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package sniblocking
import (
const (
softwareName = "ooniprobe-example"
softwareVersion = "0.0.1"
func TestTestKeysClassify(t *testing.T) {
asStringPtr := func(s string) *string {
return &s
t.Run("with tk.Target.Failure == nil", func(t *testing.T) {
tk := new(TestKeys)
if tk.classify() != classSuccessGotServerHello {
t.Fatal("unexpected result")
t.Run("with tk.Target.Failure == connection_refused", func(t *testing.T) {
tk := new(TestKeys)
tk.Target.Failure = asStringPtr(errorsx.FailureConnectionRefused)
if tk.classify() != classAnomalyTestHelperUnreachable {
t.Fatal("unexpected result")
t.Run("with tk.Target.Failure == dns_nxdomain_error", func(t *testing.T) {
tk := new(TestKeys)
tk.Target.Failure = asStringPtr(errorsx.FailureDNSNXDOMAINError)
if tk.classify() != classAnomalyTestHelperUnreachable {
t.Fatal("unexpected result")
t.Run("with tk.Target.Failure == connection_reset", func(t *testing.T) {
tk := new(TestKeys)
tk.Target.Failure = asStringPtr(errorsx.FailureConnectionReset)
if tk.classify() != classInterferenceReset {
t.Fatal("unexpected result")
t.Run("with tk.Target.Failure == eof_error", func(t *testing.T) {
tk := new(TestKeys)
tk.Target.Failure = asStringPtr(errorsx.FailureEOFError)
if tk.classify() != classInterferenceClosed {
t.Fatal("unexpected result")
t.Run("with tk.Target.Failure == ssl_invalid_hostname", func(t *testing.T) {
tk := new(TestKeys)
tk.Target.Failure = asStringPtr(errorsx.FailureSSLInvalidHostname)
if tk.classify() != classSuccessGotServerHello {
t.Fatal("unexpected result")
t.Run("with tk.Target.Failure == ssl_unknown_authority", func(t *testing.T) {
tk := new(TestKeys)
tk.Target.Failure = asStringPtr(errorsx.FailureSSLUnknownAuthority)
if tk.classify() != classInterferenceUnknownAuthority {
t.Fatal("unexpected result")
t.Run("with tk.Target.Failure == ssl_invalid_certificate", func(t *testing.T) {
tk := new(TestKeys)
tk.Target.Failure = asStringPtr(errorsx.FailureSSLInvalidCertificate)
if tk.classify() != classInterferenceInvalidCertificate {
t.Fatal("unexpected result")
t.Run("with tk.Target.Failure == generic_timeout_error #1", func(t *testing.T) {
tk := new(TestKeys)
tk.Target.Failure = asStringPtr(errorsx.FailureGenericTimeoutError)
if tk.classify() != classAnomalyTimeout {
t.Fatal("unexpected result")
t.Run("with tk.Target.Failure == generic_timeout_error #2", func(t *testing.T) {
tk := new(TestKeys)
tk.Target.Failure = asStringPtr(errorsx.FailureGenericTimeoutError)
tk.Control.Failure = asStringPtr(errorsx.FailureGenericTimeoutError)
if tk.classify() != classAnomalyTestHelperUnreachable {
t.Fatal("unexpected result")
t.Run("with tk.Target.Failure == unknown_failure", func(t *testing.T) {
tk := new(TestKeys)
tk.Target.Failure = asStringPtr("unknown_failure")
if tk.classify() != classAnomalyUnexpectedFailure {
t.Fatal("unexpected result")
func TestNewExperimentMeasurer(t *testing.T) {
measurer := NewExperimentMeasurer(Config{})
if measurer.ExperimentName() != "sni_blocking" {
t.Fatal("unexpected name")
if measurer.ExperimentVersion() != "0.3.0" {
t.Fatal("unexpected version")
func TestMeasurerMeasureNoMeasurementInput(t *testing.T) {
measurer := NewExperimentMeasurer(Config{
ControlSNI: "example.com",
err := measurer.Run(
if err.Error() != "Experiment requires measurement.Input" {
t.Fatal("not the error we expected")
func TestMeasurerMeasureWithInvalidInput(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
cancel() // immediately cancel the context
measurer := NewExperimentMeasurer(Config{
ControlSNI: "example.com",
measurement := &model.Measurement{
Input: "\t",
err := measurer.Run(
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("expected an error here")
func TestMeasurerMeasureWithCancelledContext(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
cancel() // immediately cancel the context
measurer := NewExperimentMeasurer(Config{
ControlSNI: "example.com",
measurement := &model.Measurement{
Input: "kernel.org",
err := measurer.Run(
if err != nil {
sk, err := measurer.GetSummaryKeys(measurement)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := sk.(SummaryKeys); !ok {
t.Fatal("invalid type for summary keys")
func TestMeasureoneCancelledContext(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
cancel() // immediately cancel the context
result := new(Measurer).measureone(
&mockable.Session{MockableLogger: log.Log},
if result.Agent != "" {
t.Fatal("not the expected Agent")
if result.BootstrapTime != 0.0 {
t.Fatal("not the expected BootstrapTime")
if result.DNSCache != nil {
t.Fatal("not the expected DNSCache")
if result.FailedOperation == nil || *result.FailedOperation != errorsx.TopLevelOperation {
t.Fatal("not the expected FailedOperation")
if result.Failure == nil || *result.Failure != errorsx.FailureInterrupted {
t.Fatal("not the expected failure")
if result.NetworkEvents != nil {
t.Fatal("not the expected NetworkEvents")
if result.Queries != nil {
t.Fatal("not the expected Queries")
if result.Requests != nil {
t.Fatal("not the expected Requests")
if result.SOCKSProxy != "" {
t.Fatal("not the expected SOCKSProxy")
if result.TCPConnect != nil {
t.Fatal("not the expected TCPConnect")
if result.TLSHandshakes != nil {
t.Fatal("not the expected TLSHandshakes")
if result.Tunnel != "" {
t.Fatal("not the expected Tunnel")
if result.SNI != "kernel.org" {
t.Fatal("unexpected SNI")
if result.THAddress != "example.com:443" {
t.Fatal("unexpected THAddress")
func TestMeasureoneWithPreMeasurementFailure(t *testing.T) {
result := new(Measurer).measureone(
&mockable.Session{MockableLogger: log.Log},
"example.com:443\t\t\t", // cause URL parse error
if result.Agent != "redirect" {
t.Fatal("not the expected Agent")
if result.BootstrapTime != 0.0 {
t.Fatal("not the expected BootstrapTime")
if result.DNSCache != nil {
t.Fatal("not the expected DNSCache")
if result.FailedOperation == nil || *result.FailedOperation != "top_level" {
t.Fatal("not the expected FailedOperation")
if result.Failure == nil || !strings.Contains(*result.Failure, "invalid target URL") {
t.Fatal("not the expected failure")
if result.NetworkEvents != nil {
t.Fatal("not the expected NetworkEvents")
if result.Queries != nil {
t.Fatal("not the expected Queries")
if result.Requests != nil {
t.Fatal("not the expected Requests")
if result.SOCKSProxy != "" {
t.Fatal("not the expected SOCKSProxy")
if result.TCPConnect != nil {
t.Fatal("not the expected TCPConnect")
if result.TLSHandshakes != nil {
t.Fatal("not the expected TLSHandshakes")
if result.Tunnel != "" {
t.Fatal("not the expected Tunnel")
if result.SNI != "kernel.org" {
t.Fatal("unexpected SNI")
if result.THAddress != "example.com:443\t\t\t" {
t.Fatal("unexpected THAddress")
func TestMeasureoneSuccess(t *testing.T) {
result := new(Measurer).measureone(
&mockable.Session{MockableLogger: log.Log},
if result.Agent != "redirect" {
t.Fatal("not the expected Agent")
if result.BootstrapTime != 0.0 {
t.Fatal("not the expected BootstrapTime")
if result.DNSCache != nil {
t.Fatal("not the expected DNSCache")
if result.FailedOperation == nil || *result.FailedOperation != errorsx.TLSHandshakeOperation {
t.Fatal("not the expected FailedOperation")
if result.Failure == nil || *result.Failure != errorsx.FailureSSLInvalidHostname {
t.Fatal("unexpected failure")
if len(result.NetworkEvents) < 1 {
t.Fatal("not the expected NetworkEvents")
if len(result.Queries) < 1 {
t.Fatal("not the expected Queries")
if result.Requests != nil {
t.Fatal("not the expected Requests")
if result.SOCKSProxy != "" {
t.Fatal("not the expected SOCKSProxy")
if len(result.TCPConnect) < 1 {
t.Fatal("not the expected TCPConnect")
if len(result.TLSHandshakes) < 1 {
t.Fatal("not the expected TLSHandshakes")
if result.Tunnel != "" {
t.Fatal("not the expected Tunnel")
if result.SNI != "kernel.org" {
t.Fatal("unexpected SNI")
if result.THAddress != "example.com:443" {
t.Fatal("unexpected THAddress")
func TestMeasureonewithcacheWorks(t *testing.T) {
measurer := &Measurer{cache: make(map[string]Subresult)}
output := make(chan Subresult, 2)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
&mockable.Session{MockableLogger: log.Log},
for _, expected := range []bool{false, true} {
result := <-output
if result.Cached != expected {
t.Fatal("unexpected cached")
if *result.Failure != errorsx.FailureSSLInvalidHostname {
t.Fatal("unexpected failure")
if result.SNI != "kernel.org" {
t.Fatal("unexpected SNI")
func TestProcessallPanicsIfInvalidSNI(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
panicdata := recover()
if panicdata == nil {
t.Fatal("expected to see panic here")
if panicdata.(string) != "unexpected smk.SNI" {
t.Fatal("not the panic we expected")
outputs := make(chan Subresult, 1)
measurement := &model.Measurement{
Input: "kernel.org",
go func() {
outputs <- Subresult{
SNI: "antani.io",
[]string{"kernel.org", "example.com"},
func TestMaybeURLToSNI(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("for invalid URL", func(t *testing.T) {
parsed, err := maybeURLToSNI("\t")
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("expected an error here")
if parsed != "" {
t.Fatal("expected empty parsed here")
t.Run("for domain name", func(t *testing.T) {
parsed, err := maybeURLToSNI("kernel.org")
if err != nil {
if parsed != "kernel.org" {
t.Fatal("expected different domain here")
t.Run("for valid URL", func(t *testing.T) {
parsed, err := maybeURLToSNI("https://kernel.org/robots.txt")
if err != nil {
if parsed != "kernel.org" {
t.Fatal("expected different domain here")
func newsession() model.ExperimentSession {
return &mockable.Session{MockableLogger: log.Log}
func TestSummaryKeysGeneric(t *testing.T) {
measurement := &model.Measurement{TestKeys: &TestKeys{}}
m := &Measurer{}
osk, err := m.GetSummaryKeys(measurement)
if err != nil {
sk := osk.(SummaryKeys)
if sk.IsAnomaly {
t.Fatal("invalid isAnomaly")