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package webconnectivity
// DNSResolvers
// Generated by `boilerplate' using the multi-resolver template.
import (
// Resolves the URL's domain using several resolvers.
// The zero value of this structure IS NOT valid and you MUST initialize
// all the fields marked as MANDATORY before using this structure.
type DNSResolvers struct {
// DNSCache is the MANDATORY DNS cache.
DNSCache *DNSCache
// Domain is the MANDATORY domain to resolve.
Domain string
// IDGenerator is the MANDATORY atomic int64 to generate task IDs.
IDGenerator *atomicx.Int64
// Logger is the MANDATORY logger to use.
Logger model.Logger
// NumRedirects it the MANDATORY counter of the number of redirects.
NumRedirects *NumRedirects
// TestKeys is MANDATORY and contains the TestKeys.
TestKeys *TestKeys
// URL is the MANDATORY URL we're measuring.
URL *url.URL
// ZeroTime is the MANDATORY zero time of the measurement.
ZeroTime time.Time
// WaitGroup is the MANDATORY wait group this task belongs to.
WaitGroup *sync.WaitGroup
// CookieJar contains the OPTIONAL cookie jar, used for redirects.
CookieJar http.CookieJar
// Referer contains the OPTIONAL referer, used for redirects.
Referer string
// Session is the OPTIONAL session. If the session is set, we will use
// it to start the task that issues the control request. This request must
// only be sent during the first iteration. It would be pointless to
// issue such a request for subsequent redirects, because the TH will
// always follow the redirect chain caused by the provided URL.
Session model.ExperimentSession
// THAddr is the OPTIONAL test helper address.
THAddr string
// UDPAddress is the OPTIONAL address of the UDP resolver to use. If this
// field is not set we use a default one (e.g., ``).
UDPAddress string
// Start starts this task in a background goroutine.
func (t *DNSResolvers) Start(ctx context.Context) {
go func() {
defer t.WaitGroup.Done() // synchronize with the parent
// run performs a DNS lookup and returns the looked up addrs
func (t *DNSResolvers) run(parentCtx context.Context) []DNSEntry {
// create output channels for the lookup
systemOut := make(chan []string)
udpOut := make(chan []string)
httpsOut := make(chan []string)
whoamiSystemV4Out := make(chan []DNSWhoamiInfoEntry)
whoamiUDPv4Out := make(chan []DNSWhoamiInfoEntry)
// TODO(bassosimone): add opportunistic support for detecting
// whether DNS queries are answered regardless of dest addr by
// sending a few queries to root DNS servers
udpAddress := t.udpAddress()
// start asynchronous lookups
go t.lookupHostSystem(parentCtx, systemOut)
go t.lookupHostUDP(parentCtx, udpAddress, udpOut)
go t.lookupHostDNSOverHTTPS(parentCtx, httpsOut)
go t.whoamiSystemV4(parentCtx, whoamiSystemV4Out)
go t.whoamiUDPv4(parentCtx, udpAddress, whoamiUDPv4Out)
// collect resulting IP addresses (which may be nil/empty lists)
systemAddrs := <-systemOut
udpAddrs := <-udpOut
httpsAddrs := <-httpsOut
// collect whoami results (which also may be nil/empty)
whoamiSystemV4 := <-whoamiSystemV4Out
whoamiUDPv4 := <-whoamiUDPv4Out
t.TestKeys.WithDNSWhoami(func(di *DNSWhoamiInfo) {
di.SystemV4 = whoamiSystemV4
di.UDPv4[udpAddress] = whoamiUDPv4
// merge the resolved IP addresses
merged := map[string]*DNSEntry{}
for _, addr := range systemAddrs {
if _, found := merged[addr]; !found {
merged[addr] = &DNSEntry{}
merged[addr].Addr = addr
merged[addr].Flags |= DNSAddrFlagSystemResolver
for _, addr := range udpAddrs {
if _, found := merged[addr]; !found {
merged[addr] = &DNSEntry{}
merged[addr].Addr = addr
merged[addr].Flags |= DNSAddrFlagUDP
for _, addr := range httpsAddrs {
if _, found := merged[addr]; !found {
merged[addr] = &DNSEntry{}
merged[addr].Addr = addr
merged[addr].Flags |= DNSAddrFlagHTTPS
// implementation note: we don't remove bogons because accessing
// them can lead us to discover block pages
var entries []DNSEntry
for _, entry := range merged {
entries = append(entries, *entry)
return entries
// Run runs this task in the current goroutine.
func (t *DNSResolvers) Run(parentCtx context.Context) {
var (
addresses []DNSEntry
found bool
// attempt to use the dns cache
addresses, found = t.DNSCache.Get(t.Domain)
if !found {
// fall back to performing a real dns lookup
addresses = t.run(parentCtx)
// insert the addresses we just looked us into the cache
t.DNSCache.Set(t.Domain, addresses)
log.Infof("using resolved addrs: %+v", addresses)
} else {
log.Infof("using previously-cached addrs: %+v", addresses)
// create priority selector
ps := newPrioritySelector(parentCtx, t.ZeroTime, t.TestKeys, t.Logger, addresses)
// fan out a number of child async tasks to use the IP addrs
t.startCleartextFlows(parentCtx, ps, addresses)
t.startSecureFlows(parentCtx, ps, addresses)
t.maybeStartControlFlow(parentCtx, ps, addresses)
// whoamiSystemV4 performs a DNS whoami lookup for the system resolver. This function must
// always emit an ouput on the [out] channel to synchronize with the caller func.
func (t *DNSResolvers) whoamiSystemV4(parentCtx context.Context, out chan<- []DNSWhoamiInfoEntry) {
value, _ := DNSWhoamiSingleton.SystemV4(parentCtx)
t.Logger.Infof("DNS whoami for system resolver: %+v", value)
out <- value
// whoamiUDPv4 performs a DNS whoami lookup for the given UDP resolver. This function must
// always emit an ouput on the [out] channel to synchronize with the caller func.
func (t *DNSResolvers) whoamiUDPv4(parentCtx context.Context, udpAddress string, out chan<- []DNSWhoamiInfoEntry) {
value, _ := DNSWhoamiSingleton.UDPv4(parentCtx, udpAddress)
t.Logger.Infof("DNS whoami for %s/udp resolver: %+v", udpAddress, value)
out <- value
// lookupHostSystem performs a DNS lookup using the system resolver. This function must
// always emit an ouput on the [out] channel to synchronize with the caller func.
func (t *DNSResolvers) lookupHostSystem(parentCtx context.Context, out chan<- []string) {
// create context with attached a timeout
const timeout = 4 * time.Second
lookupCtx, lookpCancel := context.WithTimeout(parentCtx, timeout)
defer lookpCancel()
// create trace's index
index := t.IDGenerator.Add(1)
// create trace
trace := measurexlite.NewTrace(index, t.ZeroTime)
// start the operation logger
ol := measurexlite.NewOperationLogger(
t.Logger, "[#%d] lookup %s using system", index, t.Domain,
// runs the lookup
reso := trace.NewStdlibResolver(t.Logger)
addrs, err := reso.LookupHost(lookupCtx, t.Domain)
out <- addrs
// lookupHostUDP performs a DNS lookup using an UDP resolver. This function must always
// emit an ouput on the [out] channel to synchronize with the caller func.
func (t *DNSResolvers) lookupHostUDP(parentCtx context.Context, udpAddress string, out chan<- []string) {
// create context with attached a timeout
const timeout = 4 * time.Second
lookupCtx, lookpCancel := context.WithTimeout(parentCtx, timeout)
defer lookpCancel()
// create trace's index
index := t.IDGenerator.Add(1)
// create trace
trace := measurexlite.NewTrace(index, t.ZeroTime)
// start the operation logger
ol := measurexlite.NewOperationLogger(
t.Logger, "[#%d] lookup %s using %s", index, t.Domain, udpAddress,
// runs the lookup
dialer := netxlite.NewDialerWithoutResolver(t.Logger)
reso := trace.NewParallelUDPResolver(t.Logger, dialer, udpAddress)
addrs, err := reso.LookupHost(lookupCtx, t.Domain)
// saves the results making sure we split Do53 queries from other queries
do53, other := t.do53SplitQueries(trace.DNSLookupsFromRoundTrip())
t.TestKeys.WithTestKeysDo53(func(tkd *TestKeysDo53) {
tkd.Queries = append(tkd.Queries, other...)
tkd.NetworkEvents = append(tkd.NetworkEvents, trace.NetworkEvents()...)
out <- addrs
// wait for late DNS replies
go t.waitForLateReplies(parentCtx, trace)
// Waits for late DNS replies.
func (t *DNSResolvers) waitForLateReplies(parentCtx context.Context, trace *measurexlite.Trace) {
defer t.WaitGroup.Done()
const lateTimeout = 500 * time.Millisecond
events := trace.DelayedDNSResponseWithTimeout(parentCtx, lateTimeout)
// Divides queries generated by Do53 in Do53-proper queries and other queries.
func (t *DNSResolvers) do53SplitQueries(
input []*model.ArchivalDNSLookupResult) (do53, other []*model.ArchivalDNSLookupResult) {
for _, query := range input {
switch query.Engine {
case "udp", "tcp":
do53 = append(do53, query)
other = append(other, query)
// TODO(bassosimone): maybe cycle through a bunch of well known addresses
// Returns the UDP resolver we should be using by default.
func (t *DNSResolvers) udpAddress() string {
if t.UDPAddress != "" {
return t.UDPAddress
return ""
// OpportunisticDNSOverHTTPS allows to perform opportunistic DNS-over-HTTPS
// measurements as part of Web Connectivity.
type OpportunisticDNSOverHTTPS struct {
// interval is the next interval after which to measure.
interval time.Duration
// mu provides mutual exclusion
mu *sync.Mutex
// rnd is the random number generator to use.
rnd *rand.Rand
// t is when we last run an opportunistic measurement.
t time.Time
// urls contains the urls of known DoH services.
urls []string
// MaybeNextURL returns the next URL to measure, if any. Our aim is to perform
// periodic, opportunistic DoH measurements as part of Web Connectivity.
func (o *OpportunisticDNSOverHTTPS) MaybeNextURL() (string, bool) {
now := time.Now()
defer o.mu.Unlock()
if o.t.IsZero() || now.Sub(o.t) > o.interval {
o.rnd.Shuffle(len(o.urls), func(i, j int) {
o.urls[i], o.urls[j] = o.urls[j], o.urls[i]
o.t = now
o.interval = time.Duration(20+o.rnd.Uint32()%20) * time.Second
return o.urls[0], true
return "", false
// TODO(bassosimone): consider whether factoring out this code
// and storing the state on disk instead of using memory
// TODO(bassosimone): consider unifying somehow this code and
// the systemresolver code (or maybe just the list of resolvers)
// OpportunisticDNSOverHTTPSSingleton is the singleton used to keep
// track of the opportunistic DNS-over-HTTPS measurements state.
var OpportunisticDNSOverHTTPSSingleton = &OpportunisticDNSOverHTTPS{
interval: 0,
mu: &sync.Mutex{},
rnd: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),
t: time.Time{},
urls: []string{
// lookupHostDNSOverHTTPS performs a DNS lookup using a DoH resolver. This function must
// always emit an ouput on the [out] channel to synchronize with the caller func.
func (t *DNSResolvers) lookupHostDNSOverHTTPS(parentCtx context.Context, out chan<- []string) {
// obtain an opportunistic DoH URL
URL, good := OpportunisticDNSOverHTTPSSingleton.MaybeNextURL()
if !good {
// no need to perform opportunistic DoH at this time but we still
// need to fake out a lookup to please our caller
out <- []string{}
// create context with attached a timeout
const timeout = 4 * time.Second
lookupCtx, lookpCancel := context.WithTimeout(parentCtx, timeout)
defer lookpCancel()
// create trace's index
index := t.IDGenerator.Add(1)
// create trace
trace := measurexlite.NewTrace(index, t.ZeroTime)
// start the operation logger
ol := measurexlite.NewOperationLogger(
t.Logger, "[#%d] lookup %s using %s", index, t.Domain, URL,
// runs the lookup
reso := trace.NewParallelDNSOverHTTPSResolver(t.Logger, URL)
addrs, err := reso.LookupHost(lookupCtx, t.Domain)
// save results making sure we properly split DoH queries from other queries
doh, other := t.dohSplitQueries(trace.DNSLookupsFromRoundTrip())
t.TestKeys.WithTestKeysDoH(func(tkdh *TestKeysDoH) {
tkdh.Queries = append(tkdh.Queries, other...)
tkdh.NetworkEvents = append(tkdh.NetworkEvents, trace.NetworkEvents()...)
tkdh.TCPConnect = append(tkdh.TCPConnect, trace.TCPConnects()...)
tkdh.TLSHandshakes = append(tkdh.TLSHandshakes, trace.TLSHandshakes()...)
out <- addrs
// Divides queries generated by DoH in DoH-proper queries and other queries.
func (t *DNSResolvers) dohSplitQueries(
input []*model.ArchivalDNSLookupResult) (doh, other []*model.ArchivalDNSLookupResult) {
for _, query := range input {
switch query.Engine {
case "doh":
doh = append(doh, query)
other = append(other, query)
// startCleartextFlows starts a TCP measurement flow for each IP addr.
func (t *DNSResolvers) startCleartextFlows(
ctx context.Context,
ps *prioritySelector,
addresses []DNSEntry,
) {
if t.URL.Scheme != "http" {
// Do not bother with measuring HTTP when the user
// has asked us to measure an HTTPS URL.
port := "80"
if urlPort := t.URL.Port(); urlPort != "" {
port = urlPort
for _, addr := range addresses {
task := &CleartextFlow{
Address: net.JoinHostPort(addr.Addr, port),
DNSCache: t.DNSCache,
IDGenerator: t.IDGenerator,
Logger: t.Logger,
NumRedirects: t.NumRedirects,
TestKeys: t.TestKeys,
ZeroTime: t.ZeroTime,
WaitGroup: t.WaitGroup,
CookieJar: t.CookieJar,
FollowRedirects: t.URL.Scheme == "http",
HostHeader: t.URL.Host,
PrioSelector: ps,
Referer: t.Referer,
UDPAddress: t.UDPAddress,
URLPath: t.URL.Path,
URLRawQuery: t.URL.RawQuery,
// startSecureFlows starts a TCP+TLS measurement flow for each IP addr.
func (t *DNSResolvers) startSecureFlows(
ctx context.Context,
ps *prioritySelector,
addresses []DNSEntry,
) {
if t.URL.Scheme != "https" {
// When the scheme is not HTTPS we fetch using HTTP
ps = nil
port := "443"
if urlPort := t.URL.Port(); urlPort != "" {
if t.URL.Scheme != "https" {
// If the URL is like http://example.com:8080/, we don't know
// which would be the correct port where to use HTTPS.
port = urlPort
for _, addr := range addresses {
task := &SecureFlow{
Address: net.JoinHostPort(addr.Addr, port),
DNSCache: t.DNSCache,
IDGenerator: t.IDGenerator,
Logger: t.Logger,
NumRedirects: t.NumRedirects,
TestKeys: t.TestKeys,
ZeroTime: t.ZeroTime,
WaitGroup: t.WaitGroup,
ALPN: []string{"h2", "http/1.1"},
CookieJar: t.CookieJar,
FollowRedirects: t.URL.Scheme == "https",
SNI: t.URL.Hostname(),
HostHeader: t.URL.Host,
PrioSelector: ps,
Referer: t.Referer,
UDPAddress: t.UDPAddress,
URLPath: t.URL.Path,
URLRawQuery: t.URL.RawQuery,
// maybeStartControlFlow starts the control flow iff .Session and .THAddr are set.
func (t *DNSResolvers) maybeStartControlFlow(
ctx context.Context,
ps *prioritySelector,
addresses []DNSEntry,
) {
// note: for subsequent requests we don't set .Session and .THAddr hence
// we are not going to query the test helper more than once
if t.Session != nil && t.THAddr != "" {
var addrs []string
for _, addr := range addresses {
addrs = append(addrs, addr.Addr)
ctrl := &Control{
Addresses: addrs,
ExtraMeasurementsStarter: t, // allows starting follow-up measurement flows
Logger: t.Logger,
PrioSelector: ps,
TestKeys: t.TestKeys,
Session: t.Session,
THAddr: t.THAddr,
WaitGroup: t.WaitGroup,