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// -=-=- StartHere -=-=-
// # Chapter VII: Measuring all the HTTPEndpoints for a domain
// We are now going to combine DNS resolutions with getting
// HTTPEndpoints. Conceptually, the DNS resolution yields
// us a list of IP addresses. For each address, we build the
// HTTPEndpoint and fetch it like we did in chapter06.
// (This file is auto-generated. Do not edit it directly! To apply
// changes you need to modify `./internal/tutorial/measurex/chapter07/main.go`.)
// ## main.go
// We have package declaration and imports as usual.
// ```Go
package main
import (
// ```
// Here we define an helper type for containing the DNS
// measurement and the subsequent endpoints measurements.
// ```Go
type measurement struct {
DNS *measurex.DNSMeasurement
Endpoints []*measurex.HTTPEndpointMeasurement
// ```
// The rest of the program is quite similar to what we had before.
// ```Go
func print(v interface{}) {
data, err := json.Marshal(v)
runtimex.PanicOnError(err, "json.Marshal failed")
fmt.Printf("%s\n", string(data))
func main() {
URL := flag.String("url", "https://google.com/", "URL to fetch")
address := flag.String("address", "", "DNS-over-UDP server address")
timeout := flag.Duration("timeout", 60*time.Second, "timeout to use")
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), *timeout)
defer cancel()
parsed, err := url.Parse(*URL)
runtimex.PanicOnError(err, "url.Parse failed")
mx := measurex.NewMeasurerWithDefaultSettings()
// ```
// This is where the main.go file starts to diverge. We create an
// instance of our measurement type to hold the results.
// ```Go
m := &measurement{}
// ```
// Then we perform a DNS lookup using UDP like we saw in chapter03.
// ```Go
m.DNS = mx.LookupHostUDP(ctx, parsed.Hostname(), *address)
// ```
// Like we did in the previous chapter, we create suitable HTTP
// headers for performing an HTTP measurement.
// ```Go
headers := measurex.NewHTTPRequestHeaderForMeasuring()
// ```
// The following is an entirely new function we're learning
// about just now. `AllHTTPEndpointsForURL` is a free function
// in `measurex` that given:
// - an already parsed HTTP/HTTPS URL
// - headers we want to use
// - the result of one or more DNS queries
// builds us a list of HTTPEndpoint data structures.
// ```Go
httpEndpoints, err := measurex.AllHTTPEndpointsForURL(parsed, headers, m.DNS)
runtimex.PanicOnError(err, "cannot get all the HTTP endpoints")
// ```
// This function may fail if, for example, the URL is not HTTP/HTTPS. We
// handle the error panicking, because this is an example program.
// We are almost done now: we loop over all the endpoints and apply the
// `HTTPEndpointGetWithoutCookies` method we have seen in chapter06.
// ```Go
for _, epnt := range httpEndpoints {
m.Endpoints = append(m.Endpoints, mx.HTTPEndpointGetWithoutCookies(ctx, epnt))
// ```
// Finally, we print the results.
// ```Go
// ```
// ## Running the example program
// Let us perform a vanilla run first:
// ```bash
// go run -race ./internal/tutorial/measurex/chapter07
// ```
// Please, check the JSON output. Do you recognize the fields
// we have described in previous chapters?
// Can you provoke common errors such as DNS resolution
// errors, TCP connect errors, TLS handshake errors, and
// HTTP round trip errors? How does the JSON change?
// ## Conclusion
// We have seen how to combine DNS resolutions (chapter01 and
// chapter03) with HTTPEndpoint GET (chapter06) to measure
// all the HTTP endpoints for a given domain.
// -=-=- StopHere -=-=-