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-- +migrate Down
-- +migrate StatementBegin
DROP TABLE `results`;
DROP TABLE `measurements`;
DROP TABLE `urls`;
DROP TABLE `networks`;
-- +migrate StatementEnd
-- +migrate Up
-- +migrate StatementBegin
CREATE TABLE `results` (
-- This can be one of "websites", "im", "performance", "middlebox".
`test_group_name` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
-- We use a different start_time and runtime, because we want to also have
-- data to measure the overhead of creating a report and other factors that
-- go into the test.
-- That is to say: `SUM(runtime) FROM measurements` will always be <=
-- `runtime FROM results` (most times <)
`start_time` DATETIME NOT NULL,
`runtime` REAL NOT NULL,
-- Used to indicate if the user has seen this result
`is_viewed` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL,
-- This is a flag used to indicate if the result is done or is currently running.
`is_done` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL,
`data_usage_up` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`data_usage_down` INTEGER NOT NULL,
-- It's probably reasonable to set the maximum length to 260 as this is the
-- maximum length of file paths on windows.
`log_file_path` VARCHAR(260) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE `measurements` (
-- This can be one of:
-- facebook_messenger
-- telegram
-- whatsapp
-- http_header_field_manipulation
-- http_invalid_request_line
-- dash
-- ndt
`test_name` VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
`start_time` DATETIME NOT NULL,
`runtime` REAL NOT NULL,
-- For the purpose of populating the probe information in the results
-- views, you should pick the first measurement in the JOIN sorted by
-- start_time.
-- You don't have the guarantee that every (ip, asn, country, network_name)
-- is the same in a "measurement set" associated to a "result".
`network_id` INTEGER NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (`network_id`) REFERENCES `networks`(`id`),
-- Note for golang: we used to have state be one of `done` and `active`, so
-- this is equivalent to done being true or false.
-- `state` TEXT,
`is_done` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL,
-- The reason to have a dedicated is_uploaded flag, instead of just using
-- is_upload_failed, is that we may not have uploaded the measurement due
-- to a setting.
`is_uploaded` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL,
-- This is the measurement failed to run and the user should be offerred to
-- re-run it.
`is_failed` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL,
`failure_msg` VARCHAR(255),
`is_upload_failed` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL,
`upload_failure_msg` VARCHAR(255),
-- Is used to indicate that this particular measurement has been re-run and
-- therefore the UI can take this into account to either hide it from the
-- result view or at the very least disable the ability to re-run it.
-- XXX do we also want to have a reference to the re-run measurement?
`is_rerun` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL,
-- This is the server-side report_id returned by the collector. By using
-- report_id & input, you can query the api to fetch this measurement.
-- Ex.
-- GET https://api.ooni.io/api/v1/measurements?input=$INPUT&report_id=$REPORT_ID
-- Extract the first item from the `result[]` list and then fetch:
-- `measurement_url` to get the JSON of this measurement row.
-- These two values (`report_id`, `input`) are useful to fetch a
-- measurement that has already been processed by the pipeline, to
-- implement cleanup of already uploaded measurements.
`report_id` VARCHAR(255), -- This can be NULL when no report file has been
-- created.
FOREIGN KEY (`url_id`) REFERENCES `urls`(`id`),
-- This is not yet a feature of the collector, but we are planning to add
-- this at some point in the near future.
-- See: https://github.com/ooni/pipeline/blob/master/docs/ooni-uuid.md &
-- https://github.com/ooni/pipeline/issues/48
`measurement_id` INT(64),
-- This indicates in the case of a websites test, that a site is likely
-- blocked, or for an IM test if the IM tests says the app is likely
-- blocked, or if a middlebox was detected.
-- You can `JOIN` a `COUNT()` of this value in the results view to get a count of
-- blocked sites or blocked IM apps
`is_anomaly` TINYINT(1),
-- This is an opaque JSON structure, where we store some of the test_keys
-- we need for the measurement details views and some result views (ex. the
-- upload/download speed of NDT, the reason for blocking of a site,
-- etc.)
`test_keys` JSON,
-- The cross table reference to JOIN the two tables together.
`result_id` INTEGER NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (`result_id`) REFERENCES `results`(`id`)
ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, -- If we delete a result we also want
-- all the measurements to be deleted as well.
-- This is a variable used internally to track the path to the on-disk
-- measurements.json. It may make sense to write one file per entry by
-- hooking MK and preventing it from writing to a file on disk which may
-- have many measurements per file.
`report_file_path` VARCHAR(260) NOT NULL,
2018-08-07 19:32:59 +02:00
`url` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, -- XXX is this long enough?
`category_code` VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL, -- The citizenlab category code for the
-- site. We use the string NONE to denote
-- no known category code.
`country_code` VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL -- The two letter country code which this
-- URL belongs to
-- We create a separate table for networks for 2 reasons:
-- 1. For some of the views where need the total number of measured networks,
-- it's going to be much more efficient to just lookup the count of rows in this
-- table.
-- 2. (most important) We want to avoid duplicating a bunch of information that
-- is going to be common to several networks the user is on.
-- Example:
-- We may wish to add to this table the location from of the probe from the GPS
-- or add support for allowing the user to "correct" a misclassified measurement
-- or distinguishing between wifi and mobile.
CREATE TABLE `networks` (
`network_name` VARCHAR(255), -- String name representing the network_name which by default is populated based
-- on the ASN.
-- We use a separate key to reference the rows in
-- this tables, because we may wish to "enrich"
-- this with more data in the future.
2018-09-05 14:29:47 +02:00
`network_type` VARCHAR(16), -- One of wifi, mobile
`ip` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, -- Stores a string representation of an ipv4 or ipv6 address.
-- The longest ip is an ipv6 address like:
-- 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000,
-- which is 39 chars.
`asn` INT(4) NOT NULL,
2018-08-07 19:32:59 +02:00
`country_code` VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL, -- The two letter country code
-- +migrate StatementEnd