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// Package modelx contains the data modelx.
package modelx
import (
// Measurement contains zero or more events. Do not assume that at any
// time a Measurement will only contain a single event. When a Measurement
// contains an event, the corresponding pointer is non nil.
// All events contain a time measurement, `DurationSinceBeginning`, that
// uses a monotonic clock and is relative to a preconfigured "zero".
type Measurement struct {
// DNS events
ResolveStart *ResolveStartEvent `json:",omitempty"`
DNSQuery *DNSQueryEvent `json:",omitempty"`
DNSReply *DNSReplyEvent `json:",omitempty"`
ResolveDone *ResolveDoneEvent `json:",omitempty"`
// Syscalls
// Because they are syscalls, we don't split them in start/done pairs
// but we record the amount of time in which we were blocked.
Connect *ConnectEvent `json:",omitempty"`
Read *ReadEvent `json:",omitempty"`
Write *WriteEvent `json:",omitempty"`
Close *CloseEvent `json:",omitempty"`
// TLS events
TLSHandshakeStart *TLSHandshakeStartEvent `json:",omitempty"`
TLSHandshakeDone *TLSHandshakeDoneEvent `json:",omitempty"`
// HTTP roundtrip events
// A round trip starts when we need a connection to send a request
// and ends when we've got the response headers or an error.
HTTPRoundTripStart *HTTPRoundTripStartEvent `json:",omitempty"`
HTTPConnectionReady *HTTPConnectionReadyEvent `json:",omitempty"`
HTTPRequestHeader *HTTPRequestHeaderEvent `json:",omitempty"`
HTTPRequestHeadersDone *HTTPRequestHeadersDoneEvent `json:",omitempty"`
HTTPRequestDone *HTTPRequestDoneEvent `json:",omitempty"`
HTTPResponseStart *HTTPResponseStartEvent `json:",omitempty"`
HTTPRoundTripDone *HTTPRoundTripDoneEvent `json:",omitempty"`
// HTTP body events
HTTPResponseBodyPart *HTTPResponseBodyPartEvent `json:",omitempty"`
HTTPResponseDone *HTTPResponseDoneEvent `json:",omitempty"`
// Extension events.
// The purpose of these events is to give us some flexibility to
// experiment with message formats before blessing something as
// part of the official API of the library. The intent however is
// to avoid keeping something as an extension for a long time.
Extension *ExtensionEvent `json:",omitempty"`
// CloseEvent is emitted when the CLOSE syscall returns.
type CloseEvent struct {
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// Error is the error returned by CLOSE.
Error error
// SyscallDuration is the number of nanoseconds we were
// blocked waiting for the syscall to return.
SyscallDuration time.Duration
// ConnectEvent is emitted when the CONNECT syscall returns.
type ConnectEvent struct {
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// Error is the error returned by CONNECT.
Error error
// Network is the network we're dialing for, e.g. "tcp"
Network string
// RemoteAddress is the remote IP address we're dialing for
RemoteAddress string
// SyscallDuration is the number of nanoseconds we were
// blocked waiting for the syscall to return.
SyscallDuration time.Duration
// DNSQueryEvent is emitted when we send a DNS query.
type DNSQueryEvent struct {
// Data is the raw data we're sending to the server.
Data []byte
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// Msg is the parsed message we're sending to the server.
Msg *dns.Msg `json:"-"`
// DNSReplyEvent is emitted when we receive byte that are
// successfully parsed into a DNS reply.
type DNSReplyEvent struct {
// Data is the raw data we've received and parsed.
Data []byte
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// Msg is the received parsed message.
Msg *dns.Msg `json:"-"`
// ExtensionEvent is emitted by a netx extension.
type ExtensionEvent struct {
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// Key is the unique identifier of the event. A good rule of
// thumb is to use `${packageName}.${messageType}`.
Key string
// Severity of the emitted message ("WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG")
Severity string
// Value is the extension dependent message. This message
// has the only requirement of being JSON serializable.
Value interface{}
// HTTPRoundTripStartEvent is emitted when the HTTP transport
// starts the HTTP "round trip". That is, when the transport
// receives from the HTTP client a request to sent. The round
// trip terminates when we receive headers. What we call the
// "transaction" here starts with this event and does not finish
// until we have also finished receiving the response body.
type HTTPRoundTripStartEvent struct {
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// Method is the request method
Method string
// URL is the request URL
URL string
// HTTPConnectionReadyEvent is emitted when the HTTP transport has got
// a connection which is ready for sending the request.
type HTTPConnectionReadyEvent struct {
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// HTTPRequestHeaderEvent is emitted when we have written a header,
// where written typically means just "buffered".
type HTTPRequestHeaderEvent struct {
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// Key is the header key
Key string
// Value is the value/values of this header.
Value []string
// HTTPRequestHeadersDoneEvent is emitted when we have written, or more
// correctly, "buffered" all headers.
type HTTPRequestHeadersDoneEvent struct {
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// Headers contain the original request headers. This is included
// here to make this event actionable without needing to join it with
// other events, i.e., to simplify logging.
Headers http.Header
// Method is the original request method. This is here
// for the same reason of Headers.
Method string
// URL is the original request URL. This is here
// for the same reason of Headers. We use an object
// rather than a string, because here you want to
// use specific subfields directly for logging.
URL *url.URL
// HTTPRequestDoneEvent is emitted when we have sent the request
// body or there has been any failure in sending the request.
type HTTPRequestDoneEvent struct {
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// Error is non nil if we could not write the request headers or
// some specific part of the body. When this step of writing
// the request fails, of course the whole transaction will fail
// as well. This error however tells you that the issue was
// when sending the request, not when receiving the response.
Error error
// HTTPResponseStartEvent is emitted when we receive the byte from
// the response on the wire.
type HTTPResponseStartEvent struct {
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
const defaultBodySnapSize int64 = 1 << 20
// ComputeBodySnapSize computes the body snap size. If snapSize is negative
// we return MaxInt64. If it's zero we return the default snap size. Otherwise
// the value of snapSize is returned.
func ComputeBodySnapSize(snapSize int64) int64 {
if snapSize < 0 {
snapSize = math.MaxInt64
} else if snapSize == 0 {
snapSize = defaultBodySnapSize
return snapSize
// HTTPRoundTripDoneEvent is emitted at the end of the round trip. Either
// we have an error, or a valid HTTP response. An error could be caused
// either by not being able to send the request or not being able to receive
// the response. Note that here errors are network/TLS/dialing errors or
// protocol violation errors. No status code will cause errors here.
type HTTPRoundTripDoneEvent struct {
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// Error is the overall result of the round trip. If non-nil, checking
// also the result of HTTPResponseDone helps to disambiguate whether the
// error was in sending the request or receiving the response.
Error error
// RequestBodySnap contains a snap of the request body. We'll
// not read more than SnapSize bytes of the body. Because typically
// you control the request bodies that you send, perhaps think
// about saving them using other means.
RequestBodySnap []byte
// RequestHeaders contain the original request headers. This is
// included here to make this event actionable without needing to
// join it with other events, as it's too important.
RequestHeaders http.Header
// RequestMethod is the original request method. This is here
// for the same reason of RequestHeaders.
RequestMethod string
// RequestURL is the original request URL. This is here
// for the same reason of RequestHeaders.
RequestURL string
// ResponseBodySnap is like RequestBodySnap but for the response. You
// can still save the whole body by just reading it, if this
// is something that you need to do. We're using the snaps here
// mainly to log small stuff like DoH and redirects.
ResponseBodySnap []byte
// ResponseHeaders contains the response headers if error is nil.
ResponseHeaders http.Header
// ResponseProto contains the response protocol
ResponseProto string
// ResponseStatusCode contains the HTTP status code if error is nil.
ResponseStatusCode int64
// MaxBodySnapSize is the maximum size of the bodies snapshot.
MaxBodySnapSize int64
// HTTPResponseBodyPartEvent is emitted after we have received
// a part of the response body, or an error reading it. Note that
// bytes read here does not necessarily match bytes returned by
// ReadEvent because of (1) transparent gzip decompression by Go,
// (2) HTTP overhead (headers and chunked body), (3) TLS. This
// is the reason why we also want to record the error here rather
// than just recording the error in ReadEvent.
// Note that you are not going to see this event if you do not
// drain the response body, which you're supposed to do, tho.
type HTTPResponseBodyPartEvent struct {
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// Error indicates whether we could not read a part of the body
Error error
// Data is a reference to the body we've just read.
Data []byte
// HTTPResponseDoneEvent is emitted after we have received the body,
// when the response body is being closed.
// Note that you are not going to see this event if you do not
// drain the response body, which you're supposed to do, tho.
type HTTPResponseDoneEvent struct {
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// ReadEvent is emitted when the READ/RECV syscall returns.
type ReadEvent struct {
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// Error is the error returned by READ/RECV.
Error error
// NumBytes is the number of bytes received, which may in
// principle also be nonzero on error.
NumBytes int64
// SyscallDuration is the number of nanoseconds we were
// blocked waiting for the syscall to return.
SyscallDuration time.Duration
// ResolveStartEvent is emitted when we start resolving a domain name.
type ResolveStartEvent struct {
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// Hostname is the domain name to resolve.
Hostname string
// TransportNetwork is the network used by the DNS transport, which
// can be one of "doh", "dot", "tcp", "udp", or "system".
TransportNetwork string
// TransportAddress is the address used by the DNS transport, which
// is of course relative to the TransportNetwork.
TransportAddress string
// ResolveDoneEvent is emitted when we know the IP addresses of a
// specific domain name, or the resolution failed.
type ResolveDoneEvent struct {
// Addresses is the list of returned addresses (empty on error).
Addresses []string
// ContainsBogons indicates whether Addresses contains one
// or more IP addresses that classify as bogons.
ContainsBogons bool
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// Error is the result of the dial operation.
Error error
// Hostname is the domain name to resolve.
Hostname string
// TransportNetwork is the network used by the DNS transport, which
// can be one of "doh", "dot", "tcp", "udp", or "system".
TransportNetwork string
// TransportAddress is the address used by the DNS transport, which
// is of course relative to the TransportNetwork.
TransportAddress string
// X509Certificate is an x.509 certificate.
type X509Certificate struct {
// Data contains the certificate bytes in DER format.
Data []byte
// TLSConnectionState contains the TLS connection state.
type TLSConnectionState struct {
CipherSuite uint16
NegotiatedProtocol string
PeerCertificates []X509Certificate
Version uint16
// NewTLSConnectionState creates a new TLSConnectionState.
func NewTLSConnectionState(s tls.ConnectionState) TLSConnectionState {
return TLSConnectionState{
CipherSuite: s.CipherSuite,
NegotiatedProtocol: s.NegotiatedProtocol,
PeerCertificates: SimplifyCerts(s.PeerCertificates),
Version: s.Version,
// SimplifyCerts simplifies a certificate chain for archival
func SimplifyCerts(in []*x509.Certificate) (out []X509Certificate) {
for _, cert := range in {
out = append(out, X509Certificate{
Data: cert.Raw,
// TLSHandshakeStartEvent is emitted when the TLS handshake starts.
type TLSHandshakeStartEvent struct {
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// SNI is the SNI used when we force a specific SNI.
SNI string
// TLSHandshakeDoneEvent is emitted when conn.Handshake returns.
type TLSHandshakeDoneEvent struct {
// ConnectionState is the TLS connection state. Depending on the
// error type, some fields may have little meaning.
ConnectionState TLSConnectionState
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// Error is the result of the TLS handshake.
Error error
// WriteEvent is emitted when the WRITE/SEND syscall returns.
type WriteEvent struct {
// DurationSinceBeginning is the number of nanoseconds since
// the time configured as the "zero" time.
DurationSinceBeginning time.Duration
// Error is the error returned by WRITE/SEND.
Error error
// NumBytes is the number of bytes sent, which may in
// principle also be nonzero on error.
NumBytes int64
// SyscallDuration is the number of nanoseconds we were
// blocked waiting for the syscall to return.
SyscallDuration time.Duration
// Handler handles measurement events.
type Handler interface {
// OnMeasurement is called when an event occurs. There will be no
// events after the code that is using the modified Dialer, Transport,
// or Client is returned. OnMeasurement may be called by background
// goroutines and OnMeasurement calls may happen concurrently.
// DNSResolver is a DNS resolver. The *net.Resolver used by Go implements
// this interface, but other implementations are possible.
type DNSResolver interface {
// LookupHost resolves a hostname to a list of IP addresses.
LookupHost(ctx context.Context, hostname string) (addrs []string, err error)
// Dialer is a dialer for network connections.
type Dialer interface {
// Dial dials a new connection
Dial(network, address string) (net.Conn, error)
// DialContext is like Dial but with context
DialContext(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (net.Conn, error)
// TLSDialer is a dialer for TLS connections.
type TLSDialer interface {
// DialTLS dials a new TLS connection
DialTLS(network, address string) (net.Conn, error)
// DialTLSContext is like DialTLS but with context
DialTLSContext(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (net.Conn, error)
// MeasurementRoot is the measurement root.
// If you attach this to a context, we'll use it rather than using
// the beginning and hndler configured with resolvers, dialers, HTTP
// clients, and HTTP transports. By attaching a measurement root to
// a context, you can naturally split events by HTTP round trip.
type MeasurementRoot struct {
// Beginning is the "zero" used to compute the elapsed time.
Beginning time.Time
// Handler is the handler that will handle events.
Handler Handler
// MaxBodySnapSize is the maximum size after which we'll stop
// reading request and response bodies. They will of course
// be fully transmitted, but we'll save only MaxBodySnapSize
// bytes as part of the event stream. If this value is negative,
// we use math.MaxInt64. If the value is zero, we use a
// reasonable large value. Otherwise, we'll use this value.
MaxBodySnapSize int64
type measurementRootContextKey struct{}
type dummyHandler struct{}
func (*dummyHandler) OnMeasurement(Measurement) {}
// ContextMeasurementRoot returns the MeasurementRoot configured in the
// provided context, or a nil pointer, if not set.
func ContextMeasurementRoot(ctx context.Context) *MeasurementRoot {
root, _ := ctx.Value(measurementRootContextKey{}).(*MeasurementRoot)
return root
// ContextMeasurementRootOrDefault returns the MeasurementRoot configured in
// the provided context, or a working, dummy, MeasurementRoot otherwise.
func ContextMeasurementRootOrDefault(ctx context.Context) *MeasurementRoot {
root := ContextMeasurementRoot(ctx)
if root == nil {
root = &MeasurementRoot{
Beginning: time.Now(),
Handler: &dummyHandler{},
return root
// WithMeasurementRoot returns a copy of the context with the
// configured MeasurementRoot set. Panics if the provided root
// is a nil pointer, like httptrace.WithClientTrace.
// Merging more than one root is not supported. Setting again
// the root is just going to replace the original root.
func WithMeasurementRoot(
ctx context.Context, root *MeasurementRoot,
) context.Context {
if root == nil {
panic("nil measurement root")
return context.WithValue(
ctx, measurementRootContextKey{}, root,