package bytecounter

// Code to wrap a net.Conn

import "net"

// wrappedConn wraps a network connection and counts bytes.
type wrappedConn struct {
	// net.Conn is the underlying net.Conn.

	// Counter is the byte counter.
	Counter *Counter

// Read implements net.Conn.Read.
func (c *wrappedConn) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
	count, err := c.Conn.Read(p)
	return count, err

// Write implements net.Conn.Write.
func (c *wrappedConn) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
	count, err := c.Conn.Write(p)
	return count, err

// WrapConn returns a new conn that uses the given counter.
func WrapConn(conn net.Conn, counter *Counter) net.Conn {
	return &wrappedConn{Conn: conn, Counter: counter}

// MaybeWrapConn is like wrap if counter is not nil, otherwise it's a no-op.
func MaybeWrapConn(conn net.Conn, counter *Counter) net.Conn {
	if counter == nil {
		return conn
	return WrapConn(conn, counter)