./MOBILE/android/oonimkall.pom

#help: * `./mk ./MOBILE/android/oonimkall.pom`: the POM
.PHONY:   ./MOBILE/android/oonimkall.pom
	cat ./MOBILE/android/template.pom | sed -e "s/@VERSION@/$(OONIMKALL_V)/g" > ./MOBILE/android/oonimkall.pom

# GOMOBILE is the full path location to the gomobile binary. We want to
# execute this command every time, because its output may depend on context,
# for this reason WE ARE NOT using `:=`.
GOMOBILE = $(shell go env GOPATH)/bin/gomobile

#help: * `./mk ./MOBILE/android/oonimkall.aar`: the AAR
.PHONY:   ./MOBILE/android/oonimkall.aar
./MOBILE/android/oonimkall.aar: android/sdk maybe/copypsiphon
	@echo "Android build disabled - TODO(https://github.com/ooni/probe/issues/2122)"
	@exit 1
	go get -u golang.org/x/mobile/cmd/gomobile
	$(GOMOBILE) init
	PATH=$(shell go env GOPATH)/bin:$$PATH ANDROID_HOME=$(OONI_ANDROID_HOME) ANDROID_NDK_HOME=$(OONI_ANDROID_HOME)/ndk/$(ANDROID_NDK_VERSION) $(GOMOBILE) bind -x -target android -o ./MOBILE/android/oonimkall.aar -tags="$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS)" -ldflags '-s -w' $(GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS) ./pkg/oonimkall

#help: The `./mk ./MOBILE/ios` command builds the oonimkall library for iOS.
#help: You can also build the following subtargets:
./MOBILE/ios: ./MOBILE/ios/oonimkall.xcframework.zip ./MOBILE/ios/oonimkall.podspec

#help: * `./mk ./MOBILE/ios/oonimkall.xcframework.zip`: zip the xcframework
.PHONY:   ./MOBILE/ios/oonimkall.xcframework.zip
./MOBILE/ios/oonimkall.xcframework.zip: search/for/zip ./MOBILE/ios/oonimkall.xcframework
	cd ./MOBILE/ios && rm -rf oonimkall.xcframework.zip
	cd ./MOBILE/ios && zip -yr oonimkall.xcframework.zip oonimkall.xcframework

#help: * `./mk ./MOBILE/ios/xcframework`: the xcframework
.PHONY:     ./MOBILE/ios/oonimkall.xcframework
./MOBILE/ios/oonimkall.xcframework: search/for/go search/for/xcode maybe/copypsiphon
	go get -u golang.org/x/mobile/cmd/gomobile
	$(GOMOBILE) init
	PATH=$(shell go env GOPATH)/bin:$$PATH $(GOMOBILE) bind -target ios -o $@ -tags="$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS)" -ldflags '-s -w' $(GOLANG_EXTRA_FLAGS) ./pkg/oonimkall

#help: * `./mk ./MOBILE/ios/oonimkall.podspec`: the podspec
.PHONY:   ./MOBILE/ios/oonimkall.podspec
./MOBILE/ios/oonimkall.podspec: ./MOBILE/ios/template.podspec
	cat $< | sed -e "s/@VERSION@/$(OONIMKALL_V)/g" -e "s/@RELEASE@/$(OONIMKALL_R)/g" > $@

# important: OONIMKALL_V and OONIMKALL_R MUST be expanded just once so we use `:=`
OONIMKALL_V := $(shell date -u +%Y.%m.%d-%H%M%S)
OONIMKALL_R := $(shell git describe --tags || echo '0.0.0-dev')

#help: The following commands check for the availability of dependencies:
# TODO(bassosimone): make checks more robust?

#help: * `./mk search/for/bash`: checks for bash
.PHONY: search/for/bash
	@printf "checking for bash... "
	@command -v bash || { echo "not found"; exit 1; }

#help: * `./mk search/for/curl`: checks for curl
.PHONY: search/for/curl
	@printf "checking for curl... "
	@command -v curl || { echo "not found"; exit 1; }

#help: * `./mk search/for/docker`: checks for docker
.PHONY: search/for/docker
	@printf "checking for docker... "
	@command -v docker || { echo "not found"; exit 1; }

#help: * `./mk search/for/git`: checks for git
.PHONY: search/for/git
	@printf "checking for git... "
	@command -v git || { echo "not found"; exit 1; }

#help: * `./mk search/for/go`: checks for go
.PHONY: search/for/go
	@printf "checking for go... "
	@command -v go || { echo "not found"; exit 1; }
	@printf "checking for go version... "
	@echo $(__GOVERSION_REAL)
	@[ "$(GOLANG_VERSION_STRING)" = "$(__GOVERSION_REAL)" ] || { echo "fatal: go version must be $(GOLANG_VERSION_STRING) instead of $(__GOVERSION_REAL)"; exit 1; }

# __GOVERSION_REAL is the go version reported by the go binary (we
# SHOULD NOT cache this value so we ARE NOT using `:=`)
__GOVERSION_REAL = $(shell go version | awk '{print $$3}')

#help: * `./mk search/for/java`: checks for java
.PHONY: search/for/java
	@printf "checking for java... "
	@command -v java || { echo "not found"; exit 1; }

#help: * `./mk search/for/mingw-w64`: checks for mingw-w64
.PHONY: search/for/mingw-w64
	@printf "checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc... "
	@command -v x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc || { echo "not found"; exit 1; }
	@printf "checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc version... "
	@echo $(__MINGW32_AMD64_VERSION)
	@[ "$(MINGW_W64_VERSION)" = "$(__MINGW32_AMD64_VERSION)" ] || { echo "fatal: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc version must be $(MINGW_W64_VERSION) instead of $(__MINGW32_AMD64_VERSION)"; exit 1; }
	@printf "checking for i686-w64-mingw32-gcc... "
	@command -v i686-w64-mingw32-gcc || { echo "not found"; exit 1; }
	@printf "checking for i686-w64-mingw32-gcc version... "
	@echo $(__MINGW32_386_VERSION)
	@[ "$(MINGW_W64_VERSION)" = "$(__MINGW32_386_VERSION)" ] || { echo "fatal: i686-w64-mingw32-gcc version must be $(MINGW_W64_VERSION) instead of $(__MINGW32_386_VERSION)"; exit 1; }

# __MINGW32_AMD64_VERSION and __MINGW32_386_VERSION are the versions
# reported by the amd64 and 386 mingw binaries.
__MINGW32_AMD64_VERSION = $(shell x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc --version | sed -n 1p | awk '{print $$3}')
__MINGW32_386_VERSION = $(shell i686-w64-mingw32-gcc --version | sed -n 1p | awk '{print $$3}')

#help: * `./mk search/for/shasum`: checks for shasum
.PHONY: search/for/shasum
	@printf "checking for shasum... "
	@command -v shasum || { echo "not found"; exit 1; }

#help: * `./mk search/for/xcode`: checks for Xcode
.PHONY: search/for/xcode
	@printf "checking for xcodebuild... "
	@command -v xcodebuild || { echo "not found"; exit 1; }
	@printf "checking for Xcode version... "
	@[ "$(XCODE_VERSION)" = "$(__XCODEVERSION_REAL)" ] || { echo "fatal: Xcode version must be $(XCODE_VERSION) instead of $(__XCODEVERSION_REAL)"; exit 1; }

# __XCODEVERSION_REAL is the version of Xcode obtained using xcodebuild
__XCODEVERSION_REAL = `xcodebuild -version | grep ^Xcode | awk '{print $$2}'`

#help: * `./mk search/for/unzip`: checks for unzip
.PHONY: search/for/unzip
	@printf "checking for unzip... "
	@command -v unzip || { echo "not found"; exit 1; }

#help: * `./mk search/for/zip`: checks for zip
.PHONY: search/for/zip
	@printf "checking for zip... "
	@command -v zip || { echo "not found"; exit 1; }

#help: The `./mk maybe/copypsiphon` command checks whether we want
#help: to embed the Psiphon config file into the build. To this end,
#help: this command checks whether OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS is set. In
#help: such a case, this command checks whether the required files
#help: are already in place. If not, this command fetches them
#help: by cloning the github.com/ooni/probe-private repo.
# Note: we check for files being already there before attempting
# to clone _because_ we put files in there using secrets when
# running cloud builds. This saves us from including a token with
# `repo` scope as a build secret, which is a very broad scope.
# Cloning the private repository, instead, is the way in which
# local builds get access to the psiphon config files.
.PHONY: maybe/copypsiphon
maybe/copypsiphon: search/for/git
	@if test "$(OONI_PSIPHON_TAGS)" = "ooni_psiphon_config"; then \
		if test ! -f ./internal/engine/psiphon-config.json.age -a \
		        ! -f ./internal/engine/psiphon-config.key; then \
			echo "copying psiphon configuration file into ./internal/engine"; \
			$(MAKE) -f mk $(OONIPRIVATE) || exit 1; \
			cp $(OONIPRIVATE)/psiphon-config.key ./internal/engine || exit 1; \
			cp $(OONIPRIVATE)/psiphon-config.json.age ./internal/engine || exit 1; \
		fi; \

# OONIPRIVATE is the directory where we clone the private repository.
OONIPRIVATE = $(GIT_CLONE_DIR)/github.com/ooni/probe-private

# OONIPRIVATE_REPO is the private repository URL.
OONIPRIVATE_REPO = git@github.com:ooni/probe-private

# $(OONIPRIVATE) clones the private repository in $(GIT_CLONE_DIR)
$(OONIPRIVATE): search/for/git $(GIT_CLONE_DIR)
	rm -rf $(OONIPRIVATE)

#help: The `./mk android/sdk` command ensures we are using the
#help: correct version of the Android sdk.
.PHONY: android/sdk
android/sdk: search/for/java
	$(MAKE) -f mk android/sdk/download
	test -f $(__ANDROID_SDKMANAGER) || { echo "please run './mk android/sdk/download'"; exit 1; }

# __ANDROID_SKDMANAGER is the path to android's sdkmanager tool

# See https://stackoverflow.com/a/61176718 to understand why
# we need to reorganize the directories like this:
#help: The `./mk android/sdk/download` unconditionally downloads the
#help: Android SDK at `$(OONI_ANDROID_HOME)`.
android/sdk/download: search/for/curl search/for/java search/for/shasum search/for/unzip
	curl -fsSLO https://dl.google.com/android/repository/$(__ANDROID_CLITOOLS_FILE)
	shasum --check __SHA256
	rm -f __SHA256
	mkdir -p $(OONI_ANDROID_HOME)/cmdline-tools
	mv cmdline-tools $(OONI_ANDROID_HOME)/cmdline-tools/$(ANDROID_CLI_VERSION)

# __ANDROID_CLITOOLS_FILE is the file name of the android cli tools zip
__ANDROID_CLITOOLS_FILE = commandlinetools-linux-$(ANDROID_CLI_VERSION)_latest.zip