refactor(errorsx): start hiding private details and moving around stuff (#424)
* refactor(errorsx): start hiding private details and moving around stuff Part of * fix: remove now-addressed todo comments
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ type Dialer interface {
DialContext(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (net.Conn, error)
// ErrorWrapperDialer is a dialer that performs err wrapping.
// ErrorWrapperDialer is a dialer that performs error wrapping.
type ErrorWrapperDialer struct {
// DialContext implements Dialer.DialContext
// DialContext implements Dialer.DialContext.
func (d *ErrorWrapperDialer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (net.Conn, error) {
conn, err := d.Dialer.DialContext(ctx, network, address)
err = SafeErrWrapperBuilder{
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ type errorWrapperConn struct {
// Read implements net.Conn.Read
// Read implements net.Conn.Read.
func (c *errorWrapperConn) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = c.Conn.Read(b)
err = SafeErrWrapperBuilder{
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func (c *errorWrapperConn) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
// Write implements net.Conn.Write
// Write implements net.Conn.Write.
func (c *errorWrapperConn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = c.Conn.Write(b)
err = SafeErrWrapperBuilder{
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ func (c *errorWrapperConn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
// Close implements net.Conn.Close
// Close implements net.Conn.Close.
func (c *errorWrapperConn) Close() (err error) {
err = c.Conn.Close()
err = SafeErrWrapperBuilder{
@ -1,142 +1,16 @@
// Package errorsx contains error extensions.
package errorsx
// TODO: eventually we want to re-structure the error classification code by clearly separating the layers where the error occur:
// - errno.go and errno_test.go: contain only the errno classifier (for system errors)
// - qtls.go and qtls_test.go: contain qtls dialers, handshaker, classifier
// - tls.go and tls_test.go: contain tls dialers, handshaker, classifier
// - resolver.go and resolver_test.go: contain dialers and classifier for resolving
import (
const (
// FailureConnectionRefused means ECONNREFUSED.
FailureConnectionRefused = "connection_refused"
// FailureConnectionReset means ECONNRESET.
FailureConnectionReset = "connection_reset"
// FailureDNSBogonError means we detected bogon in DNS reply.
FailureDNSBogonError = "dns_bogon_error"
// FailureDNSNXDOMAINError means we got NXDOMAIN in DNS reply.
FailureDNSNXDOMAINError = "dns_nxdomain_error"
// FailureEOFError means we got unexpected EOF on connection.
FailureEOFError = "eof_error"
// FailureGenericTimeoutError means we got some timer has expired.
FailureGenericTimeoutError = "generic_timeout_error"
// FailureHostUnreachable means that there is "no route to host".
FailureHostUnreachable = "host_unreachable"
// FailureInterrupted means that the user interrupted us.
FailureInterrupted = "interrupted"
// FailureNoCompatibleQUICVersion means that the server does not support the proposed QUIC version
FailureNoCompatibleQUICVersion = "quic_incompatible_version"
// FailureSSLHandshake means that the negotiation of cryptographic parameters failed
FailureSSLHandshake = "ssl_failed_handshake"
// FailureSSLInvalidHostname means we got certificate is not valid for SNI.
FailureSSLInvalidHostname = "ssl_invalid_hostname"
// FailureSSLUnknownAuthority means we cannot find CA validating certificate.
FailureSSLUnknownAuthority = "ssl_unknown_authority"
// FailureSSLInvalidCertificate means certificate experired or other
// sort of errors causing it to be invalid.
FailureSSLInvalidCertificate = "ssl_invalid_certificate"
// FailureJSONParseError indicates that we couldn't parse a JSON
FailureJSONParseError = "json_parse_error"
// TLS alert protocol as defined in RFC8446
const (
// Sender was unable to negotiate an acceptable set of security parameters given the options available.
TLSAlertHandshakeFailure = 40
// Certificate was corrupt, contained signatures that did not verify correctly, etc.
TLSAlertBadCertificate = 42
// Certificate was of an unsupported type.
TLSAlertUnsupportedCertificate = 43
// Certificate was revoked by its signer.
TLSAlertCertificateRevoked = 44
// Certificate has expired or is not currently valid.
TLSAlertCertificateExpired = 45
// Some unspecified issue arose in processing the certificate, rendering it unacceptable.
TLSAlertCertificateUnknown = 46
// Certificate was not accepted because the CA certificate could not be located or could not be matched with a known trust anchor.
TLSAlertUnknownCA = 48
// Handshake (not record layer) cryptographic operation failed.
TLSAlertDecryptError = 51
// Sent by servers when no server exists identified by the name provided by the client via the "server_name" extension.
TLSUnrecognizedName = 112
const (
// ResolveOperation is the operation where we resolve a domain name
ResolveOperation = "resolve"
// ConnectOperation is the operation where we do a TCP connect
ConnectOperation = "connect"
// TLSHandshakeOperation is the TLS handshake
TLSHandshakeOperation = "tls_handshake"
// QUICHandshakeOperation is the handshake to setup a QUIC connection
QUICHandshakeOperation = "quic_handshake"
// QUICListenOperation is when we open a listening UDP conn for QUIC
QUICListenOperation = "quic_listen"
// HTTPRoundTripOperation is the HTTP round trip
HTTPRoundTripOperation = "http_round_trip"
// CloseOperation is when we close a socket
CloseOperation = "close"
// ReadOperation is when we read from a socket
ReadOperation = "read"
// WriteOperation is when we write to a socket
WriteOperation = "write"
// ReadFromOperation is when we read from an UDP socket
ReadFromOperation = "read_from"
// WriteToOperation is when we write to an UDP socket
WriteToOperation = "write_to"
// UnknownOperation is when we cannot determine the operation
UnknownOperation = "unknown"
// TopLevelOperation is used when the failure happens at top level. This
// happens for example with urlgetter with a cancelled context.
TopLevelOperation = "top_level"
// ErrDNSBogon indicates that we found a bogon address. This is the
// correct value with which to initialize MeasurementRoot.ErrDNSBogon
// to tell this library to return an error when a bogon is found.
@ -287,82 +161,6 @@ func toFailureString(err error) string {
return scrubber.Scrub(formatted) // scrub IP addresses in the error
// ClassifyQUICFailure is a classifier to translate QUIC errors to OONI error strings.
// TODO(kelmenhorst,bassosimone): Consider moving this into quicdialer.
func ClassifyQUICFailure(err error) string {
var versionNegotiation *quic.VersionNegotiationError
var statelessReset *quic.StatelessResetError
var handshakeTimeout *quic.HandshakeTimeoutError
var idleTimeout *quic.IdleTimeoutError
var transportError *quic.TransportError
if errors.As(err, &versionNegotiation) {
return FailureNoCompatibleQUICVersion
if errors.As(err, &statelessReset) {
return FailureConnectionReset
if errors.As(err, &handshakeTimeout) {
return FailureGenericTimeoutError
if errors.As(err, &idleTimeout) {
return FailureGenericTimeoutError
if errors.As(err, &transportError) {
if transportError.ErrorCode == quic.ConnectionRefused {
return FailureConnectionRefused
// the TLS Alert constants are taken from RFC8446
errCode := uint8(transportError.ErrorCode)
if isCertificateError(errCode) {
return FailureSSLInvalidCertificate
// TLSAlertDecryptError and TLSAlertHandshakeFailure are summarized to a FailureSSLHandshake error because both
// alerts are caused by a failed or corrupted parameter negotiation during the TLS handshake.
if errCode == TLSAlertDecryptError || errCode == TLSAlertHandshakeFailure {
return FailureSSLHandshake
if errCode == TLSAlertUnknownCA {
return FailureSSLUnknownAuthority
if errCode == TLSUnrecognizedName {
return FailureSSLInvalidHostname
return toFailureString(err)
// ClassifyResolveFailure is a classifier to translate DNS resolving errors to OONI error strings.
// TODO(kelmenhorst,bassosimone): Consider moving this into resolve.
func ClassifyResolveFailure(err error) string {
if errors.Is(err, ErrDNSBogon) {
return FailureDNSBogonError // not in MK
return toFailureString(err)
// ClassifyTLSFailure is a classifier to translate TLS errors to OONI error strings.
// TODO(kelmenhorst,bassosimone): Consider moving this into tlsdialer.
func ClassifyTLSFailure(err error) string {
var x509HostnameError x509.HostnameError
if errors.As(err, &x509HostnameError) {
// Test case:
return FailureSSLInvalidHostname
var x509UnknownAuthorityError x509.UnknownAuthorityError
if errors.As(err, &x509UnknownAuthorityError) {
// Test case: This error has
// never been among the ones returned by MK.
return FailureSSLUnknownAuthority
var x509CertificateInvalidError x509.CertificateInvalidError
if errors.As(err, &x509CertificateInvalidError) {
// Test case:
return FailureSSLInvalidCertificate
return toFailureString(err)
func toOperationString(err error, operation string) string {
var errwrapper *ErrWrapper
if errors.As(err, &errwrapper) {
@ -393,11 +191,3 @@ func toOperationString(err error, operation string) string {
return operation
func isCertificateError(alert uint8) bool {
return (alert == TLSAlertBadCertificate ||
alert == TLSAlertUnsupportedCertificate ||
alert == TLSAlertCertificateExpired ||
alert == TLSAlertCertificateRevoked ||
alert == TLSAlertCertificateUnknown)
@ -157,51 +157,51 @@ func TestToFailureString(t *testing.T) {
func TestClassifyQUICFailure(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("for connection_reset", func(t *testing.T) {
if ClassifyQUICFailure(&quic.StatelessResetError{}) != FailureConnectionReset {
if classifyQUICFailure(&quic.StatelessResetError{}) != FailureConnectionReset {
t.Fatal("unexpected results")
t.Run("for incompatible quic version", func(t *testing.T) {
if ClassifyQUICFailure(&quic.VersionNegotiationError{}) != FailureNoCompatibleQUICVersion {
if classifyQUICFailure(&quic.VersionNegotiationError{}) != FailureNoCompatibleQUICVersion {
t.Fatal("unexpected results")
t.Run("for quic connection refused", func(t *testing.T) {
if ClassifyQUICFailure(&quic.TransportError{ErrorCode: quic.ConnectionRefused}) != FailureConnectionRefused {
if classifyQUICFailure(&quic.TransportError{ErrorCode: quic.ConnectionRefused}) != FailureConnectionRefused {
t.Fatal("unexpected results")
t.Run("for quic handshake timeout", func(t *testing.T) {
if ClassifyQUICFailure(&quic.HandshakeTimeoutError{}) != FailureGenericTimeoutError {
if classifyQUICFailure(&quic.HandshakeTimeoutError{}) != FailureGenericTimeoutError {
t.Fatal("unexpected results")
t.Run("for QUIC idle connection timeout", func(t *testing.T) {
if ClassifyQUICFailure(&quic.IdleTimeoutError{}) != FailureGenericTimeoutError {
if classifyQUICFailure(&quic.IdleTimeoutError{}) != FailureGenericTimeoutError {
t.Fatal("unexpected results")
t.Run("for QUIC CRYPTO Handshake", func(t *testing.T) {
var err quic.TransportErrorCode = TLSAlertHandshakeFailure
if ClassifyQUICFailure(&quic.TransportError{ErrorCode: err}) != FailureSSLHandshake {
var err quic.TransportErrorCode = quicTLSAlertHandshakeFailure
if classifyQUICFailure(&quic.TransportError{ErrorCode: err}) != FailureSSLHandshake {
t.Fatal("unexpected results")
t.Run("for QUIC CRYPTO Invalid Certificate", func(t *testing.T) {
var err quic.TransportErrorCode = TLSAlertBadCertificate
if ClassifyQUICFailure(&quic.TransportError{ErrorCode: err}) != FailureSSLInvalidCertificate {
var err quic.TransportErrorCode = quicTLSAlertBadCertificate
if classifyQUICFailure(&quic.TransportError{ErrorCode: err}) != FailureSSLInvalidCertificate {
t.Fatal("unexpected results")
t.Run("for QUIC CRYPTO Unknown CA", func(t *testing.T) {
var err quic.TransportErrorCode = TLSAlertUnknownCA
if ClassifyQUICFailure(&quic.TransportError{ErrorCode: err}) != FailureSSLUnknownAuthority {
var err quic.TransportErrorCode = quicTLSAlertUnknownCA
if classifyQUICFailure(&quic.TransportError{ErrorCode: err}) != FailureSSLUnknownAuthority {
t.Fatal("unexpected results")
t.Run("for QUIC CRYPTO Bad Hostname", func(t *testing.T) {
var err quic.TransportErrorCode = TLSUnrecognizedName
if ClassifyQUICFailure(&quic.TransportError{ErrorCode: err}) != FailureSSLInvalidHostname {
var err quic.TransportErrorCode = quicTLSUnrecognizedName
if classifyQUICFailure(&quic.TransportError{ErrorCode: err}) != FailureSSLInvalidHostname {
t.Fatal("unexpected results")
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ func TestClassifyQUICFailure(t *testing.T) {
func TestClassifyResolveFailure(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("for ErrDNSBogon", func(t *testing.T) {
if ClassifyResolveFailure(ErrDNSBogon) != FailureDNSBogonError {
if classifyResolveFailure(ErrDNSBogon) != FailureDNSBogonError {
t.Fatal("unexpected result")
@ -219,19 +219,19 @@ func TestClassifyResolveFailure(t *testing.T) {
func TestClassifyTLSFailure(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("for x509.HostnameError", func(t *testing.T) {
var err x509.HostnameError
if ClassifyTLSFailure(err) != FailureSSLInvalidHostname {
if classifyTLSFailure(err) != FailureSSLInvalidHostname {
t.Fatal("unexpected result")
t.Run("for x509.UnknownAuthorityError", func(t *testing.T) {
var err x509.UnknownAuthorityError
if ClassifyTLSFailure(err) != FailureSSLUnknownAuthority {
if classifyTLSFailure(err) != FailureSSLUnknownAuthority {
t.Fatal("unexpected result")
t.Run("for x509.CertificateInvalidError", func(t *testing.T) {
var err x509.CertificateInvalidError
if ClassifyTLSFailure(err) != FailureSSLInvalidCertificate {
if classifyTLSFailure(err) != FailureSSLInvalidCertificate {
t.Fatal("unexpected result")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
package errorsx
// This enumeration lists all the failures defined at
const (
// FailureConnectionRefused means ECONNREFUSED.
FailureConnectionRefused = "connection_refused"
// FailureConnectionReset means ECONNRESET.
FailureConnectionReset = "connection_reset"
// FailureDNSBogonError means we detected bogon in DNS reply.
FailureDNSBogonError = "dns_bogon_error"
// FailureDNSNXDOMAINError means we got NXDOMAIN in DNS reply.
FailureDNSNXDOMAINError = "dns_nxdomain_error"
// FailureEOFError means we got unexpected EOF on connection.
FailureEOFError = "eof_error"
// FailureGenericTimeoutError means we got some timer has expired.
FailureGenericTimeoutError = "generic_timeout_error"
// FailureHostUnreachable means that there is "no route to host".
FailureHostUnreachable = "host_unreachable"
// FailureInterrupted means that the user interrupted us.
FailureInterrupted = "interrupted"
// FailureNoCompatibleQUICVersion means that the server does not support the proposed QUIC version
FailureNoCompatibleQUICVersion = "quic_incompatible_version"
// FailureSSLHandshake means that the negotiation of cryptographic parameters failed
FailureSSLHandshake = "ssl_failed_handshake"
// FailureSSLInvalidHostname means we got certificate is not valid for SNI.
FailureSSLInvalidHostname = "ssl_invalid_hostname"
// FailureSSLUnknownAuthority means we cannot find CA validating certificate.
FailureSSLUnknownAuthority = "ssl_unknown_authority"
// FailureSSLInvalidCertificate means certificate experired or other
// sort of errors causing it to be invalid.
FailureSSLInvalidCertificate = "ssl_invalid_certificate"
// FailureJSONParseError indicates that we couldn't parse a JSON
FailureJSONParseError = "json_parse_error"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package errorsx
// Operations that we measure.
const (
// ResolveOperation is the operation where we resolve a domain name.
ResolveOperation = "resolve"
// ConnectOperation is the operation where we do a TCP connect.
ConnectOperation = "connect"
// TLSHandshakeOperation is the TLS handshake.
TLSHandshakeOperation = "tls_handshake"
// QUICHandshakeOperation is the handshake to setup a QUIC connection.
QUICHandshakeOperation = "quic_handshake"
// QUICListenOperation is when we open a listening UDP conn for QUIC.
QUICListenOperation = "quic_listen"
// HTTPRoundTripOperation is the HTTP round trip.
HTTPRoundTripOperation = "http_round_trip"
// CloseOperation is when we close a socket.
CloseOperation = "close"
// ReadOperation is when we read from a socket.
ReadOperation = "read"
// WriteOperation is when we write to a socket.
WriteOperation = "write"
// ReadFromOperation is when we read from an UDP socket.
ReadFromOperation = "read_from"
// WriteToOperation is when we write to an UDP socket.
WriteToOperation = "write_to"
// UnknownOperation is when we cannot determine the operation.
UnknownOperation = "unknown"
// TopLevelOperation is used when the failure happens at top level. This
// happens for example with urlgetter with a cancelled context.
TopLevelOperation = "top_level"
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package errorsx
import (
@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ func (d *ErrorWrapperQUICDialer) DialContext(
tlsCfg *tls.Config, cfg *quic.Config) (quic.EarlySession, error) {
sess, err := d.Dialer.DialContext(ctx, network, host, tlsCfg, cfg)
err = SafeErrWrapperBuilder{
Classifier: ClassifyQUICFailure,
Classifier: classifyQUICFailure,
Error: err,
Operation: QUICHandshakeOperation,
@ -95,3 +96,85 @@ func (d *ErrorWrapperQUICDialer) DialContext(
return sess, nil
// classifyQUICFailure is a classifier to translate QUIC errors to OONI error strings.
func classifyQUICFailure(err error) string {
var versionNegotiation *quic.VersionNegotiationError
var statelessReset *quic.StatelessResetError
var handshakeTimeout *quic.HandshakeTimeoutError
var idleTimeout *quic.IdleTimeoutError
var transportError *quic.TransportError
if errors.As(err, &versionNegotiation) {
return FailureNoCompatibleQUICVersion
if errors.As(err, &statelessReset) {
return FailureConnectionReset
if errors.As(err, &handshakeTimeout) {
return FailureGenericTimeoutError
if errors.As(err, &idleTimeout) {
return FailureGenericTimeoutError
if errors.As(err, &transportError) {
if transportError.ErrorCode == quic.ConnectionRefused {
return FailureConnectionRefused
// the TLS Alert constants are taken from RFC8446
errCode := uint8(transportError.ErrorCode)
if quicIsCertificateError(errCode) {
return FailureSSLInvalidCertificate
// TLSAlertDecryptError and TLSAlertHandshakeFailure are summarized to a FailureSSLHandshake error because both
// alerts are caused by a failed or corrupted parameter negotiation during the TLS handshake.
if errCode == quicTLSAlertDecryptError || errCode == quicTLSAlertHandshakeFailure {
return FailureSSLHandshake
if errCode == quicTLSAlertUnknownCA {
return FailureSSLUnknownAuthority
if errCode == quicTLSUnrecognizedName {
return FailureSSLInvalidHostname
return toFailureString(err)
// TLS alert protocol as defined in RFC8446
const (
// Sender was unable to negotiate an acceptable set of security parameters given the options available.
quicTLSAlertHandshakeFailure = 40
// Certificate was corrupt, contained signatures that did not verify correctly, etc.
quicTLSAlertBadCertificate = 42
// Certificate was of an unsupported type.
quicTLSAlertUnsupportedCertificate = 43
// Certificate was revoked by its signer.
quicTLSAlertCertificateRevoked = 44
// Certificate has expired or is not currently valid.
quicTLSAlertCertificateExpired = 45
// Some unspecified issue arose in processing the certificate, rendering it unacceptable.
quicTLSAlertCertificateUnknown = 46
// Certificate was not accepted because the CA certificate could not be located or could not be matched with a known trust anchor.
quicTLSAlertUnknownCA = 48
// Handshake (not record layer) cryptographic operation failed.
quicTLSAlertDecryptError = 51
// Sent by servers when no server exists identified by the name provided by the client via the "server_name" extension.
quicTLSUnrecognizedName = 112
func quicIsCertificateError(alert uint8) bool {
return (alert == quicTLSAlertBadCertificate ||
alert == quicTLSAlertUnsupportedCertificate ||
alert == quicTLSAlertCertificateExpired ||
alert == quicTLSAlertCertificateRevoked ||
alert == quicTLSAlertCertificateUnknown)
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package errorsx
import "context"
import (
// Resolver is a DNS resolver. The *net.Resolver used by Go implements
// this interface, but other implementations are possible.
@ -20,13 +23,21 @@ var _ Resolver = &ErrorWrapperResolver{}
func (r *ErrorWrapperResolver) LookupHost(ctx context.Context, hostname string) ([]string, error) {
addrs, err := r.Resolver.LookupHost(ctx, hostname)
err = SafeErrWrapperBuilder{
Classifier: ClassifyResolveFailure,
Classifier: classifyResolveFailure,
Error: err,
Operation: ResolveOperation,
return addrs, err
// classifyResolveFailure is a classifier to translate DNS resolving errors to OONI error strings.
func classifyResolveFailure(err error) string {
if errors.Is(err, ErrDNSBogon) {
return FailureDNSBogonError // not in MK
return toFailureString(err)
type resolverNetworker interface {
Network() string
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ package errorsx
import (
@ -23,9 +25,30 @@ func (h *ErrorWrapperTLSHandshaker) Handshake(
) (net.Conn, tls.ConnectionState, error) {
tlsconn, state, err := h.TLSHandshaker.Handshake(ctx, conn, config)
err = SafeErrWrapperBuilder{
Classifier: ClassifyTLSFailure,
Classifier: classifyTLSFailure,
Error: err,
Operation: TLSHandshakeOperation,
return tlsconn, state, err
// classifyTLSFailure is a classifier to translate TLS errors to OONI error strings.
func classifyTLSFailure(err error) string {
var x509HostnameError x509.HostnameError
if errors.As(err, &x509HostnameError) {
// Test case:
return FailureSSLInvalidHostname
var x509UnknownAuthorityError x509.UnknownAuthorityError
if errors.As(err, &x509UnknownAuthorityError) {
// Test case: This error has
// never been among the ones returned by MK.
return FailureSSLUnknownAuthority
var x509CertificateInvalidError x509.CertificateInvalidError
if errors.As(err, &x509CertificateInvalidError) {
// Test case:
return FailureSSLInvalidCertificate
return toFailureString(err)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user