// Package apimodel describes the data types used by OONI's API. // // If you edit this package to integrate the data model, remember to // run `go generate ./...`. // // We annotate fields with tagging. When a field should be sent // over as JSON, use the usual `json` tag. // // When a field needs to be sent using the query string, use // the `query` tag instead. We limit what can be sent using the // query string to int64, string, and bool. // // The `path` tag indicates that the URL path contains a // template. We will replace the value of this field with // the template. Note that the template should use the // Go name of the field (e.g. `{{ .ReportID }}`) as opposed // to the name in the tag, which is only used when we // generate the API Swagger. // // The `required` tag indicates required fields. A required // field cannot be empty (for the Go definition of empty). package apimodel