package main // // Core implementation // // TODO(bassosimone): we should eventually merge this file and main.go. We still // have this file becaused we used to have ./internal/libminiooni. // import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "io" "net/url" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // Options contains the options you can set from the CLI. type Options struct { Annotations []string ExtraOptions []string HomeDir string Inputs []string InputFilePaths []string MaxRuntime int64 NoJSON bool NoCollector bool ProbeServicesURL string Proxy string Random bool ReportFile string TorArgs []string TorBinary string Tunnel string Verbose bool Version bool Yes bool } const ( softwareName = "miniooni" softwareVersion = version.Version ) var ( globalOptions Options startTime = time.Now() ) func init() { getopt.FlagLong( &globalOptions.Annotations, "annotation", 'A', "Add annotaton", "KEY=VALUE", ) getopt.FlagLong( &globalOptions.ExtraOptions, "option", 'O', "Pass an option to the experiment", "KEY=VALUE", ) getopt.FlagLong( &globalOptions.InputFilePaths, "input-file", 'f', "Path to input file to supply test-dependent input. File must contain one input per line.", "PATH", ) getopt.FlagLong( &globalOptions.HomeDir, "home", 0, "Force specific home directory", "PATH", ) getopt.FlagLong( &globalOptions.Inputs, "input", 'i', "Add test-dependent input to the test input", "INPUT", ) getopt.FlagLong( &globalOptions.MaxRuntime, "max-runtime", 0, "Maximum runtime in seconds when looping over a list of inputs (zero means infinite)", "N", ) getopt.FlagLong( &globalOptions.NoJSON, "no-json", 'N', "Disable writing to disk", ) getopt.FlagLong( &globalOptions.NoCollector, "no-collector", 'n', "Don't use a collector", ) getopt.FlagLong( &globalOptions.ProbeServicesURL, "probe-services", 0, "Set the URL of the probe-services instance you want to use", "URL", ) getopt.FlagLong( &globalOptions.Proxy, "proxy", 0, "Set the proxy URL", "URL", ) getopt.FlagLong( &globalOptions.Random, "random", 0, "Randomize inputs", ) getopt.FlagLong( &globalOptions.ReportFile, "reportfile", 'o', "Set the report file path", "PATH", ) getopt.FlagLong( &globalOptions.TorArgs, "tor-args", 0, "Extra args for tor binary (may be specified multiple times)", ) getopt.FlagLong( &globalOptions.TorBinary, "tor-binary", 0, "Specify path to a specific tor binary", ) getopt.FlagLong( &globalOptions.Tunnel, "tunnel", 0, "Name of the tunnel to use (one of `tor`, `psiphon`)", ) getopt.FlagLong( &globalOptions.Verbose, "verbose", 'v', "Increase verbosity", ) getopt.FlagLong( &globalOptions.Version, "version", 0, "Print version and exit", ) getopt.FlagLong( &globalOptions.Yes, "yes", 'y', "Assume yes as the answer to all questions", ) } // Main is the main function of miniooni. This function parses the command line // options and uses a global state. Use MainWithConfiguration if you want to avoid // using any global state and relying on command line options. // // This function will panic in case of a fatal error. It is up to you that // integrate this function to either handle the panic of ignore it. func Main() { getopt.Parse() if globalOptions.Version { fmt.Printf("%s\n", version.Version) os.Exit(0) } runtimex.PanicIfFalse(len(getopt.Args()) == 1, "Missing experiment name") runtimex.PanicOnError(engine.CheckEmbeddedPsiphonConfig(), "Invalid embedded psiphon config") MainWithConfiguration(getopt.Arg(0), globalOptions) } func split(s string) (string, string, error) { v := strings.SplitN(s, "=", 2) if len(v) != 2 { return "", "", errors.New("invalid key-value pair") } return v[0], v[1], nil } func mustMakeMapString(input []string) (output map[string]string) { output = make(map[string]string) for _, opt := range input { key, value, err := split(opt) runtimex.PanicOnError(err, "cannot split key-value pair") output[key] = value } return } func mustMakeMapAny(input []string) (output map[string]any) { output = make(map[string]any) for _, opt := range input { key, value, err := split(opt) runtimex.PanicOnError(err, "cannot split key-value pair") output[key] = value } return } func mustParseURL(URL string) *url.URL { rv, err := url.Parse(URL) runtimex.PanicOnError(err, "cannot parse URL") return rv } type logHandler struct { io.Writer } func (h *logHandler) HandleLog(e *log.Entry) (err error) { s := fmt.Sprintf("[%14.6f] <%s> %s", time.Since(startTime).Seconds(), e.Level, e.Message) if len(e.Fields) > 0 { s += fmt.Sprintf(": %+v", e.Fields) } s += "\n" _, err = h.Writer.Write([]byte(s)) return } // See func gethomedir(optionsHome string) string { if optionsHome != "" { return optionsHome } if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { home := os.Getenv("HOMEDRIVE") + os.Getenv("HOMEPATH") if home == "" { home = os.Getenv("USERPROFILE") } return home } if runtime.GOOS == "linux" { home := os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") if home != "" { return home } // fallthrough } return os.Getenv("HOME") } const riskOfRunningOONI = ` Do you consent to OONI Probe data collection? OONI Probe collects evidence of internet censorship and measures network performance: - OONI Probe will likely test objectionable sites and services; - Anyone monitoring your internet activity (such as a government or Internet provider) may be able to tell that you are using OONI Probe; - The network data you collect will be published automatically unless you use miniooni's -n command line flag. To learn more, see If you're onboard, re-run the same command and add the --yes flag, to indicate that you understand the risks. This will create an empty file named 'consent' in $HOME/.miniooni, meaning that we know you opted in and we will not ask you this question again. ` func canOpen(filepath string) bool { stat, err := os.Stat(filepath) return err == nil && stat.Mode().IsRegular() } func maybeWriteConsentFile(yes bool, filepath string) (err error) { if yes { err = os.WriteFile(filepath, []byte("\n"), 0644) } return } // tunnelAndProxy is the text printed when the user specifies // both the --tunnel and the --proxy options const tunnelAndProxy = `USAGE ERROR: The --tunnel option and the --proxy option cannot be specified at the same time. The --tunnel option is actually just syntactic sugar for --proxy. Setting --tunnel=psiphon is currently the equivalent of setting --proxy=psiphon:///. This MAY change in a future version of miniooni, when we will allow a tunnel to use a proxy. ` // MainWithConfiguration is the miniooni main with a specific configuration // represented by the experiment name and the current options. // // This function will panic in case of a fatal error. It is up to you that // integrate this function to either handle the panic of ignore it. func MainWithConfiguration(experimentName string, currentOptions Options) { runtimex.PanicIfTrue(currentOptions.Proxy != "" && currentOptions.Tunnel != "", tunnelAndProxy) if currentOptions.Tunnel != "" { currentOptions.Proxy = fmt.Sprintf("%s:///", currentOptions.Tunnel) } logger := &log.Logger{Level: log.InfoLevel, Handler: &logHandler{Writer: os.Stderr}} if currentOptions.Verbose { logger.Level = log.DebugLevel } if currentOptions.ReportFile == "" { currentOptions.ReportFile = "report.jsonl" } log.Log = logger extraOptions := mustMakeMapAny(currentOptions.ExtraOptions) annotations := mustMakeMapString(currentOptions.Annotations) ctx := context.Background() //Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006 log.Infof("Current time: %s", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05 MST")) homeDir := gethomedir(currentOptions.HomeDir) runtimex.PanicIfFalse(homeDir != "", "home directory is empty") miniooniDir := path.Join(homeDir, ".miniooni") err := os.MkdirAll(miniooniDir, 0700) runtimex.PanicOnError(err, "cannot create $HOME/.miniooni directory") // We cleanup the assets files used by versions of ooniprobe // older than v3.9.0, where we started embedding the assets // into the binary and use that directly. This cleanup doesn't // remove the whole directory but only known files inside it // and then the directory itself, if empty. We explicitly discard // the return value as it does not matter to us here. assetsDir := path.Join(miniooniDir, "assets") _, _ = assetsdir.Cleanup(assetsDir) log.Debugf("miniooni state directory: %s", miniooniDir) consentFile := path.Join(miniooniDir, "informed") runtimex.PanicOnError(maybeWriteConsentFile(currentOptions.Yes, consentFile), "cannot write informed consent file") runtimex.PanicIfFalse(canOpen(consentFile), riskOfRunningOONI) log.Info("miniooni home directory: $HOME/.miniooni") var proxyURL *url.URL if currentOptions.Proxy != "" { proxyURL = mustParseURL(currentOptions.Proxy) } kvstore2dir := filepath.Join(miniooniDir, "kvstore2") kvstore, err := kvstore.NewFS(kvstore2dir) runtimex.PanicOnError(err, "cannot create kvstore2 directory") tunnelDir := filepath.Join(miniooniDir, "tunnel") err = os.MkdirAll(tunnelDir, 0700) runtimex.PanicOnError(err, "cannot create tunnelDir") config := engine.SessionConfig{ KVStore: kvstore, Logger: logger, ProxyURL: proxyURL, SoftwareName: softwareName, SoftwareVersion: softwareVersion, TorArgs: currentOptions.TorArgs, TorBinary: currentOptions.TorBinary, TunnelDir: tunnelDir, } if currentOptions.ProbeServicesURL != "" { config.AvailableProbeServices = []model.OOAPIService{{ Address: currentOptions.ProbeServicesURL, Type: "https", }} } sess, err := engine.NewSession(ctx, config) runtimex.PanicOnError(err, "cannot create measurement session") defer func() { sess.Close() log.Infof("whole session: recv %s, sent %s", humanize.SI(sess.KibiBytesReceived()*1024, "byte"), humanize.SI(sess.KibiBytesSent()*1024, "byte"), ) }() log.Debugf("miniooni temporary directory: %s", sess.TempDir()) log.Info("Looking up OONI backends; please be patient...") err = sess.MaybeLookupBackends() runtimex.PanicOnError(err, "cannot lookup OONI backends") log.Info("Looking up your location; please be patient...") err = sess.MaybeLookupLocation() runtimex.PanicOnError(err, "cannot lookup your location") log.Debugf("- IP: %s", sess.ProbeIP()) log.Infof("- country: %s", sess.ProbeCC()) log.Infof("- network: %s (%s)", sess.ProbeNetworkName(), sess.ProbeASNString()) log.Infof("- resolver's IP: %s", sess.ResolverIP()) log.Infof("- resolver's network: %s (%s)", sess.ResolverNetworkName(), sess.ResolverASNString()) // Run OONI experiments as we normally do. desc := &oonirun.Experiment{ Annotations: annotations, ExtraOptions: extraOptions, Inputs: currentOptions.Inputs, InputFilePaths: currentOptions.InputFilePaths, MaxRuntime: currentOptions.MaxRuntime, Name: experimentName, NoCollector: currentOptions.NoCollector, NoJSON: currentOptions.NoJSON, Random: currentOptions.Random, ReportFile: currentOptions.ReportFile, Session: sess, } err = desc.Run(ctx) runtimex.PanicOnError(err, "cannot run experiment") }