// -=-=- StartHere -=-=-
// # Chapter I: TLS parroting
// In this chapter we will write together a `main.go` file that
// uses netxlite to establish a new TCP connection and then performs
// a TLS handshake using the established connection.
// Rather than using the Go standard library, like we did in the
// previous chapter, we will use the `gitlab.com/yawning/utls.git`
// library to customize the ClientHello to look like Firefox.
// (This file is auto-generated from the corresponding source file,
// so make sure you don't edit it manually.)
// ## The main.go file
// We define `main.go` file using `package main`.
// The beginning of the program is equal to the previous chapter,
// so there is not much to say about it.
// ```Go
package main

import (

	utls "gitlab.com/yawning/utls.git"

func main() {
	address := flag.String("address", "", "Remote endpoint address")
	sni := flag.String("sni", "dns.google", "SNI to use")
	timeout := flag.Duration("timeout", 60*time.Second, "Timeout")
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), *timeout)
	defer cancel()
	tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
		ServerName: *sni,
		NextProtos: []string{"h2", "http/1.1"},
		RootCAs:    netxlite.NewDefaultCertPool(),
	conn, state, err := dialTLS(ctx, *address, tlsConfig)
	if err != nil {
	log.Infof("Conn type          : %T", conn)
	log.Infof("Cipher suite       : %s", netxlite.TLSCipherSuiteString(state.CipherSuite))
	log.Infof("Negotiated protocol: %s", state.NegotiatedProtocol)
	log.Infof("TLS version        : %s", netxlite.TLSVersionString(state.Version))

func dialTCP(ctx context.Context, address string) (net.Conn, error) {
	d := netxlite.NewDialerWithoutResolver(log.Log)
	return d.DialContext(ctx, "tcp", address)

func handshakeTLS(ctx context.Context, tcpConn net.Conn,
	config *tls.Config) (net.Conn, tls.ConnectionState, error) {
	// ```
	// The following line of code is where we diverge from the
	// previous chapter. Here we're creating a TLS handshaker
	// that uses `gitlab.com/yawning/utls.git` and sets the
	// ClientHello to look like Firefox 55. (This is also
	// know as TLS parroting because we're parroting what this
	// version of Firefox would do.)
	// Note that, when you use parroting, some settings inside
	// the `tls.Config` (such as the ALPN) may be ignored
	// if they conflict with what the parroted browser would do.
	// ```Go
	th := netxlite.NewTLSHandshakerUTLS(log.Log, &utls.HelloFirefox_55)
	// ```
	// The rest of the program is exactly like the one in the
	// previous chapter, so we won't add further comments.
	// ```Go
	return th.Handshake(ctx, tcpConn, config)

func dialTLS(ctx context.Context, address string,
	config *tls.Config) (net.Conn, tls.ConnectionState, error) {
	tcpConn, err := dialTCP(ctx, address)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, tls.ConnectionState{}, err
	tlsConn, state, err := handshakeTLS(ctx, tcpConn, config)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, tls.ConnectionState{}, err
	return tlsConn, state, nil

func fatal(err error) {
	var ew *netxlite.ErrWrapper
	if !errors.As(err, &ew) {
		log.Fatal("cannot get ErrWrapper")
	log.Warnf("error string    : %s", err.Error())
	log.Warnf("OONI failure    : %s", ew.Failure)
	log.Warnf("failed operation: %s", ew.Operation)
	log.Warnf("underlying error: %+v", ew.WrappedErr)

// ```
// ## Running the code
// You can now run this code as follows:
// ```bash
// go run -race ./internal/tutorial/netxlite/chapter03
// ```
// You will see debug logs describing what is happening along with timing info.
// ### Connect timeout
// ```bash
// go run -race ./internal/tutorial/netxlite/chapter03 -address
// ```
// should cause a connect timeout error. Try lowering the timout adding, e.g.,
// the `-timeout 5s` flag to the command line.
// ### Connection refused
// ```bash
// go run -race ./internal/tutorial/netxlite/chapter03 -address '[::1]:1'
// ```
// should give you a connection refused error in most cases. (We are quoting
// the `::1` IPv6 address using `[` and `]` here.)
// ### SNI mismatch
// ```bash
// go run -race ./internal/tutorial/netxlite/chapter03 -sni example.com
// ```
// should give you a TLS invalid hostname error (for historical reasons
// named `ssl_invalid_hostname`).
// ### TLS handshake reset
// If you're on Linux, build Jafar (`go build -v ./internal/cmd/jafar`)
// and then run:
// ```bash
// sudo ./jafar -iptables-reset-keyword dns.google
// ```
// Then run in another terminal
// ```bash
// go run ./internal/tutorial/netxlite/chapter03
// ```
// Then you can interrupt Jafar using ^C.
// ### TLS handshake timeout
// If you're on Linux, build Jafar (`go build -v ./internal/cmd/jafar`)
// and then run:
// ```bash
// sudo ./jafar -iptables-drop-keyword dns.google
// ```
// Then run in another terminal
// ```bash
// go run ./internal/tutorial/netxlite/chapter03
// ```
// Then you can interrupt Jafar using ^C.
// ## Conclusions
// We have seen how to use netxlite to establish a TCP connection
// and perform a TLS handshake using such a connection with a specific
// configuration that parrots Firefox v55's ClientHello.