// Package riseupvpn contains the RiseupVPN network experiment.
// See https://github.com/ooni/spec/blob/master/nettests/ts-026-riseupvpn.md
package riseupvpn

import (


const (
	testName      = "riseupvpn"
	testVersion   = "0.1.0"
	eipServiceURL = "https://api.black.riseup.net:443/3/config/eip-service.json"
	providerURL   = "https://riseup.net/provider.json"
	geoServiceURL = "https://api.black.riseup.net:9001/json"
	tcpConnect    = "tcpconnect://"

// EipService main json object of eip-service.json
type EipService struct {
	Gateways []GatewayV3

// GatewayV3 json obj Version 3
type GatewayV3 struct {
	Capabilities struct {
		Transport []TransportV3
	Host      string
	IPAddress string `json:"ip_address"`

// TransportV3 json obj Version 3
type TransportV3 struct {
	Type      string
	Protocols []string
	Ports     []string
	Options   map[string]string

// GatewayConnection describes the connection to a riseupvpn gateway
type GatewayConnection struct {
	IP            string `json:"ip"`
	Port          int    `json:"port"`
	TransportType string `json:"transport_type"`

// Config contains the riseupvpn experiment config.
type Config struct {

// TestKeys contains riseupvpn test keys.
type TestKeys struct {
	APIFailure      *string             `json:"api_failure"`
	APIStatus       string              `json:"api_status"`
	CACertStatus    bool                `json:"ca_cert_status"`
	FailingGateways []GatewayConnection `json:"failing_gateways"`

// NewTestKeys creates new riseupvpn TestKeys.
func NewTestKeys() *TestKeys {
	return &TestKeys{
		APIFailure:      nil,
		APIStatus:       "ok",
		CACertStatus:    true,
		FailingGateways: nil,

// UpdateProviderAPITestKeys updates the TestKeys using the given MultiOutput result.
func (tk *TestKeys) UpdateProviderAPITestKeys(v urlgetter.MultiOutput) {
	tk.NetworkEvents = append(tk.NetworkEvents, v.TestKeys.NetworkEvents...)
	tk.Queries = append(tk.Queries, v.TestKeys.Queries...)
	tk.Requests = append(tk.Requests, v.TestKeys.Requests...)
	tk.TCPConnect = append(tk.TCPConnect, v.TestKeys.TCPConnect...)
	tk.TLSHandshakes = append(tk.TLSHandshakes, v.TestKeys.TLSHandshakes...)
	if tk.APIStatus != "ok" {
		return // we already flipped the state
	if v.TestKeys.Failure != nil {
		tk.APIStatus = "blocked"
		tk.APIFailure = v.TestKeys.Failure

// AddGatewayConnectTestKeys updates the TestKeys using the given MultiOutput result of gateway connectivity testing.
func (tk *TestKeys) AddGatewayConnectTestKeys(v urlgetter.MultiOutput, transportType string) {
	tk.NetworkEvents = append(tk.NetworkEvents, v.TestKeys.NetworkEvents...)
	tk.TCPConnect = append(tk.TCPConnect, v.TestKeys.TCPConnect...)
	for _, tcpConnect := range v.TestKeys.TCPConnect {
		if !tcpConnect.Status.Success {
			gatewayConnection := newGatewayConnection(tcpConnect, transportType)
			tk.FailingGateways = append(tk.FailingGateways, *gatewayConnection)

func newGatewayConnection(tcpConnect archival.TCPConnectEntry, transportType string) *GatewayConnection {
	return &GatewayConnection{
		IP:            tcpConnect.IP,
		Port:          tcpConnect.Port,
		TransportType: transportType,

// AddCACertFetchTestKeys Adding generic urlgetter.Get() testKeys to riseupvpn specific test keys
func (tk *TestKeys) AddCACertFetchTestKeys(testKeys urlgetter.TestKeys) {
	tk.NetworkEvents = append(tk.NetworkEvents, testKeys.NetworkEvents...)
	tk.Queries = append(tk.Queries, testKeys.Queries...)
	tk.Requests = append(tk.Requests, testKeys.Requests...)
	tk.TCPConnect = append(tk.TCPConnect, testKeys.TCPConnect...)
	tk.TLSHandshakes = append(tk.TLSHandshakes, testKeys.TLSHandshakes...)
	if testKeys.Failure != nil {
		tk.APIStatus = "blocked"
		tk.APIFailure = tk.Failure
		tk.CACertStatus = false

// Measurer performs the measurement
type Measurer struct {
	// Config contains the experiment settings. If empty we
	// will be using default settings.
	Config Config

	// Getter is an optional getter to be used for testing.
	Getter urlgetter.MultiGetter

// ExperimentName implements ExperimentMeasurer.ExperimentName
func (m Measurer) ExperimentName() string {
	return testName

// ExperimentVersion implements ExperimentMeasurer.ExperimentVersion
func (m Measurer) ExperimentVersion() string {
	return testVersion

// Run implements ExperimentMeasurer.Run
func (m Measurer) Run(ctx context.Context, sess model.ExperimentSession,
	measurement *model.Measurement, callbacks model.ExperimentCallbacks) error {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 90*time.Second)
	defer cancel()
	testkeys := NewTestKeys()
	measurement.TestKeys = testkeys

	caTarget := "https://black.riseup.net/ca.crt"
	caGetter := urlgetter.Getter{
		Config:  m.Config.Config,
		Session: sess,
		Target:  caTarget,
	log.Info("Getting CA certificate; please be patient...")
	tk, err := caGetter.Get(ctx)

	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Getting CA certificate failed. Aborting test.")
		return nil

	certPool := netx.NewDefaultCertPool()
	if ok := certPool.AppendCertsFromPEM([]byte(tk.HTTPResponseBody)); !ok {
		testkeys.CACertStatus = false
		testkeys.APIStatus = "blocked"
		errorValue := "invalid_ca"
		testkeys.APIFailure = &errorValue
		return nil

	inputs := []urlgetter.MultiInput{

		// Here we need to provide the method explicitly. See
		// https://github.com/ooni/probe-cli/v3/internal/engine/issues/827.
		{Target: providerURL, Config: urlgetter.Config{
			CertPool:        certPool,
			Method:          "GET",
			FailOnHTTPError: true,
		{Target: eipServiceURL, Config: urlgetter.Config{
			CertPool:        certPool,
			Method:          "GET",
			FailOnHTTPError: true,
		{Target: geoServiceURL, Config: urlgetter.Config{
			CertPool:        certPool,
			Method:          "GET",
			FailOnHTTPError: true,
	multi := urlgetter.Multi{Begin: measurement.MeasurementStartTimeSaved, Getter: m.Getter, Session: sess}

	for entry := range multi.CollectOverall(ctx, inputs, 0, 50, "riseupvpn", callbacks) {

	// test gateways now
	gateways := parseGateways(testkeys)
	openvpnEndpoints := generateMultiInputs(gateways, "openvpn")
	obfs4Endpoints := generateMultiInputs(gateways, "obfs4")
	overallCount := len(inputs) + len(openvpnEndpoints) + len(obfs4Endpoints)

	// measure openvpn in parallel
	multi = urlgetter.Multi{Begin: measurement.MeasurementStartTimeSaved, Getter: m.Getter, Session: sess}
	for entry := range multi.CollectOverall(ctx, openvpnEndpoints, len(inputs), overallCount, "riseupvpn", callbacks) {
		testkeys.AddGatewayConnectTestKeys(entry, "openvpn")

	// measure obfs4 in parallel
	multi = urlgetter.Multi{Begin: measurement.MeasurementStartTimeSaved, Getter: m.Getter, Session: sess}
	for entry := range multi.CollectOverall(ctx, obfs4Endpoints, len(inputs)+len(openvpnEndpoints), overallCount, "riseupvpn", callbacks) {
		testkeys.AddGatewayConnectTestKeys(entry, "obfs4")

	return nil

func generateMultiInputs(gateways []GatewayV3, transportType string) []urlgetter.MultiInput {
	var gatewayInputs []urlgetter.MultiInput
	for _, gateway := range gateways {
		for _, transport := range gateway.Capabilities.Transport {
			if transport.Type != transportType {
			supportsTCP := false
			for _, protocol := range transport.Protocols {
				if protocol == "tcp" {
					supportsTCP = true
			if !supportsTCP {
			for _, port := range transport.Ports {
				tcpConnection := tcpConnect + gateway.IPAddress + ":" + port
				gatewayInputs = append(gatewayInputs, urlgetter.MultiInput{Target: tcpConnection})
	return gatewayInputs

func parseGateways(testKeys *TestKeys) []GatewayV3 {
	for _, requestEntry := range testKeys.Requests {
		if requestEntry.Request.URL == eipServiceURL && requestEntry.Failure == nil {
			eipService, err := DecodeEIP3(requestEntry.Response.Body.Value)
			if err == nil {
				return eipService.Gateways
	return nil

// DecodeEIP3 decodes eip-service.json version 3
func DecodeEIP3(body string) (*EipService, error) {
	var eip EipService
	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &eip)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &eip, nil

// NewExperimentMeasurer creates a new ExperimentMeasurer.
func NewExperimentMeasurer(config Config) model.ExperimentMeasurer {
	return Measurer{Config: config}

// SummaryKeys contains summary keys for this experiment.
// Note that this structure is part of the ABI contract with probe-cli
// therefore we should be careful when changing it.
type SummaryKeys struct {
	APIBlocked      bool `json:"api_blocked"`
	ValidCACert     bool `json:"valid_ca_cert"`
	FailingGateways int  `json:"failing_gateways"`
	IsAnomaly       bool `json:"-"`

// GetSummaryKeys implements model.ExperimentMeasurer.GetSummaryKeys.
func (m Measurer) GetSummaryKeys(measurement *model.Measurement) (interface{}, error) {
	sk := SummaryKeys{IsAnomaly: false}
	tk, ok := measurement.TestKeys.(*TestKeys)
	if !ok {
		return sk, errors.New("invalid test keys type")
	sk.APIBlocked = tk.APIStatus != "ok"
	sk.ValidCACert = tk.CACertStatus
	sk.FailingGateways = len(tk.FailingGateways)
	sk.IsAnomaly = (sk.APIBlocked == true || tk.CACertStatus == false ||
		sk.FailingGateways != 0)
	return sk, nil