#!/bin/bash # # This script uses cURL to verify that Jafar is able to produce a # bunch of censorship conditions. It should be noted that this script # only works on Linux and will never work on other systems. # set -e function execute() { echo "+ $@" 1>&2 "$@" } function expectexitcode() { local expect local exitcode expect=$1 shift set +e "$@" exitcode=$? set -e echo "expected exitcode $expect, found $exitcode" 1>&2 if [ $exitcode != $expect ]; then exit 1 fi } function runtest() { echo "=== BEGIN $1 ===" "$1" echo "=== END $1 ===" } function http_got_nothing() { expectexitcode 52 execute ./jafar -iptables-hijack-http-to \ -main-command 'curl -sm5 --connect-to ::example.com: http://ooni.io' } function http_recv_error() { expectexitcode 56 execute ./jafar -iptables-reset-keyword ooni \ -main-command 'curl -sm5 --connect-to ::example.com: http://ooni.io' } function http_operation_timedout() { expectexitcode 28 execute ./jafar -iptables-drop-keyword ooni \ -main-command 'curl -sm5 --connect-to ::example.com: http://ooni.io' } function http_couldnt_connect() { local ip ip=$(host -tA example.com|cut -f4 -d' ') expectexitcode 7 execute ./jafar -iptables-reset-ip $ip \ -main-command 'curl -sm5 --connect-to ::example.com: http://ooni.io' } function http_blockpage() { outfile=$(mktemp) chown nobody $outfile # curl runs as user nobody expectexitcode 0 execute ./jafar -http-proxy-block ooni \ -iptables-hijack-http-to \ -main-command "curl -so $outfile --connect-to ::example.com: http://ooni.io" if ! grep -q '451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons' $outfile; then echo "fatal: the blockpage does not contain the expected pattern" 1>&2 exit 1 fi } function dns_injection() { output=$(expectexitcode 0 execute ./jafar \ -iptables-hijack-dns-to \ -dns-proxy-hijack ooni \ -main-command 'dig +time=2 +short @example.com ooni.io') if [ "$output" != "" ]; then echo "fatal: the resulting IP is not the expected one" 1>&2 exit 1 fi } function dns_timeout() { expectexitcode 9 execute ./jafar \ -iptables-hijack-dns-to \ -dns-proxy-ignore ooni \ -main-command 'dig +time=2 +short @example.com ooni.io' } function dns_nxdomain() { output=$(expectexitcode 0 execute ./jafar \ -iptables-hijack-dns-to \ -dns-proxy-block ooni \ -main-command 'dig +time=2 +short @example.com ooni.io') if [ "$output" != "" ]; then echo "fatal: expected no output here" 1>&2 exit 1 fi } function sni_man_in_the_middle() { expectexitcode 60 execute ./jafar -iptables-hijack-https-to \ -main-command 'curl -sm5 --connect-to ::example.com: https://ooni.io' } function sni_got_nothing() { expectexitcode 52 execute ./jafar -iptables-hijack-https-to \ -main-command 'curl -sm5 --cacert badproxy.pem --connect-to ::example.com: https://ooni.io' } function sni_connect_error() { expectexitcode 35 execute ./jafar -iptables-reset-keyword ooni \ -main-command 'curl -sm5 --connect-to ::example.com: https://ooni.io' } function main() { runtest http_got_nothing runtest http_recv_error runtest http_operation_timedout runtest http_couldnt_connect runtest http_blockpage runtest dns_injection runtest dns_timeout runtest dns_nxdomain runtest sni_man_in_the_middle runtest sni_got_nothing runtest sni_connect_error } main "$@"